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Harry Linson

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Последний фильм: 1918
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 4.7

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

The Silent Woman
The Silent Woman (1918)

Lady Barnacle
Lady Barnacle (1917)
Reverend Enoch T. Fanning

The Last Sentence
The Last Sentence (1917)

The Gates of Eden
The Gates of Eden (1916)
Shaker Brother

Life's Shadows
Life's Shadows (1916)
Lem Harding

The Light of Happiness
The Light of Happiness (1916)
Myron Dean (as Harry Linsen)

A Theft in the Dark
A Theft in the Dark (1915)
The Butler

A Thorn Among Roses
A Thorn Among Roses (1915)

Her Inspiration
Her Inspiration (1915)

The Land of Adventure
The Land of Adventure (1915)

The Magic Skin
The Magic Skin (1915)
The father confessor

The Truth About Helen
The Truth About Helen (1915)
Helen's father

Face Value
Face Value (1914)

A Foolish Agreement
A Foolish Agreement (1914)

A Treacherous Rival
A Treacherous Rival (1914)

An Absent-Minded Cupid
An Absent-Minded Cupid (1914)

The Double Shadow
The Double Shadow (1914)

Bottle's Baby
Bottle's Baby (1914)
The Doctor

The Man Who Disappeared
The Man Who Disappeared (1914)

The Poisoned Bit
The Poisoned Bit (1914)

Gen. Gage

The Drama of Heyville
The Drama of Heyville (1914)

Who Goes There?
Who Goes There? (1914)

The Birth of Our Saviour
The Birth of Our Saviour (1914)

The Minister

An American King
An American King (1914)

With the Eyes of Love
With the Eyes of Love (1914)

Kathleen Mavourneen
Kathleen Mavourneen (1913)
(as H. Linson)

The Haunted Bedroom
The Haunted Bedroom (1913)

The Will of the People
The Will of the People (1913)

Saved by the Enemy
Saved by the Enemy (1913)

The Sunset Gun
The Sunset Gun (1912)

A Soldier's Duty
A Soldier's Duty (1912)

John Adams

An Unknown Language
An Unknown Language (1911)
The Girl's Father

Mae's Suitors
Mae's Suitors (1911)
Captain of the Yacht

President Carter of the Construction Company

President Carter of the Construction Company

President Carter of the Construction Company


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