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James Parrott

Профессии: Режиссёр, Сценарист, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 02 августа 1897, Лев (126 лет назад)
Умер:: 10 мая 1939 (41 лет)
Последний фильм: 1938
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.61

Все | Актёр | Режиссёр | Сценарист | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

Дважды два
Дважды два (1933)

Warcraft (6.70)

Помощники (1932)

Warcraft (7.90)

Окружная больница
Окружная больница (1932)

Warcraft (7.20)

Под запорами
Под запорами (1931)

Sous les verrous (6.60)

Будь больше!
Будь больше! (1931)

Warcraft (6.50)

Ночные воришки
Ночные воришки (1930)

Warcraft (7.30)

С Днем Рождения
С Днем Рождения (1929)

Warcraft (0.00)

Идеальный день
Идеальный день (1929)

Warcraft (7.00)

Они наводят шороху!
Они наводят шороху! (1929)

Warcraft (6.90)

Два моряка
Два моряка (1928)

Warcraft (7.40)

Just a Minute
Just a Minute (1924)


Сценарист [ скрыть ]

Сними звезду
Сними звезду (1938)

Warcraft (7.50)

Швейцарская мисс
Швейцарская мисс (1938)

Warcraft (6.50)

Путь с Запада
Путь с Запада (1937)

Warcraft (7.70)

Богемская девушка
Богемская девушка (1936)

Warcraft (6.70)

Кудряшка (1935)

Warcraft (6.70)

А вот и тетушка!
А вот и тетушка! (1926)

Warcraft (5.30)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Washee Ironee
Washee Ironee (1934)
Man walking by laundry

Pardon Us
Pardon Us (1931)
Marching Prisoner (в титрах отсутствует)

The Old War-Horse
The Old War-Horse (1926)
(as Paul Parrott)

Don't Butt In
Don't Butt In (1926)
The Roustabout (as Paul Parrott)

Between Meals
Between Meals (1926)
In Trouble (as Paul Parrott)

Hired and Fired
Hired and Fired (1926)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Only Son
The Only Son (1926)
(as Paul Parrott)

Soft Pedal
Soft Pedal (1926)
Willing, i.e. the Wizard of Finance (as Paul Parrott)

Pay the Cashier
Pay the Cashier (1926)
(as Paul Parrott)

Whispering Lions
Whispering Lions (1925)
Rhino (as Paul Parrott)

Are Parents Pickles?
Are Parents Pickles? (1925)
Fire Salesman (as Jimmie Parrott)

The Caretaker's Daughter
The Caretaker's Daughter (1925)
The Caretaker (as Jimmie Parrott)

Pain as You Enter
Pain as You Enter (1924)
(as Paul Parrott)

A Deep Sea Panic
A Deep Sea Panic (1924)
A Shanghaied Sailor

Sittin' Pretty
Sittin' Pretty (1924)
Bearded Lunatic

The Masked Marvel
The Masked Marvel (1924)
The Masked Marvel (as Paul Parrott)

Get Busy
Get Busy (1924)
Taller pal (as Paul Parrott)

Join the Circus
Join the Circus (1923)
Trainer (as Paul Parrott)

Get Your Man
Get Your Man (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Dear Ol' Pal
Dear Ol' Pal (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

A Loose Tightwad
A Loose Tightwad (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Good Riddance
Good Riddance (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Paste and Paper
Paste and Paper (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Take the Air
Take the Air (1923)
Iron-worker (as Paul Parrott)

Do Your Stuff
Do Your Stuff (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Tight Shoes
Tight Shoes (1923)
The New Clerk (as Paul Parrott)

Don't Say Die
Don't Say Die (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Shoot Straight
Shoot Straight (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Smile Wins
The Smile Wins (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Finger Prints
Finger Prints (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Bowled Over
Bowled Over (1923)
The Challenger (as Paul Parrott)

The Uncovered Wagon
The Uncovered Wagon (1923)
Bill Bunion (as Paul Parrott)

Mr. Hyppo
Mr. Hyppo (1923)
Professor Egg (as Paul Parrott)

For Art's Sake
For Art's Sake (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Speed the Swede
Speed the Swede (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Jailed and Bailed
Jailed and Bailed (1923)
Paul (as Paul Parrott)

For Guests Only
For Guests Only (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Watch Your Wife
Watch Your Wife (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

For Safe Keeping
For Safe Keeping (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Sunny Spain
Sunny Spain (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Post No Bills
Post No Bills (1923)
The Partner (as Paul Parrott)

Fresh Eggs
Fresh Eggs (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

No Pets
No Pets (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Live Wires
Live Wires (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Winner Take All
Winner Take All (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Once Over
Once Over (1923)
(as Paul Parrott)

Out on Bail
Out on Bail (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Rich Man, Poor Man
Rich Man, Poor Man (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Golf Bug
The Golf Bug (1922)
Paul (as Paul Parrott)

Rough on Romeo
Rough on Romeo (1922)
Lionel (as Paul Parrott)

Shine 'Em Up!
Shine 'Em Up! (1922)
Paul, the Hustler (as Paul Parrott)

Shiver and Shake
Shiver and Shake (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

A Bed of Roses
A Bed of Roses (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Touch All the Bases
Touch All the Bases (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Truth Juggler
The Truth Juggler (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Face the Camera
Face the Camera (1922)

The Sleuth
The Sleuth (1922)
Bellboy / house detective (as Paul Parrott)

Blaze Away
Blaze Away (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Try, Try Again
Try, Try Again (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Take Next Car
Take Next Car (1922)
Chief Engineer (as Paul Parrott)

Fair Week
Fair Week (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Bone Dry
Bone Dry (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Soak the Sheik
Soak the Sheik (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Fire the Fireman
Fire the Fireman (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Bride-to-Be
The Bride-to-Be (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Flivver
The Flivver (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Busy Bees
Busy Bees (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

I'll Take Vanilla
I'll Take Vanilla (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Washed Ashore
Washed Ashore (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Stand Pat
Stand Pat (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Landlubber
The Landlubber (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Wet Weather
Wet Weather (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Late Lamented
The Late Lamented (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Harvest Hands
Harvest Hands (1922)
The Son (as Paul Parrott)

The White Blacksmith
The White Blacksmith (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Friday, the Thirteenth
Friday, the Thirteenth (1922)
Superstitious Sammy (as Paul Parrott)

Loose Change
Loose Change (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Uppercut
The Uppercut (1922)
(as Paul Parrott)

Big Town Ideas
Big Town Ideas (1921)
Spick Sprague

Don't Park Here
Don't Park Here (1920)
A Car Owner

His First Flat Tire
His First Flat Tire (1920)
(as Paul Parrott)

The Dutiful Dub
The Dutiful Dub (1919)

Do You Love Your Wife?
Do You Love Your Wife? (1919)

Going! Going! Gone!
Going! Going! Gone! (1919)

Heap Big Chief
Heap Big Chief (1919)

I'm on My Way
I'm on My Way (1919)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Hustling for Health
Hustling for Health (1919)
Man missing his train (в титрах отсутствует)

A Jazzed Honeymoon
A Jazzed Honeymoon (1919)

Off the Trolley
Off the Trolley (1919)

Pistols for Breakfast
Pistols for Breakfast (1919)

Поднять занавес
Поднять занавес (1919)

Ring Up the Curtain (5.60)

A Sammy in Siberia
A Sammy in Siberia (1919)

An Auto Nut
An Auto Nut (1919)
The Auto Nut's Lawyer (as Paul Parrott)

Hoot Mon!
Hoot Mon! (1919)

Si, Senor
Si, Senor (1919)

Swat the Crook
Swat the Crook (1919)

Ask Father
Ask Father (1919)
Willie - Rival suitor (в титрах отсутствует)

Wanted - $5,000
Wanted - $5,000 (1919)

At the Old Stage Door
At the Old Stage Door (1919)

Young Mr. Jazz
Young Mr. Jazz (1919)

Chop Suey & Co.
Chop Suey & Co. (1919)

Count Your Change
Count Your Change (1919)

Crack Your Heels
Crack Your Heels (1919)

Don't Shove
Don't Shove (1919)
Party guest

Bride and Gloom
Bride and Gloom (1918)

No Place Like Jail
No Place Like Jail (1918)

An Ozark Romance
An Ozark Romance (1918)

Fireman Save My Child
Fireman Save My Child (1918)

Pipe the Whiskers
Pipe the Whiskers (1918)

Follow the Crowd
Follow the Crowd (1918)

Она меня не любит
Она меня не любит (1918)

She Loves Me Not (0.00)

A Gasoline Wedding
A Gasoline Wedding (1918)

Sic 'Em, Towser
Sic 'Em, Towser (1918)

Hear 'Em Rave
Hear 'Em Rave (1918)

Somewhere in Turkey
Somewhere in Turkey (1918)

Here Come the Girls
Here Come the Girls (1918)

That's Him
That's Him (1918)

Это он!
Это он! (1918)

Hey There (6.40)

Двое карабкующихся
Двое карабкующихся (1918)

Two Scrambled (0.00)

Hit Him Again
Hit Him Again (1918)

Two-Gun Gussie
Two-Gun Gussie (1918)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Why Pick on Me?
Why Pick on Me? (1918)

It's a Wild Life
It's a Wild Life (1918)

Куда глаза глядят
Куда глаза глядят (1918)

Just Rambling Along (5.60)
Waiter / chef assistant

Kicked Out
Kicked Out (1918)

Let's Go
Let's Go (1918)

On the Jump
On the Jump (1918)

Look Pleasant, Please
Look Pleasant, Please (1918)

An Aerial Joy Ride
An Aerial Joy Ride (1917)

(как Paul Parrott)


Топ 250
Oldeuboi (8.40)
Amadeus (8.40)
Развод Надера и Симин
Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (8.40)
Der Untergang (8.40)
Китайский квартал
Chinatown (8.40)
Бесславные ублюдки
Inglourious Basterds (8.30)
История игрушек
Toy Story (8.30)
Лицо со шрамом
Scarface (8.30)
Лабиринт Фавна
El laberinto del fauno (8.30)
Бэтмен: Начало
Batman Begins (8.30)
весь топ