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Tyrone Power Sr.

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Bertha Knight (22.12.1921), Mrs. Tyrone Power (22.12.1912) (детей: 2)
Родился: 02 мая 1869, Телец (155 лет назад)
Умер:: 23 декабря 1931 (62 лет)
Первый фильм: 1914
Последний фильм: 1930
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.01

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Большая слежка
Большая слежка (1930)

Warcraft (7.20)
Red Flack, wagon boss (как Tyrone Power)

The Elegy
The Elegy (1927)
Servant of Satan

Bride of the Storm
Bride of the Storm (1926)
Jacob Kroon (as Tyrone Power)

Hands Across the Border
Hands Across the Border (1926)
John Drake (as Tyrone Power)

Out of the Storm
Out of the Storm (1926)
Mr. Lawrence (as Tyrone Power)

John Corrigal (as Tyrone Power)

Braveheart (1925)
Standing Rock (as Tyrone Power)

The Red Kimona
The Red Kimona (1925)
Gabrielle's Father (as Tyrone Power)

A Regular Fellow
A Regular Fellow (1925)
King (as Tyrone Power)

The Wanderer
The Wanderer (1925)
Jesse (as Tyrone Power)

Where Was I?
Where Was I? (1925)
George Stone (as Tyrone Power)

Damaged Hearts
Damaged Hearts (1924)
Sandy (as Tyrone Power)

For Another Woman
For Another Woman (1924)

Greater Than Marriage
Greater Than Marriage (1924)
Father (as Tyrone Power)

Janice Meredith
Janice Meredith (1924)
Lord Cornwallis (as Tyrone Power)

The Law and the Lady
The Law and the Lady (1924)
John Langley Sr (as Tyrone Power)

The Lone Wolf
The Lone Wolf (1924)
Bannon (as Tyrone Power)

Безымянная история
Безымянная история (1924)

The Story Without a Name (0.00)
Drakma (как Tyrone Power)

Trouping with Ellen
Trouping with Ellen (1924)
Mr. Llewellyn (as Tyrone Power)

Ярость (1923)

Fury (7.20)
Captain Leyton (как Tyrone Power)

The Truth About Wives
The Truth About Wives (1923)
Howard Hendricks (as Tyrone Power)

Wife in Name Only
Wife in Name Only (1923)
Dornham (as Tyrone Power)

John Kirk (as Tyrone Power)

The Daring Years
The Daring Years (1923)
James LaMotte (as Tyrone Power)

The Day of Faith
The Day of Faith (1923)
Michael Anstell (as Tyrone Power)

The Black Panther's Cub
The Black Panther's Cub (1921)
Count Boris Orliff (as Tyrone Power)

Улица грез
Улица грез (1921)

Dream Street (6.00)
Street Preacher (как Tyrone Power)

Footfalls (1921)
Hiram Scudder (as Tyrone Power)

The Great Shadow
The Great Shadow (1920)
Jim McDonald (as Tyrone Power)

The Mad Woman
The Mad Woman (1919)

Servia - Final episode (as Tyrone Power)

Lorelei of the Sea
Lorelei of the Sea (1917)
Paul (as Tyrone Power)

The Planter
The Planter (1917)
Ludwig Hertzer (as Tyrone Power)

The Eye of God
The Eye of God (1916)
Olaf (as Tyrone Power)

John Needham's Double
John Needham's Double (1916)
Lord John Needham / Joseph Norbury (as Tyrone Power)

Thou Shalt Not Covet
Thou Shalt Not Covet (1916)
I, or the Hero

Где мои дети?
Где мои дети? (1916)

Where Are My Children? (6.20)
District Attorney Richard Walton (как Mr. Tyrone Power)

The Devil-in-Chief
The Devil-in-Chief (1916)
(as Tyrone Power)

Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Alyssum (1915)
Roanoke Brooks (as Tyrone Power)

A Texas Steer
A Texas Steer (1915)
Maverick Brander (as Mr. Tyrone Power)

Aristocracy (1914)
Jefferson Stockton (as Tyrone Power)

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Himself (хроника)



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