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Leland Benham

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Florence H. ? (? - ?)
Родился: 20 сентября 1905, Дева (118 лет назад)
Умер:: 26 сентября 1976 (71 лет)
Первый фильм: 1912
Последний фильм: 1916
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 4.1

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

The Kiddies' Kaptain Kid
The Kiddies' Kaptain Kid (1916)

The Path of Happiness
The Path of Happiness (1916)
Little Grekko

Just Kids
Just Kids (1915)

Milestones of Life
Milestones of Life (1915)
William Hallet, as a child

Which Shall It Be?
Which Shall It Be? (1915)
Donald - the Cripple

Heinie Schultz

The Refugee
The Refugee (1915)
The Refugee

Big Sister's Brother - Little Captain of the Scouts

A Plugged Nickel
A Plugged Nickel (1915)
Christopher's Older Son

Big Brother Bill
Big Brother Bill (1915)

Do Unto Others
Do Unto Others (1915)

Bud Blossom
Bud Blossom (1915)

Dick Davis - Edith's Brother

Little Bobby
Little Bobby (1915)

The Two Cent Mystery
The Two Cent Mystery (1915)

The Six-Cent Loaf
The Six-Cent Loaf (1915)
Joel Quinn - Mary's Brother

Helen Intervenes
Helen Intervenes (1915)
Marion Carter's Brother

The Crogmere Ruby
The Crogmere Ruby (1915)
Lynn - Gray's Grandson

Snapshots (1915)
Dicky - Aunt Marie's Son

The Spirit of Audubon
The Spirit of Audubon (1915)

His Sister's Kiddies
His Sister's Kiddies (1915)
Samuel Golden - Bender's Nephew

The Volunteer Fireman
The Volunteer Fireman (1915)

The Stolen Anthurium
The Stolen Anthurium (1915)

Ted - Tom & Grace's Son

A Mohammedan Conspiracy
A Mohammedan Conspiracy (1914)
Abdul's Native Servant

The Desert Tribesman
The Desert Tribesman (1914)

Sid Nee's Finish
Sid Nee's Finish (1914)

A Dog's Good Deed
A Dog's Good Deed (1914)
Bobby Smith

A Gentleman for a Day
A Gentleman for a Day (1914)

Beautiful Snow
Beautiful Snow (1914)

Guilty or Not Guilty
Guilty or Not Guilty (1914)
Leland - May's Crippled Brother

The Terror of Anger
The Terror of Anger (1914)

The Butterfly Bug
The Butterfly Bug (1914)
The Mischievous Boy

Coals of Fire
Coals of Fire (1914)
Larrie - Moore's grandson

The Skating Master
The Skating Master (1914)

Her Love Letters
Her Love Letters (1914)

His Reward
His Reward (1914)

In Peril's Path
In Peril's Path (1914)
Leland Jones

Leland - the Newsboy

King René's Daughter
King René's Daughter (1913)

A Pullman Nightmare
A Pullman Nightmare (1913)
The Son

Their Son

Little Brother
Little Brother (1913)
The Little Brother

The Co-Conspirator

Larry, the Widow's Son

The Heart of a Child
The Heart of a Child (1913)

A Clothes-Line Quarrel
A Clothes-Line Quarrel (1913)

Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk (1913)

The Ladder of Life
The Ladder of Life (1912)

On Probation
On Probation (1912)

Nursie and the Knight
Nursie and the Knight (1912)
The Rich Little Boy

Cross Your Heart
Cross Your Heart (1912)
The Little Boy

In a Garden
In a Garden (1912)
Jack, May's Childhood Sweetheart


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Into the Wild (8.20)
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