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Milton Sills

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Doris Kenyon (15.09.1926), Gladys Wynne (15.09.1910)
Родился: 12 января 1882, Козерог (142 лет назад)
Умер:: 15 сентября 1930 (48 лет)
Первый фильм: 1914
Последний фильм: 1930
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.63

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Man Trouble
Man Trouble (1930)

The Sea Wolf
The Sea Wolf (1930)
'Wolf' Larsen

His Captive Woman
His Captive Woman (1929)
Officer Thomas McCarthy

Love and the Devil
Love and the Devil (1929)
Lord Dryan

Зазывала (1928)

Warcraft (8.30)
Nifty Miller

Burning Daylight
Burning Daylight (1928)
Elam 'Burning Daylight' Harnish

The Crash
The Crash (1928)
Jim Flannagan

The Hawk's Nest
The Hawk's Nest (1928)
The Hawk / John Finchley

Framed (1927)
Etienne Hilaire

Hard-Boiled Haggerty
Hard-Boiled Haggerty (1927)
Hard-Boiled Haggerty

Морской тигр
Морской тигр (1927)

Warcraft (0.00)
Justin Ramos

Долина великанов
Долина великанов (1927)

Warcraft (8.30)
Bryce Cardigan

Men of Steel
Men of Steel (1926)
Jan Bokak

Рай (1926)

Warcraft (0.00)

Puppets (1926)

The Silent Lover
The Silent Lover (1926)
Count Pierre Tornal

As Man Desires
As Man Desires (1925)
Major John Craig

I Want My Man
I Want My Man (1925)
Gulian Eyre

The Knockout
The Knockout (1925)
Sandy Donlin

The Making of O'Malley
The Making of O'Malley (1925)

The Unguarded Hour
The Unguarded Hour (1925)

Madonna of the Streets
Madonna of the Streets (1924)
Reverend John Morton

Морской ястреб
Морской ястреб (1924)

The Sea Hawk (7.20)
Sir Oliver Tressilian

Single Wives
Single Wives (1924)
Perry Jordan

Flowing Gold
Flowing Gold (1924)
Calvin Gray

The Heart Bandit
The Heart Bandit (1924)
John Rand

A Lady of Quality
A Lady of Quality (1924)
Gerald Mertoun, Duke of Osmonde

Ребро Адама
Ребро Адама (1923)

Adam's Rib (7.10)
Michael Ramsay

Flaming Youth
Flaming Youth (1923)
Cary Scott

The Isle of Lost Ships
The Isle of Lost Ships (1923)
Frank Howard

The Last Hour
The Last Hour (1923)
Steve Cline

Legally Dead
Legally Dead (1923)
Will Campbell / George Brown

The Spoilers
The Spoilers (1923)
Roy Glennister

What a Wife Learned
What a Wife Learned (1923)
Rudolph Martin

Why Women Remarry
Why Women Remarry (1923)
Dan Hannon

The Marriage Chance
The Marriage Chance (1922)
William Bradley

One Clear Call
One Clear Call (1922)
Dr. Alan Hamilton

Skin Deep
Skin Deep (1922)
Bud Doyle

Clement Gaunt

Borderland (1922)
James Wayne

Burning Sands
Burning Sands (1922)
Daniel Lane

Environment (1922)
Steve MacLaren

The Forgotten Law
The Forgotten Law (1922)
Richard Jarnette

At the End of the World
At the End of the World (1921)

The Faith Healer
The Faith Healer (1921)

The Great Moment
The Great Moment (1921)
Bayard Delaval

The Little Fool
The Little Fool (1921)

Мисс Лулу Бэтт
Мисс Лулу Бэтт (1921)

Miss Lulu Bett (7.20)
Neil Cornish

Salvage (1921)
Fred Martin

Dangerous to Men
Dangerous to Men (1920)
Sandy Verrall

The Furnace
The Furnace (1920)
Keene Mordaunt

The Inferior Sex
The Inferior Sex (1920)
Knox Randall

Peter Devenant

Sweet Lavender
Sweet Lavender (1920)
Horace Weather Burn

The Week-End
The Week-End (1920)
Arthur Tavenor

Behold My Wife
Behold My Wife (1920)
Frank Armour

Eyes of Youth
Eyes of Youth (1919)
Louis Anthony

The Fear Woman
The Fear Woman (1919)
Robert Craig

The Hushed Hour
The Hushed Hour (1919)
Luke Appleton

Satan Junior
Satan Junior (1919)
Paul Worden

Shadows (1919)
Judson Barnes

The Stronger Vow
The Stronger Vow (1919)
Juan Estudillo

What Every Woman Learns
What Every Woman Learns (1919)
Walter Melrose

The Woman Thou Gavest Me
The Woman Thou Gavest Me (1919)

The Hell Cat
The Hell Cat (1918)
Sheriff Jack Webb

The Mysterious Client
The Mysterious Client (1918)
Harry Nelson

The Other Woman
The Other Woman (1918)
Mr. Harrington

The Reason Why
The Reason Why (1918)
Lord Tancred

The Savage Woman
The Savage Woman (1918)
Jean Lerier

The Struggle Everlasting
The Struggle Everlasting (1918)
Mind, aka Bruce

The Yellow Ticket
The Yellow Ticket (1918)
Julian Rolfe

The Bonds That Tie
The Bonds That Tie (1918)

The Claw
The Claw (1918)
Major Anthony Kinsella

Diamonds and Pearls
Diamonds and Pearls (1917)
RobertVan Ellstrom

The Fringe of Society
The Fringe of Society (1917)
Martin Drake

The Honor System
The Honor System (1917)
Joseph Stanton

Married in Name Only
Married in Name Only (1917)
Robert Worthing

Patria (1917)
Capt. Donald Parr

Souls Adrift
Souls Adrift (1917)
Micah Steele

The Mysteries of Myra
The Mysteries of Myra (1916)

The Arrival of Perpetua
The Arrival of Perpetua (1915)
Thaddeus Curzon

The Deep Purple
The Deep Purple (1915)
William Lake

The Taming of Mary
The Taming of Mary (1915)

Under Southern Skies
Under Southern Skies (1915)
Burleigh Mavor

The Woman Who Lied
The Woman Who Lied (1915)
Jack Stanley

The Rack
The Rack (1915)
Tom Gordon

The Pit
The Pit (1914)

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Легенда о Рудольфе Валентино
Легенда о Рудольфе Валентино (1961)

The Legend of Rudolph Valentino (7.30)
Себя (хроника)

Personality Parade
Personality Parade (1938)
Himself (в титрах отсутствует) (хроника)

Movie Memories
Movie Memories (1934)
Himself (хроника)

Парад фильмов
Парад фильмов (1933)

The Film Parade (7.40)
Себя, film clip (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)


Души для продажи
Души для продажи (1923)

Souls for Sale (7.20)
Себя - Celebrity Actor (в титрах отсутствует)

A Trip to Paramountown
A Trip to Paramountown (1922)


Топ 250
Выходной день Ферриса Бьюллера
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (7.90)
21 грамм
21 Grams (7.90)
Sing Street (7.90)
300 спартанцев
300 (7.80)
Мальчишник в Вегасе
The Hangover (7.80)
Люди Икс: Первый класс
X-Men: First Class (7.80)
Социальная сеть
The Social Network (7.80)
Kick-Ass (7.80)
весь топ