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Goldie Colwell

Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Родилась: 29 января 1889, Водолей (135 лет назад)
Умерла:: 27 июля 1982 (93 лет)
Первый фильм: 1911
Последний фильм: 1919
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.4

Все | Актриса


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

The Railroader
The Railroader (1919)
Enid Montmorency

Code of the Yukon
Code of the Yukon (1918)
Goldie (as Goldie Caldwell)

Jerry and the Outlaws
Jerry and the Outlaws (1917)

Jerry and His Pal
Jerry and His Pal (1917)

Jerry and the Vampire
Jerry and the Vampire (1917)

Jerry at the Waldorf
Jerry at the Waldorf (1917)

Jerry's Big Mystery
Jerry's Big Mystery (1917)

Jerry's Big Raid
Jerry's Big Raid (1917)

Jerry's Gentle Nursing
Jerry's Gentle Nursing (1917)

Jerry's Getaway
Jerry's Getaway (1917)

The Heart of Texas Ryan
The Heart of Texas Ryan (1917)
Marion Smith

Jerry's Hopeless Tangle
Jerry's Hopeless Tangle (1917)


In the Days of Daring
In the Days of Daring (1916)

A Jungle Hero
A Jungle Hero (1916)

A Strange Confession
A Strange Confession (1916)

Under the Lion's Paw
Under the Lion's Paw (1916)

The Yaqui
The Yaqui (1916)
Modesta (as Golda Caldwell)

The Little Hero
The Little Hero (1915)

The Fighting Kid
The Fighting Kid (1915)

The Stolen Case
The Stolen Case (1915)

Taking a Chance
Taking a Chance (1915)

The Oriental Spasm
The Oriental Spasm (1915)

Making Matters Worse
Making Matters Worse (1915)
Jessie Bubblebrook

The Treasure Box
The Treasure Box (1915)

Jerry and the Gunman
Jerry and the Gunman (1915)
Jessie Goodrich

Bill Haywood, Producer
Bill Haywood, Producer (1915)

A Harmless Flirtation
A Harmless Flirtation (1915)

A Night's Lodging
A Night's Lodging (1915)

Cactus Jim's Shop Girl
Cactus Jim's Shop Girl (1915)
Nell Morton

He's in Again
He's in Again (1915)

On the Job
On the Job (1915)

Forked Trails
Forked Trails (1915)

Harold's Bad Man
Harold's Bad Man (1915)

Life's Mysteries
Life's Mysteries (1915)

Ma's Girls
Ma's Girls (1915)

A Militant School Ma'am
A Militant School Ma'am (1915)
Ruth Winter

A Mix-Up in Males
A Mix-Up in Males (1915)

The Man from Texas
The Man from Texas (1915)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Jerry to the Rescue
Jerry to the Rescue (1915)

Roping a Bride
Roping a Bride (1915)

Sagebrush Tom
Sagebrush Tom (1915)
Moving Picture Actress

Slim Higgins
Slim Higgins (1915)

Jerry's Busy Day
Jerry's Busy Day (1915)
Daughter Dora

A Change of Luck
A Change of Luck (1915)

Alice, Tom's Sister

Waking Up Father
Waking Up Father (1915)

When Avarice Rules
When Avarice Rules (1915)

Father Forgot
Father Forgot (1915)
Nellie Perkins Sutton

The Little Detective
The Little Detective (1915)
Goldie - their Daughter

The Telltale Knife
The Telltale Knife (1914)
Mabel Madden

The Court of Death
The Court of Death (1914)

The Way of the Redman
The Way of the Redman (1914)
Bounding Fawn

Hazel Clark

Jimmy Hayes and Muriel
Jimmy Hayes and Muriel (1914)

Nan's Victory
Nan's Victory (1914)

The Man from the East
The Man from the East (1914)


The Mexican
The Mexican (1914)
Mrs. Heflin

Out of Petticoat Lane
Out of Petticoat Lane (1914)

Three Bags of Silver
Three Bags of Silver (1914)

The Ranger's Romance
The Ranger's Romance (1914)

A Colonel in Chains
A Colonel in Chains (1914)

Elsie Mitchell

The Garden of Brides
The Garden of Brides (1914)

The Rival Stage Lines
The Rival Stage Lines (1914)
Miss Johnson

The Cruel Crown
The Cruel Crown (1914)

Saved by a Watch
Saved by a Watch (1914)

The Spellbound Multitude
The Spellbound Multitude (1914)

The Scapegoat
The Scapegoat (1914)
Nell, Tom's Sister

The Warrior Maid
The Warrior Maid (1914)

The Sheriff's Reward
The Sheriff's Reward (1914)
Rose Boland

The Forged Parchment
The Forged Parchment (1914)


Diverging Paths
Diverging Paths (1913)

The Hoyden's Awakening
The Hoyden's Awakening (1913)

Senorita Mannds

Our Lady of the Pearls
Our Lady of the Pearls (1912)

Betty Fools Dear Old Dad
Betty Fools Dear Old Dad (1912)


Топ 250
The Untouchables (8.00)
Зомби по имени Шон
Shaun of the Dead (8.00)
Маленькая мисс Счастье
Little Miss Sunshine (8.00)
Остров проклятых
Shutter Island (8.00)
Загадочная история Бенджамина Баттона
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (8.00)
Танцующий с волками
Dances with Wolves (8.00)
Кровавый алмаз
Blood Diamond (8.00)
История игрушек 2
Toy Story 2 (8.00)
Таинственная река
Mystic River (8.00)
Академия «Амбрелла»
The Umbrella Academy (8.00)
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