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John Bunny

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Clara Scallan (23.01.1890) (детей: 2)
Родился: 21 сентября 1863, Дева (160 лет назад)
Умер:: 26 апреля 1915 (51 лет)
Последний фильм: 1953
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.27

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Вчера и сегодня
Вчера и сегодня (1953)

Yesterday and Today (0.00)

Movie Album Featurettes
Movie Album Featurettes (1935)

Father's Flirtation
Father's Flirtation (1914)
Mr. Bunny

The Old Maid's Baby
The Old Maid's Baby (1914)

The King

Hearts and Diamonds
Hearts and Diamonds (1914)
Widower Tupper

Tangled Tangoists
Tangled Tangoists (1914)

Private Bunny
Private Bunny (1914)
Private Bunny

The Honeymooners
The Honeymooners (1914)
The Uncle

The Vases of Hymen
The Vases of Hymen (1914)
Mr. Bunny

Such a Hunter
Such a Hunter (1914)

A Train of Incidents
A Train of Incidents (1914)

Love, Luck and Gasoline
Love, Luck and Gasoline (1914)
Miss Tomboy's Father

Love's Old Dream
Love's Old Dream (1914)
Professor Simon Sweet

Pigs Is Pigs
Pigs Is Pigs (1914)

Polishing Up
Polishing Up (1914)
John Bunny

Bunny Backslides
Bunny Backslides (1914)

Bunco Bill's Visit
Bunco Bill's Visit (1914)
The Farmer

Bunny's Little Brother
Bunny's Little Brother (1914)

Bunny Buys a Harem
Bunny Buys a Harem (1914)
Mr. Bunny

The Locked House
The Locked House (1914)

Bunny's Birthday
Bunny's Birthday (1914)
Mr. Bunny

Mr. Bunny in Disguise
Mr. Bunny in Disguise (1914)

Setting the Style
Setting the Style (1914)
Mr. Finnegan

Bunny's Mistake
Bunny's Mistake (1914)
Mr. Bunny, Motorist

Mr. Bunnyhug

The Old Fire Horse

A Strand of Blond Hair
A Strand of Blond Hair (1914)

Bunny's Scheme
Bunny's Scheme (1914)
Mr. Bunny

Bunny's Swell Affair
Bunny's Swell Affair (1914)
Mr. Bunny - a Pharmacist

Stenographer's Troubles
Stenographer's Troubles (1913)
Mr. Bunny, the Boss

Three Black Bags
Three Black Bags (1913)
Detective Brown

A Gentleman of Fashion
A Gentleman of Fashion (1913)

Judge J.B. Jones

Cutey's Uncle


The Husband

The Pickwick Papers
The Pickwick Papers (1913)
Samuel Pickwick

Bunny's Dilemma
Bunny's Dilemma (1913)
John Bunny

Hubby's Toothache
Hubby's Toothache (1913)

Cupid's Hired Man
Cupid's Hired Man (1913)
John Henry Jones

A Millinery Bomb
A Millinery Bomb (1913)
Reggie Burrows

Ma's Apron Strings
Ma's Apron Strings (1913)
Pa Smith

The Fortune
The Fortune (1913)

The Pirates
The Pirates (1913)
John Merwin

The Pickpocket
The Pickpocket (1913)

The Man Higher Up
The Man Higher Up (1913)
Captain Bison

A Musician

He Answered the Ad
He Answered the Ad (1913)

The Schemers
The Schemers (1913)

Suspicious Henry
Suspicious Henry (1913)

And His Wife Came Back
And His Wife Came Back (1913)
The Husband

His Honor, the Mayor
His Honor, the Mayor (1913)
Mr. Bullington, the Mayor

Which Way Did He Go?
Which Way Did He Go? (1913)
Mr. Henpecko

Bunny Versus Cutey
Bunny Versus Cutey (1913)

Love's Quarantine
Love's Quarantine (1913)

Bunny for the Cause
Bunny for the Cause (1913)
John Bunny

His Tired Uncle
His Tired Uncle (1913)
The Uncle

Flaming Hearts
Flaming Hearts (1913)
Jonathan Whippletree

Bunny's Honeymoon
Bunny's Honeymoon (1913)
Mr. Bunny, Dorothy's Grandfather

John Tobin's Sweetheart
John Tobin's Sweetheart (1913)
John Tobin II

The Feudists
The Feudists (1913)
Second Husband

Mr. Samuel Pickwick

When the Press Speaks
When the Press Speaks (1913)

Bunny as a Reporter
Bunny as a Reporter (1913)

John Bull

Hubby Buys a Baby
Hubby Buys a Baby (1913)
Mr. Bunny

Seeing Double
Seeing Double (1913)

The Wonderful Statue
The Wonderful Statue (1913)
Mr. Dennis

Mr. Bolter's Niece
Mr. Bolter's Niece (1913)
Mr. Bolter

Her Old Sweetheart
Her Old Sweetheart (1912)
Mr. Bunny, a Homesick Old Man

Captain Jenks' Dilemma
Captain Jenks' Dilemma (1912)
Captain Jenks

The Unknown Violinist
The Unknown Violinist (1912)

Chumps (1912)
Mr. Bun Johnny, the Full-Grown Star

Chased by Bloodhounds
Chased by Bloodhounds (1912)

How He Papered the Room
How He Papered the Room (1912)
Mr. Jolliwell

Who's to Win?
Who's to Win? (1912)
Captain Bloggs

A Cure for Pokeritis
A Cure for Pokeritis (1912)
George Brown

Working for Hubby
Working for Hubby (1912)

Diamond Cut Diamond
Diamond Cut Diamond (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Martha's Rebellion
Martha's Rebellion (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Irene's Infatuation
Irene's Infatuation (1912)
A Famous Italian Singer

Mr. Bolter's Infatuation
Mr. Bolter's Infatuation (1912)
Mr. Bolter

The Bogus Napoleon
The Bogus Napoleon (1912)

The First Violin
The First Violin (1912)

Michael McShane

Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box (1912)
John Bunny

An Expensive Shine
An Expensive Shine (1912)

Ida's Christmas
Ida's Christmas (1912)
Santa Claus

Captain Jenks' Diplomacy
Captain Jenks' Diplomacy (1912)
Captain Jenks

Red Ink Tragedy
Red Ink Tragedy (1912)
John Sport

Leap Year Proposals
Leap Year Proposals (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Pseudo Sultan
Pseudo Sultan (1912)
An Adventurous Scotsman

Stenographers Wanted
Stenographers Wanted (1912)
Mr. Brown

Suing Susan
Suing Susan (1912)
Mr. Bunny

The Suit of Armor
The Suit of Armor (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Mr. Burton, Cina's Second Husband

Two Cinders
Two Cinders (1912)

Umbrellas to Mend
Umbrellas to Mend (1912)
Mr. Bunny

His Mother-in-Law
His Mother-in-Law (1912)
The Husband

The Awakening of Jones
The Awakening of Jones (1912)
Mr. Jones

At Scrogginses' Corner
At Scrogginses' Corner (1912)
Mr. Bunny, a Shopkeeper

Bachelor Buttons
Bachelor Buttons (1912)
The Bachelor

Freckles (1912)
Mr. Bunny (1912)

Stenographer Wanted
Stenographer Wanted (1912)

Bunny All at Sea
Bunny All at Sea (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Bunny and the Twins
Bunny and the Twins (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Doctor Bridget
Doctor Bridget (1912)

Burnt Cork
Burnt Cork (1912)

Bunny at the Derby
Bunny at the Derby (1912)
Mr. Bunny

Bunny and the Dogs
Bunny and the Dogs (1912)

Mr. Bunny - Court Officer

An Eventful Elopement
An Eventful Elopement (1912)
An Old Man with the Gout

Thou Shalt Not Covet
Thou Shalt Not Covet (1912)
Mr. Moore, The Husband

Captain Bunce

Bunny's Suicide
Bunny's Suicide (1912)
Mr. Bunny

A Persistent Lover
A Persistent Lover (1912)
The Persistent Lover

A Queen for a Day
A Queen for a Day (1911)
Bridget McSweeney

The New Stenographer
The New Stenographer (1911)
The Fat Employer

The Old Doll
The Old Doll (1911)

In the Arctic Night
In the Arctic Night (1911)

An Unexpected Review
An Unexpected Review (1911)
The Fat Butler

Captain Barnacle

Intrepid Davy
Intrepid Davy (1911)
(unidentified role)

A Slight Mistake
A Slight Mistake (1911)

The Latent Spark
The Latent Spark (1911)

Her Crowning Glory
Her Crowning Glory (1911)
Mortimer (в титрах отсутствует)


Her Hero
Her Hero (1911)
Mr. Brown

Undetermined Role

His Sister's Children
His Sister's Children (1911)

My Old Dutch
My Old Dutch (1911)

Kitty and the Cowboys
Kitty and the Cowboys (1911)

The Leading Lady
The Leading Lady (1911)

Selecting His Heiress
Selecting His Heiress (1911)
Mr. Bunny

Уинзор МакКэй и его движущиеся картинки
Уинзор МакКэй и его движущиеся картинки (1911)

Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics (7.30)

The Politician's Dream
The Politician's Dream (1911)
Simon Stubbs

Two Overcoats
Two Overcoats (1911)
Mr. Bunny

Treasure Trove
Treasure Trove (1911)

The Subduing of Mrs. Nag
The Subduing of Mrs. Nag (1911)
Mr. Bunny

Captain Barnacle's Baby
Captain Barnacle's Baby (1911)
Captain Barnacle

Ярмарка тщеславия
Ярмарка тщеславия (1911)

Vanity Fair (0.00)
Joseph Sedley

The Missing Will
The Missing Will (1911)

Ups and Downs
Ups and Downs (1911)
The Wife's Father

История двух городов
История двух городов (1911)

A Tale of Two Cities (7.00)
Jailer (в титрах отсутствует)

Mr. Bunny - a Traveling Ventriloquist

Dick Deadeye

Надоедливые секретари
Надоедливые секретари (1911)

Troublesome Secretaries (4.90)
Harding - The Father

The Lover

Madge of the Mountains
Madge of the Mountains (1911)

Doctor Cupid
Doctor Cupid (1911)

The Accepted Suitor

The Gossip
The Gossip (1911)
Mr. Bunny

The Wooing of Winifred
The Wooing of Winifred (1911)

In Neighboring Kingdoms
In Neighboring Kingdoms (1910)

He Who Laughs Last
He Who Laughs Last (1910)

Cupid and the Motor Boat
Cupid and the Motor Boat (1910)

Captain Barnacle

Captain Bragg

Cohen at Coney Island
Cohen at Coney Island (1909)

Cohen's Dream
Cohen's Dream (1909)


Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Парад фильмов
Парад фильмов (1933)

The Film Parade (7.40)
Себя, film clip (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Кино-альбом (1931)

The Movie Album (6.60)
Себя (хроника)

How Cissy Made Good
How Cissy Made Good (1914)
Himself (в титрах отсутствует)

Cork and Vicinity
Cork and Vicinity (1912)


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