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Tom Forman

Профессии: Режиссёр, Сценарист, Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Mary Mersch (детей: 1)
Родился: 22 февраля 1893, Рыбы (131 лет назад)
Умер:: 07 ноября 1926 (33 лет)
Первый фильм: 1913
Последний фильм: 1926
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.41

Все | Актёр | Режиссёр | Сценарист | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

Вирджинец (1923)

The Virginian (5.70)

Тени (1922)

Shadows (6.30)

Женщина-завоеватель (1922)

The Woman Conquers (0.00)

Сценарист [ скрыть ]

The Round-Up
The Round-Up (1920)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Devil's Dice
Devil's Dice (1926)

Hoboken to Hollywood
Hoboken to Hollywood (1926)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Kosher Kitty Kelly
Kosher Kitty Kelly (1926)
Officer Pat Sullivan

White Shoulders
White Shoulders (1922)
Robert Lee Pitman, Her Brother

The Round-Up
The Round-Up (1920)
Jack Payson

Морской волк
Морской волк (1920)

The Sea Wolf (0.00)
Humphrey Van Weyden

The Tree of Knowledge
The Tree of Knowledge (1920)

For Better, for Worse
For Better, for Worse (1919)
Richard Burton

The Heart of Youth
The Heart of Youth (1919)
Russ Prendergast

Louisiana (1919)

Told in the Hills
Told in the Hills (1919)
Charles Stuart

On Record
On Record (1917)
Rand Calder

Those Without Sin
Those Without Sin (1917)
Bob Wallace

The Tides of Barnegat
The Tides of Barnegat (1917)
Barton Holt

The American Consul
The American Consul (1917)
Geoffrey Daniels

The Cost of Hatred
The Cost of Hatred (1917)
Ned Amory

The Evil Eye
The Evil Eye (1917)
Leonard Sheldon

Forbidden Paths
Forbidden Paths (1917)
Harry Maxwell

Hashimura Togo
Hashimura Togo (1917)
Dr. Garland

Her Strange Wedding
Her Strange Wedding (1917)
Lee Brownell

A Kiss for Susie
A Kiss for Susie (1917)
Phil Burnham

The Jaguar's Claws
The Jaguar's Claws (1917)
Harry Knowles

The Clown
The Clown (1916)
Bob Hunter

Public Opinion
Public Opinion (1916)
Phillip Carson

The Ragamuffin
The Ragamuffin (1916)
Bob Van Dyke

Sweet Kitty Bellairs
Sweet Kitty Bellairs (1916)
Lord Verney

Муж на тысячу долларов
Муж на тысячу долларов (1916)

The Thousand-Dollar Husband (0.00)
Douglas Gordon

To Have and to Hold
To Have and to Hold (1916)
Lord Carnal

Unprotected (1916)
Gordon Carroll

The Yellow Pawn
The Yellow Pawn (1916)
Philip Grant

Young Romance
Young Romance (1915)
Tom Clancy

Chimmie Fadden
Chimmie Fadden (1915)
Antoine, Butler-Thief

Chimmie Fadden Out West
Chimmie Fadden Out West (1915)

The Fighting Hope
The Fighting Hope (1915)
Detective Clark

A Gentleman of Leisure
A Gentleman of Leisure (1915)
Sir Spencer Dreever

The Governor's Lady
The Governor's Lady (1915)
Robert Hayes

Kindling (1915)
Dr. Taylor

The Marriage of Kitty
The Marriage of Kitty (1915)
Jack Churchill

Out of the Darkness
Out of the Darkness (1915)
Tom Jameson

The Puppet Crown
The Puppet Crown (1915)
Lieutenant Von Mitter

Stolen Goods
Stolen Goods (1915)
(в титрах отсутствует)

The Unknown
The Unknown (1915)
First Private

За дикими гусями
За дикими гусями (1915)

The Wild Goose Chase (0.00)
Bob Randall

The Explorer
The Explorer (1915)
George Allerton

The Woman
The Woman (1915)
Tom Blake

Lights and Shadows
Lights and Shadows (1914)

Virtue Is Its Own Reward
Virtue Is Its Own Reward (1914)
Seadley Swaine

Orphans of the Wild
Orphans of the Wild (1914)

The Alibi
The Alibi (1913)

John, the Wagoner
John, the Wagoner (1913)
Roy, the Deputy Sheriff

Baffled, Not Beaten
Baffled, Not Beaten (1913)
Harold Baker - Claire's Sweetheart

The Treachery of a Scar
The Treachery of a Scar (1913)
Ralph Curtis - a Crook

The Substitute Engineer
The Substitute Engineer (1913)
Billy - an Engineer (as Thomas Foreman)

Играл себя [ скрыть ]



Топ 250
Ход королевы
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Окно во двор
Rear Window (8.70)
Эта замечательная жизнь
It's a Wonderful Life (8.70)
Memento (8.60)
Красота по-американски
American Beauty (8.60)
Американская история Х
American History X (8.60)
Intouchables (8.60)
Léon (8.60)
весь топ