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Мюррей Рот

Murray Roth
Профессии: Режиссёр, Сценарист, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 12 ноября 1893, Скорпион (130 лет назад)
Умер:: 17 февраля 1938 (44 лет)
Последний фильм: 2011
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.33

Все | Режиссёр | Сценарист


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

A Valentine's Date
A Valentine's Date (2011)

Rebuttal (2005)

Dancing on the Ceiling
Dancing on the Ceiling (1937)

Flying Hostess
Flying Hostess (1936)

Romance in the Air
Romance in the Air (1936)

Chinatown Squad
Chinatown Squad (1935)

Harold Teen
Harold Teen (1934)

Don't Bet on Love
Don't Bet on Love (1933)

Believe It or Not #6
Believe It or Not #6 (1931)

A Tip to Paris
A Tip to Paris (1931)

Yamekraw (1930)

Believe It or Not #5
Believe It or Not #5 (1930)

The Musicale
The Musicale (1930)

Believe It or Not #3
Believe It or Not #3 (1930)

Believe It or Not #2
Believe It or Not #2 (1930)

A Tenement Tangle
A Tenement Tangle (1930)

Going Places
Going Places (1930)

Believe It or Not #1
Believe It or Not #1 (1930)

Websterian Students
Websterian Students (1930)

Jest for a While
Jest for a While (1930)

Nile Green
Nile Green (1930)

Idle Chatter
Idle Chatter (1930)

The Operation
The Operation (1930)

At the Round Table
At the Round Table (1930)

The Benefit
The Benefit (1930)

Tom Thumbs Down
Tom Thumbs Down (1930)

In the Nick of Time
In the Nick of Time (1929)

Lambchops (1929)

Rhythms in Blue
Rhythms in Blue (1929)

What Price Burlesque
What Price Burlesque (1929)

Dooley's the Name
Dooley's the Name (1929)

Two Good Boys Gone Wrong
Two Good Boys Gone Wrong (1929)

A Modern Priscilla
A Modern Priscilla (1929)

Fishing Around
Fishing Around (1929)

Music Hath Charms
Music Hath Charms (1929)

Satires (1929)

The Fox and the Bee
The Fox and the Bee (1929)

Оперный дом
Оперный дом (1929)

The Opry House (5.90)

These Dry Days
These Dry Days (1929)

My Bag o' Trix
My Bag o' Trix (1929)

The Prince of Wails
The Prince of Wails (1929)

Talking It Over
Talking It Over (1929)

Don't Get Nervous
Don't Get Nervous (1929)

Will You Remember?
Will You Remember? (1929)

The Gotham Rhythm Boys
The Gotham Rhythm Boys (1929)

Harlem-Mania (1929)

Faint Heart
Faint Heart (1929)

Meine Frau
Meine Frau (1929)

Hilda (1929)

Pack Up Your Troubles
Pack Up Your Troubles (1929)

Typical Types
Typical Types (1929)

The Gladiator
The Gladiator (1928)

A Musical Melange
A Musical Melange (1928)

The Country Gentlemen
The Country Gentlemen (1928)































































Сценарист [ скрыть ]

Она опасна
Она опасна (1937)

She's Dangerous (0.00)

Pepper (1936)

Remember Last Night?
Remember Last Night? (1935)

Palooka (1934)

Don't Bet on Love
Don't Bet on Love (1933)

Die Königsloge
Die Königsloge (1929)

Sympathy (1929)

Queen of the Night Clubs
Queen of the Night Clubs (1929)

The Home Towners
The Home Towners (1928)

Hollywood Bound
Hollywood Bound (1928)

Огни Нью-Йорка
Огни Нью-Йорка (1928)

Warcraft (7.20)

The Night Court
The Night Court (1927)

The Gay Retreat
The Gay Retreat (1927)

The Non-Stop Bride
The Non-Stop Bride (1926)

A Bankrupt Honeymoon
A Bankrupt Honeymoon (1926)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Lucky in Love
Lucky in Love (1928)


Топ 250
Inception (8.80)
Властелин колец: Братство Кольца
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (8.80)
Пролетая над гнездом кукушки
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (8.80)
Бойцовский клуб
Fight Club (8.80)
Славные парни
Goodfellas (8.80)
Casablanca (8.80)
весь топ