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Lee Willard

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 13 июня 1873, Близнецы (151 лет назад)
Умер:: 09 декабря 1940 (67 лет)
Первый фильм: 1913
Последний фильм: 1940
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.26

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Frozen Body of Jasper Adams (в титрах отсутствует)

Squadron of Honor
Squadron of Honor (1938)
Legionaire Commander (в титрах отсутствует)

Ужасная правда
Ужасная правда (1937)

Warcraft (8.00)
Minor Role (в титрах отсутствует)

The Devil Is Driving
The Devil Is Driving (1937)
Bit Part (в титрах отсутствует)

Venus Makes Trouble
Venus Makes Trouble (1937)
Juror (в титрах отсутствует)

Business Man (в титрах отсутствует)

If You Could Only Cook
If You Could Only Cook (1935)
Member of Board of Directors (в титрах отсутствует)

Let 'em Have It
Let 'em Have It (1935)
Parole Board Member (в титрах отсутствует)

Бродвей Билл
Бродвей Билл (1934)

Warcraft (6.60)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Let Women Alone
Let Women Alone (1925)
Alec Morrison

Chalk Marks
Chalk Marks (1924)
Hotel Guest

The Broadway Madonna
The Broadway Madonna (1922)
Judge Bradshaw

The Book Agent's Romance
The Book Agent's Romance (1916)
The Capitalist

The Mediator
The Mediator (1916)
Bill Higgins

A Waiting Game
A Waiting Game (1916)

The Man in Him
The Man in Him (1916)
Harry Gardner

A Son of Erin
A Son of Erin (1916)
George Harding

Гуманность (1916)

Humanity (5.40)

Juan Martin

Ночь напролет
Ночь напролет (1915)

A Night Out (6.00)
Soup Slurper (в титрах отсутствует)

The Burglar's Godfather
The Burglar's Godfather (1915)
The Businessman

Billy's Rival

Wine, Women and Song
Wine, Women and Song (1915)

The Convict's Threat
The Convict's Threat (1915)
His cellmate

The Baby's Father

Его возрождение
Его возрождение (1915)

His Regeneration (4.70)
The Burglar's Accomplice

Billy's Sweetheart's Father

Billy's Rival

Stage Driver

The Mexican

The Land Grabber

The Bandit

The Face at the Curtain
The Face at the Curtain (1915)
The Husband

The Thief

Broncho Billy Misled
Broncho Billy Misled (1915)
A Neighbor

His Wife's Secret
His Wife's Secret (1915)
The Husband

The Father

Faro Dan

Ingomar of the Hills
Ingomar of the Hills (1915)
The Girl's Father

The Rustler

A Christmas Revenge
A Christmas Revenge (1915)

The Other Girl
The Other Girl (1915)
The Other Girl's Father

Broncho Billy's Brother
Broncho Billy's Brother (1915)
A Mexican

A Coat Tale
A Coat Tale (1915)

The Western Way
The Western Way (1915)
The Rancher

The Outlaw

The Ranchman

The Outlaw

A Trooper

Her Realization
Her Realization (1915)
The Doctor

Broncho Billy's Marriage
Broncho Billy's Marriage (1915)

The Revenue Agent
The Revenue Agent (1915)
The Revenue Agent

Her Return
Her Return (1915)
The Doctor

The Girl's Brother

The Deacon

The Little Prospector
The Little Prospector (1915)
A Fellow Prospector

Broncho Billy's Sentence
Broncho Billy's Sentence (1915)
Prisoner (в титрах отсутствует)

The Storekeeper

The Husband

The Bachelor's Baby
The Bachelor's Baby (1915)
The Butler

Broncho Billy, Sheepman
Broncho Billy, Sheepman (1915)
Cattle King

Suppressed Evidence
Suppressed Evidence (1915)
The Music Instructor

The Gambler

Broncho Billy Steps In
Broncho Billy Steps In (1915)
The Outlaw

An Unexpected Romance
An Unexpected Romance (1915)
The Agent

The Bad Man

A Snakeville Epidemic
A Snakeville Epidemic (1914)
The Doctor

The Greaser

Broncho Billy, Guardian
Broncho Billy, Guardian (1914)

Snakeville's Home Guard
Snakeville's Home Guard (1914)

Broncho Billy's Pal

The Doctor

Broncho Billy Trapped
Broncho Billy Trapped (1914)
The Moonshiner

Broncho Billy -- Gun-Man
Broncho Billy -- Gun-Man (1914)
The Foreman

Broncho Billy Wins Out
Broncho Billy Wins Out (1914)
The Coward

John Mackey

The Red Man

The Minister

The Prospector

The Half-Breed

The Deputy

The Good-for-Nothing
The Good-for-Nothing (1914)
Ralph Sterling

(в титрах отсутствует)

Broncho Billy's Judgment
Broncho Billy's Judgment (1914)
Broncho Billy's Pal

Snakeville's New Doctor
Snakeville's New Doctor (1914)
Lee Willard

The Hills of Peace
The Hills of Peace (1914)

Broncho Billy's Mission
Broncho Billy's Mission (1914)
The Minister

Mexican Pete

The Conquest of Man
The Conquest of Man (1914)
Tex Eaton

The Tell-Tale Hand
The Tell-Tale Hand (1914)
Tim Cantle

The Arm of Vengeance
The Arm of Vengeance (1914)

The Atonement
The Atonement (1914)

Snakeville's New Sheriff
Snakeville's New Sheriff (1914)

Sophie's Fatal Wedding
Sophie's Fatal Wedding (1914)
Justice of the Peace

Bonnie of the Hills
Bonnie of the Hills (1913)

Greed for Gold
Greed for Gold (1913)
The Indian

A Borrowed Identiy
A Borrowed Identiy (1913)

The Broken Parole
The Broken Parole (1913)

Broncho Billy Reforms
Broncho Billy Reforms (1913)
A Thief

The Mexican

Hard Luck Bill
Hard Luck Bill (1913)

A Romance of the Hills
A Romance of the Hills (1913)

Chuck Peters


Топ 250
Жизнь Пи
Life of Pi (8.00)
Эдвард руки-ножницы
Edward Scissorhands (8.00)
Миллионер из трущоб
Slumdog Millionaire (8.00)
Изгоняющий дьявола
The Exorcist (8.00)
Убить Билла 2
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (8.00)
Казино Рояль
Casino Royale (8.00)
The Help (8.00)
Shrek (8.00)
Красавица и чудовище
Beauty and the Beast (8.00)
Далласский клуб покупателей
The Dallas Buyer's Club (8.00)
весь топ