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Cleo Madison

Профессии: Сценарист, Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Don Peake (25.11.1916)
Родилась: 26 марта 1883, Овен (141 лет назад)
Умерла:: 11 марта 1964 (80 лет)
Последний фильм: 1924
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.22

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Сценарист [ скрыть ]

Черная орхидея
Черная орхидея (1917)

Black Orchids (0.00)

Актриса [ скрыть ]

The Lullaby
The Lullaby (1924)
Mrs. Marvin

True As Steel
True As Steel (1924)
Mrs. Parry

Unseen Hands
Unseen Hands (1924)

The Roughneck
The Roughneck (1924)
Anne Delaney

Discontented Husbands
Discontented Husbands (1924)
Jane Frazer

Souls in Bondage
Souls in Bondage (1923)
The Chameleon

The Dangerous Age
The Dangerous Age (1923)
Mary Emerson

Gold Madness
Gold Madness (1923)
Olga McGee

A Woman's Woman
A Woman's Woman (1922)
Iris Starr

Ladies Must Live
Ladies Must Live (1921)
Mrs. Lincourt

The Lure of Youth
The Lure of Youth (1921)
Florentine Fair

The Price of Redemption
The Price of Redemption (1920)
Anne Steel

Girl from Nowhere
Girl from Nowhere (1919)

The Great Radium Mystery
The Great Radium Mystery (1919)
Countess Nada

The Flame of the West
The Flame of the West (1918)

Любовь Тарзана
Любовь Тарзана (1918)

The Romance of Tarzan (7.00)
The Other Woman

The Girl Who Lost
The Girl Who Lost (1917)

The Sorceress
The Sorceress (1917)

The Web
The Web (1917)

Черная орхидея
Черная орхидея (1917)

Black Orchids (0.00)
Marie de Severac / Zoraida

The Cad
The Cad (1916)

The Crimson Yoke
The Crimson Yoke (1916)

Triumph of Truth
Triumph of Truth (1916)

The Girl in Lower 9
The Girl in Lower 9 (1916)

Her Bitter Cup
Her Bitter Cup (1916)

Eleanor's Catch
Eleanor's Catch (1916)
Eleanor McGrady

A Soul Enslaved
A Soul Enslaved (1916)

Priscilla's Prisoner
Priscilla's Prisoner (1916)

To Another Woman
To Another Woman (1916)

When the Wolf Howls
When the Wolf Howls (1916)

Her Defiance
Her Defiance (1916)
Adeline Gabler

Alias Jane Jones
Alias Jane Jones (1916)

Cross Purposes
Cross Purposes (1916)

His Return
His Return (1916)

Virginia (1916)

A Dead Yesterday
A Dead Yesterday (1916)

Along the Malibu
Along the Malibu (1916)

The Chalice of Sorrow
The Chalice of Sorrow (1916)

The Faith of Her Fathers
The Faith of Her Fathers (1915)
Bertha Tamor

The Ring of Destiny
The Ring of Destiny (1915)

The Mystery Woman
The Mystery Woman (1915)

The Power of Fascination
The Power of Fascination (1915)

Haunted Hearts
Haunted Hearts (1915)

The People of the Pit
The People of the Pit (1915)

Alas and Alack
Alas and Alack (1915)
The Fisherwife and Fishermaid

A Fiery Introduction
A Fiery Introduction (1915)

Alias Holland Jimmy
Alias Holland Jimmy (1915)

The Crystal
The Crystal (1915)


The Dancer
The Dancer (1915)

Their Hour
Their Hour (1915)

A Mother's Atonement
A Mother's Atonement (1915)
Alice / Jen Morrison

The Human Menace
The Human Menace (1915)

The Pine's Revenge
The Pine's Revenge (1915)
Grace Milton

The Sin of Olga Brandt
The Sin of Olga Brandt (1915)

Liquid Dynamite
Liquid Dynamite (1915)

Diana of Eagle Mountain
Diana of Eagle Mountain (1915)

The Whirling Disk
The Whirling Disk (1915)
Aida Dale

A Wild Irish Rose
A Wild Irish Rose (1915)
Rose Farley

The Duchess
The Duchess (1915)
Nora Delaney aka The Duchess of Ballyhinch

The Mother Instinct
The Mother Instinct (1915)

Extravagance (1915)

A Woman's Debt
A Woman's Debt (1915)

The Last Supper
The Last Supper (1914)

Damon and Pythias
Damon and Pythias (1914)

The Gambler's Oath
The Gambler's Oath (1914)

The Balance
The Balance (1914)

The Acid Test
The Acid Test (1914)

The Master Key
The Master Key (1914)

The Feud
The Feud (1914)

Scooped by Cupid
Scooped by Cupid (1914)

Самсон (1914)

Samson (7.50)
Jamin, the Philistine

Sealed Orders
Sealed Orders (1914)

The Trey o' Hearts
The Trey o' Hearts (1914)
Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Hearts and Flowers
Hearts and Flowers (1914)

The Severed Hand
The Severed Hand (1914)

The Hills of Silence
The Hills of Silence (1914)

The Mexican's Last Raid
The Mexican's Last Raid (1914)

The Strenuous Life
The Strenuous Life (1914)

The Dead End
The Dead End (1914)

The Deadline
The Deadline (1914)

The Law of His Kind
The Law of His Kind (1914)

The Love Victorious
The Love Victorious (1914)

Dolores D'Arada

The Man Between
The Man Between (1914)

Unjustly Accused
Unjustly Accused (1914)

Cross Purposes
Cross Purposes (1913)

The Heart of a Cracksman
The Heart of a Cracksman (1913)

The Trap
The Trap (1913)

His Pal's Request
His Pal's Request (1913)

Captain Kidd
Captain Kidd (1913)

Shadows of Life
Shadows of Life (1913)

Under the Black Flag
Under the Black Flag (1913)

A Business Buccaneer
A Business Buccaneer (1912)

The Weight of a Feather
The Weight of a Feather (1912)

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Rose Trine / Judith Trine

Играла себя [ скрыть ]



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Развод Надера и Симин
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Китайский квартал
Chinatown (8.40)
Бесславные ублюдки
Inglourious Basterds (8.30)
История игрушек
Toy Story (8.30)
Лицо со шрамом
Scarface (8.30)
Лабиринт Фавна
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Бэтмен: Начало
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Heat (8.30)
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