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Marguerite Snow

Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: James Cruze (17.02.1913) (детей: 1), Neely Edwards (17.02.1925)
Родилась: 09 сентября 1889, Дева (134 лет назад)
Умерла:: 17 февраля 1958 (68 лет)
Первый фильм: 1911
Последний фильм: 1925
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.4

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Norma Webb (his wife)

Savages of the Sea
Savages of the Sea (1925)
Stella Rawley

Chalk Marks
Chalk Marks (1924)
Angelina Kilbourne

The Veiled Woman
The Veiled Woman (1922)
Elvina Grey

Lavender and Old Lace
Lavender and Old Lace (1921)
Mary Ainslie

The Slave Market
The Slave Market (1921)

Rouge and Riches
Rouge and Riches (1920)

Женщина в комнате 13
Женщина в комнате 13 (1920)

The Woman in Room 13 (0.00)
Edna Crane

Felix O'Day
Felix O'Day (1920)
Lady Barbara O'Day

The Great Shadow
The Great Shadow (1920)

In His Brother's Place
In His Brother's Place (1919)
Kitty Judd

The Marriage Trap
The Marriage Trap (1918)

The Eagle's Eye
The Eagle's Eye (1918)
Dixie Mason

The First Law
The First Law (1918)

Mission of the War Chest
Mission of the War Chest (1918)

Broadway Jones
Broadway Jones (1917)
Josie Richards

The Hunting of the Hawk
The Hunting of the Hawk (1917)
Diana Curran

The Half Million Bribe
The Half Million Bribe (1916)
Miriam Challoner

Her Great Triumph
Her Great Triumph (1916)

The Marble Heart
The Marble Heart (1916)

A Corner in Cotton
A Corner in Cotton (1916)
Peggy Ainslee

Peggy Winters

The Faded Flower
The Faded Flower (1916)
Lillian Hill

The Upstart
The Upstart (1916)
Beatrice Mitchell

Daughter of Kings
Daughter of Kings (1915)
Julie King - the Millionaire's Daughter

The Patriot and the Spy
The Patriot and the Spy (1915)

The Princess Marsari - the Prince's Daughter

Rosemary (1915)
Dorothy Cruickshank

His Guardian Auto
His Guardian Auto (1915)
The Country Girl

The Second in Command
The Second in Command (1915)
Muriel Mannering

The Silent Voice
The Silent Voice (1915)
Marjorie Blair

The Angel in the Mask
The Angel in the Mask (1915)
The Angel in the Mask

Their Best Friend
Their Best Friend (1914)
May - an Heiress

From Wash to Washington
From Wash to Washington (1914)
Diana - a Society Woman

A Dog of Flanders
A Dog of Flanders (1914)
Nello, a boy

A Woman's Loyalty
A Woman's Loyalty (1914)
May, Jack's Wife

Potiphar's Wife

Countess Olga Petroff

Zudora (1914)
Zudora - Hassam Ali's Niece

The Dancer
The Dancer (1914)
Anna - the Dancer

The Tiniest of Stars
The Tiniest of Stars (1913)
The Mother

When Ghost Meets Ghost
When Ghost Meets Ghost (1913)
Lady Ghost

The Girl of the Cabaret
The Girl of the Cabaret (1913)
May, the Girl of the Cabaret

The Idol of the Hour
The Idol of the Hour (1913)
The Shepherdess

Кармен (1913)

Carmen (0.00)

The Actor's Wife

The Girl Detective

Her Fireman
Her Fireman (1913)
Kitty, the Actress

The Heartless Woman

Her Neighbor
Her Neighbor (1913)

His Heroine
His Heroine (1913)

The Caged Bird
The Caged Bird (1913)
The Princess

For Her Boy's Sake
For Her Boy's Sake (1913)

The Top of New York
The Top of New York (1913)
The Sweetheart

Good Morning, Judge
Good Morning, Judge (1913)
The Clubman's Sweetheart

When Dreams Come True
When Dreams Come True (1913)
The Wife

While Baby Slept
While Baby Slept (1913)
The Wife

The Marble Heart
The Marble Heart (1913)
Marco, the Woman with the Marble Heart

Peggy's Invitation
Peggy's Invitation (1913)
Peggy O'Neill

Tannhäuser (1913)
Princess Elisabeth

The Dove

Napoleon's Luck Stone
Napoleon's Luck Stone (1913)

In a Garden
In a Garden (1912)
Miss May, as an Adult

A Niagara Honeymoon
A Niagara Honeymoon (1912)
The Bride

Letters of a Lifetime
Letters of a Lifetime (1912)
The Brother's Wife

Nursie and the Knight
Nursie and the Knight (1912)
The Mother

The Wife

Женщина в белом
Женщина в белом (1912)

The Woman in White (0.00)
Laura / Anne

The Other Half
The Other Half (1912)
The Sick Mother

The Rich Father's Daughter, a Charity Worker

The Repeater
The Repeater (1912)
May, The Reformer's Wife

Flying to Fortune
Flying to Fortune (1912)
The Scheming Aunt

Доктор Джекилл и Мистер Хайд
Доктор Джекилл и Мистер Хайд (1912)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (5.80)

A Romance of the U.S.N.
A Romance of the U.S.N. (1912)
The Sailor's Sweetheart

For Sale -- A Life
For Sale -- A Life (1912)
The Attractive Wife

The Forest Rose
The Forest Rose (1912)
The Forest Rose

A Six Cylinder Elopement
A Six Cylinder Elopement (1912)
Gray's Daughter

East Lynne
East Lynne (1912)
Barbara Drew

The Girl of the Grove
The Girl of the Grove (1912)
The Wooer's Wife

Lucile (1912)

The Warning
The Warning (1912)
The Mother

Jess (1912)

My Baby's Voice
My Baby's Voice (1912)
The Mother

A Militant Suffragette
A Militant Suffragette (1912)
Mary Dout, the Militant Suffragette

Jilted (1912)

Dottie's New Doll
Dottie's New Doll (1912)
The Young Child's Nurse

Undine (1912)
Lady Bertalda, Undine's Rival

Love's Miracle
Love's Miracle (1912)
The Invalid

Into the Desert
Into the Desert (1912)
The Girl

Miss Romantic

Rejuvenation (1912)
The Lighthouse Keeper's Friend's Fiancée

Grace Carden

The Saleslady
The Saleslady (1912)
Nora Grady, the Saleslady

Pa's Medicine
Pa's Medicine (1912)
Willie's Mother

Под двумя флагами
Под двумя флагами (1912)

Under Two Flags (0.00)

Dora Thorne
Dora Thorne (1912)
Dora Thorne

Whom God Hath Joined
Whom God Hath Joined (1912)
The Wife

Cross Your Heart
Cross Your Heart (1912)
The Little Girl Grown Up

Brains vs. Brawn
Brains vs. Brawn (1912)
The Wealthy Widow

Her Darkest Hour
Her Darkest Hour (1912)
The Disinherited Heiress

Get Rich Quick
Get Rich Quick (1911)
The Wife

The Honeymooners
The Honeymooners (1911)
The Bride

Cupid the Conqueror
Cupid the Conqueror (1911)

The Stepmother
The Stepmother (1911)
The Older Sister

Женщина с моря
Женщина с моря (1911)

The Lady from the Sea (0.00)
The Lady from the Sea

The Bride

Она (1911)

She (5.60)

Their Burglar
Their Burglar (1911)

The Tomboy
The Tomboy (1911)
The Tomboy

His Younger Brother
His Younger Brother (1911)

Young Lochinvar
Young Lochinvar (1911)
Lochinvar's Bride

Back to Nature
Back to Nature (1911)

Лавка древности
Лавка древности (1911)

The Old Curiosity Shop (0.00)

The Buddhist Priestess
The Buddhist Priestess (1911)
The Buddhist Priestess

The Waitress

The Five Rose Sisters
The Five Rose Sisters (1911)

In the Chorus
In the Chorus (1911)
The Mother

Little Old New York
Little Old New York (1911)
The Stenographer

Baseball and Bloomers
Baseball and Bloomers (1911)

Lorna Doone
Lorna Doone (1911)

The Missing Heir
The Missing Heir (1911)
The Girl

The Moth
The Moth (1911)
The Belle of the Village

Motoring (1911)

The Railroad Builder
The Railroad Builder (1911)

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

When the Studio Burned
When the Studio Burned (1913)


Топ 250
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Requiem for a Dream (8.50)
The Pianist (8.50)
Жизнь прекрасна
La vita è bella (8.50)
Vertigo (8.50)
Жизнь других
Das Leben der Anderen (8.50)
Звездные войны: Эпизод 6 - Возвращение Джедая
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (8.40)
Gladiator (8.40)
Храброе сердце
Braveheart (8.40)
весь топ