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Anita Stewart

Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: George Peabody Converse (24.07.1929), Rudolph Cameron (24.07.1917)
Родилась: 07 февраля 1895, Водолей (129 лет назад)
Умерла:: 04 мая 1961 (66 лет)
Первый фильм: 1911
Последний фильм: 1932
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.88

Все | Актриса


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

The Hollywood Handicap
The Hollywood Handicap (1932)

Name the Woman
Name the Woman (1928)

Romance of a Rogue
Romance of a Rogue (1928)

Sisters of Eve
Sisters of Eve (1928)
Beatrice Franklin

Isle of Sunken Gold
Isle of Sunken Gold (1927)

Wild Geese
Wild Geese (1927)
Lind Archer

Virginia Coulson

Morganson's Finish
Morganson's Finish (1926)
Barbara Wesley

The Prince of Pilsen
The Prince of Pilsen (1926)
Nellie Wagner

Rustling for Cupid
Rustling for Cupid (1926)
Sybil Hamilton

Whispering Wires
Whispering Wires (1926)
Doris Stockbridge

The Boomerang
The Boomerang (1925)
Virginia Zelva


Baree, Son of Kazan
Baree, Son of Kazan (1925)

The Great White Way
The Great White Way (1924)
Mabel Vandegrift

The Love Piker
The Love Piker (1923)
Hope Warner

A Question of Honor
A Question of Honor (1922)
Anne Wilmot

Rose o' the Sea
Rose o' the Sea (1922)
Rose Elton

The Woman He Married
The Woman He Married (1922)
Natalie Lane

Her Mad Bargain
Her Mad Bargain (1921)
Alice Lambert

The Invisible Fear
The Invisible Fear (1921)
Sylvia Langdon

Playthings of Destiny
Playthings of Destiny (1921)
Julie Arnold

Sowing the Wind
Sowing the Wind (1921)
Rosamund Athelstane

The Fighting Shepherdess
The Fighting Shepherdess (1920)
Kate Prentice

Harriet and the Piper
Harriet and the Piper (1920)
Harriet Field

The Yellow Typhoon
The Yellow Typhoon (1920)
Hilda / Berta Nordstorm

The Painted World
The Painted World (1919)
Yvette Murree

Shadows of the Past
Shadows of the Past (1919)

Two Women
Two Women (1919)
Enid Arden

Her Kingdom of Dreams
Her Kingdom of Dreams (1919)
Judith Rutledge

Human Desire
Human Desire (1919)

In Old Kentucky
In Old Kentucky (1919)
Madge Brierly

Mary Regan
Mary Regan (1919)
Mary Regan

A Midnight Romance
A Midnight Romance (1919)

The Mind-the-Paint Girl
The Mind-the-Paint Girl (1919)
Lily Upjohn / Lily Parradell

Virtuous Wives
Virtuous Wives (1918)
Amy Forrester

Clover's Rebellion
Clover's Rebellion (1917)
Clover Dean

The Glory of Yolanda
The Glory of Yolanda (1917)

The Message of the Mouse
The Message of the Mouse (1917)
Wayne Winthrop

The More Excellent Way
The More Excellent Way (1917)
Chrissy Desselden

The Combat
The Combat (1916)
Muriel Fleming

The Daring of Diana
The Daring of Diana (1916)

The Girl Philippa
The Girl Philippa (1916)

My Lady's Slipper
My Lady's Slipper (1916)
Countess de Villars

The Suspect
The Suspect (1916)
Sophie Karrenina

The Awakening
The Awakening (1915)
Jo - a Girl of the Slums

Count 'Em
Count 'Em (1915)
Gladys Barnes

From Headquarters
From Headquarters (1915)
Rose Peters

The Goddess
The Goddess (1915)
Celestia, the Goddess

His Phantom Sweetheart
His Phantom Sweetheart (1915)
Jack's Phantom Sweetheart

The Juggernaut
The Juggernaut (1915)
Viola Hardin / Louise (daughter)

The Right Girl?
The Right Girl? (1915)

The Actress

A Million Bid
A Million Bid (1914)
Agnes Belgradin

The Painted World
The Painted World (1914)
Yvette Murree

Elsie Maynard

Shadows of the Past
Shadows of the Past (1914)

Uncle Bill
Uncle Bill (1914)
Vivien Trent

Wife Wanted
Wife Wanted (1914)

'Midst Woodland Shadows
'Midst Woodland Shadows (1914)
Girl in the forest

Back to Broadway
Back to Broadway (1914)
Bessie Williams, Manicurist

Diana's Dress Reform
Diana's Dress Reform (1914)

Four Thirteen
Four Thirteen (1914)
Elaine Hall

The Girl from Prosperity
The Girl from Prosperity (1914)
Bessie Williams

The Sins of the Mothers
The Sins of the Mothers (1914)
Trixie Graham Raymond

He Never Knew
He Never Knew (1914)
Grace Devereux / Mme. Renee

Lincoln, the Lover
Lincoln, the Lover (1914)
Ann Rutledge

Two Women
Two Women (1914)
Anita del Woodland

The Lucky Elopement
The Lucky Elopement (1914)

The Swan Girl
The Swan Girl (1913)
The Swan Girl

A Sweet Deception
A Sweet Deception (1913)
Mrs. Grace Bradley

The Tiger
The Tiger (1913)
Gladys Bardon (as Anna Stuart)


Sadie (as Anna Stewart)

The Classmate's Frolic
The Classmate's Frolic (1913)

Papa Puts One Over
Papa Puts One Over (1913)
Anna Dean

The Web
The Web (1913)

A Fighting Chance
A Fighting Chance (1913)
The Stenographer (as Anna Stewart)

Why I Am Here
Why I Am Here (1913)

The Forgotten Latchkey
The Forgotten Latchkey (1913)
Mrs. Burton

The Wreck
The Wreck (1913)
Rita Carlyle

His Last Fight
His Last Fight (1913)

The Bringing Out of Papa
The Bringing Out of Papa (1913)
Second Daughter

Его вторая жена
Его вторая жена (1913)

His Second Wife (0.00)
Ellice - the Schoolteacher

(as Anna Stewart)

The Lost Millionaire
The Lost Millionaire (1913)
Josephine Blake

Bess, a Student

The Moulding
The Moulding (1913)
Meg Jones

The Prince of Evil
The Prince of Evil (1913)
Georgia Rivers

A Regiment of Two
A Regiment of Two (1913)
Mrs. Harry Bennett

Song Bird of the North
Song Bird of the North (1913)
Elida Rumsey

The Godmother
The Godmother (1912)
Second Girl

Her Choice
Her Choice (1912)
The Cousin (as Anna M. Stewart)

Song of the Shell
Song of the Shell (1912)
Annie (as Anna Stewart)

The Wood Violet
The Wood Violet (1912)

Billy's Pipe Dream
Billy's Pipe Dream (1912)
Pert Dawson

История двух городов
История двух городов (1911)

A Tale of Two Cities (7.00)
(в титрах отсутствует)

An Angel

(as Anna Stewart)

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Personality Parade
Personality Parade (1938)
Herself (в титрах отсутствует) (хроника)


Herself (хроника)

Парад фильмов
Парад фильмов (1933)

The Film Parade (7.40)
Себя, film clip (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)


Go Straight
Go Straight (1925)

Голливуд (1923)

Hollywood (6.90)

Mary of the Movies
Mary of the Movies (1923)
Herself (в титрах отсутствует)

Души для продажи
Души для продажи (1923)

Souls for Sale (7.20)
Себя - Celebrity Actress (в титрах отсутствует)





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Jaws (8.30)
Up (8.30)
Бешеный бык
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Черный лебедь
Black Swan (8.30)
Unforgiven (8.30)
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