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Don Drysdale

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Eula Ginger' Dubberly' (00.00.1958) (детей: 1), Ann Meyers (00.00.1986) (детей: 3)
Рост: 198
Родился: 23 июля 1936, Лев (87 лет назад)
Умер:: 03 июля 1993 (56 лет)
Последний фильм: 1992
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.62

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

You Must Remember This
You Must Remember This (1992)
Baseball Announcer (голос)

Бродячие ангелы
Бродячие ангелы (1980)

Gypsy Angels (2.70)
Air Race Announcer

Himself - Color Commentator

Himself - Color Commentator

Himself - Color Commentator

Carnival Nights
Carnival Nights (1968)

 the Umpire (1 episode, 1969)

Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

1965 World Series
1965 World Series (1965)
Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

Эксперимент с ужасом
Эксперимент с ужасом (1962)

Experiment in Terror (7.10)
Himself - Dodger Pitcher (в титрах отсутствует)

Soldier in E-Club (as Don Drysdale Los Angeles Dodgers)

1959 World Series
1959 World Series (1959)
Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge

Self - Bachelor Judge




Self - Pitcher for Los Angeles Dodgers

Self - Bachelor Judge

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Himself (хроника)

1989 MLB All-Star Game
1989 MLB All-Star Game (1989)
Himself - NL Honorary Captain

1986 MLB All-Star Game
1986 MLB All-Star Game (1986)
Himself - Field Reporter

Himself - Play-by-Play Announcer

1984 MLB All-Star Game
1984 MLB All-Star Game (1984)
Himself - Field Reporter / Pregame Analyst

1982 MLB All-Star Game
1982 MLB All-Star Game (1982)
Himself - Color Commentator / Pregame Analyst

1980 MLB All-Star Game
1980 MLB All-Star Game (1980)
Himself - Color Commentator / Pregame Analyst

Game 4
Game 4 (1980)
Себя - Color Commentator

Himself - Color Commentator / Pregame Analyst / Trophy Presentation

1978 MLB All-Star Game
1978 MLB All-Star Game (1978)
Himself - Color Commentator / Pregame Analyst

Himself - Color Commentator

Himself - Color Commentator

Himself - Color Commentator



The Honeymoon Game
The Honeymoon Game (1971)

1968 MLB All-Star Game
1968 MLB All-Star Game (1968)
Himself - NL Pitcher

1967 MLB All-Star Game
1967 MLB All-Star Game (1967)
Himself - NL Pitcher

Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

1965 World Series
1965 World Series (1965)
Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

1965 MLB All-Star Game
1965 MLB All-Star Game (1965)
Himself - NL Pitcher

1964 MLB All-Star Game
1964 MLB All-Star Game (1964)
Himself - NL Pitcher

Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher

1963 MLB All-Star Game
1963 MLB All-Star Game (1963)
Himself - NL Pitcher

Эксперимент с ужасом
Эксперимент с ужасом (1962)

Experiment in Terror (7.10)
Себя - Dodger Pitcher (в титрах отсутствует)

1959 World Series
1959 World Series (1959)
Himself - Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher


1956 World Series
1956 World Series (1956)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Pitcher

Себя - Player

Себя - Color Commentator

Себя - Color Commentator


Топ 250
Зеленая миля
The Green Mile (8.40)
Бешеные псы
Reservoir Dogs (8.40)
Ozark (8.40)
Gravity (8.40)
Секреты Лос-Анджелеса
L.A. Confidential (8.40)
Монти Пайтон и Священный Грааль
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (8.40)
Лоуренс Аравийский
Lawrence of Arabia (8.40)
Oldeuboi (8.40)
Amadeus (8.40)
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