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Eugenia Gilbert

Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Родилась: 18 ноября 1902, Скорпион (121 лет назад)
Умерла:: 08 декабря 1978 (76 лет)
Первый фильм: 1920
Последний фильм: 1970
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.5

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

4 Clowns
4 Clowns (1970)
(хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

edited from 'Movie Night' (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

The White Gorilla
The White Gorilla (1945)
Phyllis Marley (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Courtin' Wildcats
Courtin' Wildcats (1929)
Calamity Jane

Movie Night
Movie Night (1929)
Mrs. Chase

After the Storm
After the Storm (1928)
Joan Wells / Mary Brian

The Apache Raider
The Apache Raider (1928)
Dixie Stillwell

Fay Everman

The Bronc Stomper
The Bronc Stomper (1928)
Daisy Hollister

The Danger Rider
The Danger Rider (1928)
Mollie Dare

The Mysterious Airman
The Mysterious Airman (1928)
Shirley Joyce

The Phantom City
The Phantom City (1928)
Sally Ann Drew

Police Reporter
Police Reporter (1928)

Border Blackbirds
Border Blackbirds (1927)
Marion Kingsley

By Whose Hand?
By Whose Hand? (1927)
Peg Hewlett

The Crimson Flash
The Crimson Flash (1927)

Rose Arnold

Don Desperado
Don Desperado (1927)
Doris Jessup

The Man from Hard Pan
The Man from Hard Pan (1927)
Elizabeth Warner

Melting Millions
Melting Millions (1927)

Perils of the Jungle
Perils of the Jungle (1927)
Phyllis Marley

The Swell-Head
The Swell-Head (1927)
Molly O'Rourke

Many Scrappy Returns
Many Scrappy Returns (1927)

A One Mama Man
A One Mama Man (1927)
The Girl

Hair Trigger Baxter
Hair Trigger Baxter (1926)
Rose Moss

Officer of the Day
Officer of the Day (1926)

Beyond the Rockies
Beyond the Rockies (1926)
(as Eugenie Gilbert)

Get 'Em Young
Get 'Em Young (1926)
The girl

Gooseland (1926)

Laddie (1926)
Shelley Stanton

The Man from the West
The Man from the West (1926)
Iris Millard

Transcontinental Limited
Transcontinental Limited (1926)
Mary Reynolds

Obey the Law
Obey the Law (1926)
The Girl (as Eugenie Gilbert)

Smith's Baby
Smith's Baby (1926)

Wide Open Faces
Wide Open Faces (1926)

Spanking Breezes
Spanking Breezes (1926)

Lorraine (as Eugenie Gilbert)

The Valley of Bravery
The Valley of Bravery (1926)
Helen Coburn

Wild to Go
Wild to Go (1926)
Marjorie Felton (as Eugenie Gilbert)

Hot Cakes for Two
Hot Cakes for Two (1926)

Разве это не любовь кукушки?
Разве это не любовь кукушки? (1925)

Isn't Love Cuckoo? (0.00)

Hotsy-Totsy (1925)

The Scarlet Honeymoon
The Scarlet Honeymoon (1925)
Stella Thorpe

A Rainy Knight
A Rainy Knight (1925)

The Sea Squawk
The Sea Squawk (1925)
Flora Danube

The Soapsuds Lady
The Soapsuds Lady (1925)

Семь шансов
Семь шансов (1925)

Seven Chances (8.00)
Girl in Big Hat Who Laughs at Buster's Proposal (в титрах отсутствует)

The Wild Goose Chaser
The Wild Goose Chaser (1925)

The Plumber
The Plumber (1925)

The Beloved Bozo
The Beloved Bozo (1925)

A Broadway Butterfly
A Broadway Butterfly (1925)
Riding Mistress (as Eugenie Gilbert)

The Back Trail
The Back Trail (1924)
Ardis Andrews

Feet of Mud
Feet of Mud (1924)

Flames of Desire
Flames of Desire (1924)
Mrs. Courtney Ruhl

Flickering Youth
Flickering Youth (1924)

Great Diamond Mystery
Great Diamond Mystery (1924)

His New Mamma
His New Mamma (1924)
Bathing Girl (в титрах отсутствует)

Picking Peaches
Picking Peaches (1924)
Bathing Beauty (в титрах отсутствует)

Sinners in Silk
Sinners in Silk (1924)
Chérie (as Eugenie Gilbert)

So This Is Marriage?
So This Is Marriage? (1924)
Dorothy Pringle (as Eugenie Gilbert)

One Cylinder Love
One Cylinder Love (1923)

Souls in Bondage
Souls in Bondage (1923)
Helen De Lacy

Человек с улицы Даунинг
Человек с улицы Даунинг (1922)

The Man from Downing Street (0.00)

Wildcat Jordan
Wildcat Jordan (1922)
Sylvia Grant

The Half Breed
The Half Breed (1922)

A Certain Rich Man
A Certain Rich Man (1921)
Janet Barclay

Man of the Forest
Man of the Forest (1921)
Bessie Beasley

Paul's Peril
Paul's Peril (1920)

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Herself - Los Angeles Contestant, Second Place Winner


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