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J. Frank Burke

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Умер:: 23 января 1918 (1918 лет)
Первый фильм: 1913
Последний фильм: 1917
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Средний рейтинг: 6.65

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

An Even Break
An Even Break (1917)
Luther Collins

The Iced Bullet
The Iced Bullet (1917)
The Specialist

Madcap Madge
Madcap Madge (1917)
Mr. Flower

Princess of the Dark
Princess of the Dark (1917)
Crip's Father

The Square Deal Man
The Square Deal Man (1917)
Colonel Byrd Ransome

Wooden Shoes
Wooden Shoes (1917)
Father Nepomuk

Bawbs o' the Blue Ridge
Bawbs o' the Blue Ridge (1917)
Jubal Wade

Blood Will Tell
Blood Will Tell (1917)
Aaron Howlett

A Strange Transgressor
A Strange Transgressor (1917)
Brother Eulofian

Whither Thou Goest
Whither Thou Goest (1917)
The specialist

The Waifs
The Waifs (1916)

Цивилизация (1916)

Civilization (6.50)
Luther Rolf, the peace advocate

The Dawn Maker
The Dawn Maker (1916)
Walter McRae

Адская петля
Адская петля (1916)

Hell's Hinges (6.50)
Zeb Taylor

The No-Good Guy
The No-Good Guy (1916)
Francisco andrada

The Vagabond Prince
The Vagabond Prince (1916)
Count Sergis Metropolski

Willie's Wobbly Ways
Willie's Wobbly Ways (1916)

The Alien
The Alien (1915)
The proprietor of the flower shop

Aloha Oe
Aloha Oe (1915)

The Beckoning Flame
The Beckoning Flame (1915)
Ram Dass

The Despoiler
The Despoiler (1915)

The Living Wage
The Living Wage (1915)
Dr. Merritt

The Forbidden Adventure
The Forbidden Adventure (1915)

The Secret of the Dead
The Secret of the Dead (1915)

Итальянец (1915)

The Italian (6.50)
Trudo Ancello - Annette's Father

The Toast of Death
The Toast of Death (1915)

The Soul of Phyra
The Soul of Phyra (1915)

The Winged Idol
The Winged Idol (1915)
Mr. Warner

The Other Man's Wife
The Other Man's Wife (1915)

The Ace of Hearts
The Ace of Hearts (1915)
Francois Lebault (as Frank Burke)

The Bride of Guadaloupe
The Bride of Guadaloupe (1915)
Father Sebastian

The Gun Fighter
The Gun Fighter (1915)

Destiny's Night
Destiny's Night (1914)
Alex Borden

The Hateful God
The Hateful God (1914)
Jonathan Storm

Eric the Red's Wooing
Eric the Red's Wooing (1914)
Eric the Red

The Bargain
The Bargain (1914)
Sheriff Bud Walsh

The Fires of Ambition
The Fires of Ambition (1914)
Joe Braly

A Frontier Mother
A Frontier Mother (1914)

Star of the North
Star of the North (1914)

Tennessee (1914)
'Pop' Hastings

The Sheriff of Bisbee
The Sheriff of Bisbee (1914)

When America Was Young
When America Was Young (1914)

The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg (1913)


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