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William Shea
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Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Умер:: 06 ноября 1918 (1918 лет)
Последний фильм: 1920
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Средний рейтинг: 6.82

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

A Daughter of Two Worlds
A Daughter of Two Worlds (1920)
Slim Jackson

A Bachelor's Children
A Bachelor's Children (1918)
Whiskers O'Brien

The Brief Debut of Tildy
The Brief Debut of Tildy (1918)
Mr. Seeders

Bobby, Boy Scout
Bobby, Boy Scout (1917)

Bobby, Movie Director
Bobby, Movie Director (1917)

Kitty MacKay
Kitty MacKay (1917)

Sally in a Hurry
Sally in a Hurry (1917)

The Doctor's Deception
The Doctor's Deception (1917)


The Memory Mill
The Memory Mill (1916)

The Man from Egypt
The Man from Egypt (1916)
Mr. Mazuma

My Lady's Slipper
My Lady's Slipper (1916)

Help! Help! Help!
Help! Help! Help! (1916)
Mr. Henpeck

Romance and Roughhouse
Romance and Roughhouse (1916)
Romantic Rena's Father

Putting Pep in Slowtown
Putting Pep in Slowtown (1916)

Little Nell's Father

A Villainous Villain
A Villainous Villain (1916)

Shanks and Chivalry
Shanks and Chivalry (1916)
Ye King

Walls and Wallops
Walls and Wallops (1916)
Police Chief

The Footlights of Fate
The Footlights of Fate (1916)
Anthony Thursday

She Who Last Laughs
She Who Last Laughs (1916)
I.M. Wealthy

Love and Loot
Love and Loot (1916)
The Heroine's Father

A Night Out
A Night Out (1916)

Mr. Bixbie's Dilemma
Mr. Bixbie's Dilemma (1915)

Mr. Jarr's Big Vacation
Mr. Jarr's Big Vacation (1915)

Between Two Fires
Between Two Fires (1915)

Heavy Villains
Heavy Villains (1915)

No Tickee, No Washee
No Tickee, No Washee (1915)

Jonah Grundell

A Pair of Queens
A Pair of Queens (1915)

Pat Hogan, Deceased
Pat Hogan, Deceased (1915)

Two and Two
Two and Two (1915)
(as William James Shea)

Beached and Bleached
Beached and Bleached (1915)

Chiefly Concerning Males
Chiefly Concerning Males (1915)

The Boarding House Feud
The Boarding House Feud (1915)

Burglarious Billy
Burglarious Billy (1915)

She Took a Chance
She Took a Chance (1915)
Mike Luckey

The Dust of Egypt
The Dust of Egypt (1915)

The Lady of Shalott
The Lady of Shalott (1915)

Some Duel
Some Duel (1915)

A Wireless Rescue
A Wireless Rescue (1915)

The Enemies
The Enemies (1915)
James Osborne

Mr. Bingle's Melodrama
Mr. Bingle's Melodrama (1914)
Old Joe

The Hero
The Hero (1914)

Fisherman Kate
Fisherman Kate (1914)

A Train of Incidents
A Train of Incidents (1914)

Bunny's Birthday
Bunny's Birthday (1914)
A Thief

Two Stepchildren
Two Stepchildren (1914)
Joe's Uncle Jabez - an Old Farmer

The Spirit and the Clay
The Spirit and the Clay (1914)
Gordon's Father

Bunny's Scheme
Bunny's Scheme (1914)

The Athletic Family
The Athletic Family (1914)

Mrs. Maloney's Fortune
Mrs. Maloney's Fortune (1914)

C.O.D. (1914)
Farmer Jones

Bunco Bill's Visit
Bunco Bill's Visit (1914)
Bunco Bill

Sweeney's Christmas Bird
Sweeney's Christmas Bird (1914)

The Band Leader
The Band Leader (1914)

Hearts and Diamonds
Hearts and Diamonds (1914)
Uncle William

The Maid from Sweden
The Maid from Sweden (1914)

Kill or Cure
Kill or Cure (1914)

Pigs Is Pigs
Pigs Is Pigs (1914)

Sawdust and Salome
Sawdust and Salome (1914)

The Vases of Hymen
The Vases of Hymen (1914)

The House on the Hill
The House on the Hill (1914)
Larry McGinnis

The Chicken Inspector
The Chicken Inspector (1914)

Jerry's Uncle's Namesake
Jerry's Uncle's Namesake (1914)
Mr. Simpson

Bunny's Swell Affair
Bunny's Swell Affair (1914)
An Impresario

Tangled Tangoists
Tangled Tangoists (1914)

The Hall-Room Rivals
The Hall-Room Rivals (1914)

A Vagabond

The Widow of Red Rock
The Widow of Red Rock (1914)

Doctor Polly
Doctor Polly (1914)

The Man Behind the Door
The Man Behind the Door (1914)
Professor Pierson

The Speeder's Revenge
The Speeder's Revenge (1914)

The Wrong Flat
The Wrong Flat (1914)

The Old Maid's Baby
The Old Maid's Baby (1914)

The Street Singers
The Street Singers (1914)
Betty's Father

Private Bunny
Private Bunny (1914)

The Mouse and the Lion
The Mouse and the Lion (1913)
A Gangster

Erickson, a Forger

His Life for His Emperor
His Life for His Emperor (1913)

An Elopement at Home
An Elopement at Home (1913)

Betty in the Lions' Den
Betty in the Lions' Den (1913)

Mr. Horatio Sparkins
Mr. Horatio Sparkins (1913)

The Shells
The Shells (1913)

'Arriet's Baby
'Arriet's Baby (1913)
Tom Rogers, 'Arriet's Father

O'Hara's Godchild
O'Hara's Godchild (1913)
Mr. Sullivan

When the Press Speaks
When the Press Speaks (1913)

Beauty Unadorned
Beauty Unadorned (1913)
Captain Smith

The Classmate's Frolic
The Classmate's Frolic (1913)
The Organ Player

The Pirates
The Pirates (1913)

Cupid Through a Keyhole
Cupid Through a Keyhole (1913)

It Made Him Mad
It Made Him Mad (1913)

The Doctor's Secret
The Doctor's Secret (1913)

The Fatal Verdict
The Fatal Verdict (1913)

Ma's Apron Strings
Ma's Apron Strings (1913)
Mr. Bush

The Little Minister
The Little Minister (1913)
Captain Halliwell

The Chains of an Oath
The Chains of an Oath (1913)

The Widow's Might
The Widow's Might (1913)

Dick, the Dead Shot
Dick, the Dead Shot (1913)

Suspicious Henry
Suspicious Henry (1913)

Tim Sullivan

Her Old Sweetheart
Her Old Sweetheart (1912)
A Thief

The Bond of Music
The Bond of Music (1912)
Pierre le Noir, Vian's Neighbor

Tom Tilling's Baby
Tom Tilling's Baby (1912)

Father and Son
Father and Son (1912)

Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box (1912)
Henry Shayshall

Burnt Cork
Burnt Cork (1912)

The Unknown Violinist
The Unknown Violinist (1912)

The French Spy
The French Spy (1912)
A Whirling Dervish

Who's to Win?
Who's to Win? (1912)
Lang, Lawyer in Residence

Так как ты любишь
Так как ты любишь (1912)

As You Like It (0.00)
Undetermined Role

Pseudo Sultan
Pseudo Sultan (1912)
A Dervish

The Bogus Napoleon
The Bogus Napoleon (1912)

Chumps (1912)
Mr. McSorley, the Climax

The Nipper's Lullaby
The Nipper's Lullaby (1912)
Boat Captain

Aunty's Romance
Aunty's Romance (1912)
The Attorney

She Wanted a Boarder
She Wanted a Boarder (1912)
The Cornet Player

The Old Kent Road
The Old Kent Road (1912)
Mr. Spriggins, the Landlord

Nothing to Wear
Nothing to Wear (1912)
Nora's Sweetheart

Too Many Caseys
Too Many Caseys (1912)
Pat Casey

The Spider's Web
The Spider's Web (1912)

The Gossip
The Gossip (1911)

Intrepid Davy
Intrepid Davy (1911)
Davy Jones

Captain Ruggles

The Child Crusoes
The Child Crusoes (1911)

Davy Jones

Two Overcoats
Two Overcoats (1911)

The Politician's Dream
The Politician's Dream (1911)

The Attorney

Davy Jones

История двух городов
История двух городов (1911)

A Tale of Two Cities (7.00)
Jarvis Lorry

Three Men and a Maid
Three Men and a Maid (1911)
Second Old Bachelor

Ярмарка тщеславия
Ярмарка тщеславия (1911)

Vanity Fair (0.00)
Sir Pitt Crawley

In Northern Forests
In Northern Forests (1911)

Carr's Regeneration
Carr's Regeneration (1911)

A Doubly Desired Orphan
A Doubly Desired Orphan (1911)
The Widower

A Friendly Marriage
A Friendly Marriage (1911)
The butler

An Innocent Burglar
An Innocent Burglar (1911)

The Life Boat
The Life Boat (1911)
The Father

Mr. Pogson

Davy Jones' Parrot
Davy Jones' Parrot (1910)
Davy Jones

Davy Jones

Auld Robin Gray
Auld Robin Gray (1910)

Davy Jones

Davy Jones' Landladies
Davy Jones' Landladies (1910)
Davy Jones

Becket (1910)
King Henry II

Сон в летнюю ночь
Сон в летнюю ночь (1909)

A Midsummer Night's Dream (6.00)

Вашингтон под американским флагом
Вашингтон под американским флагом (1909)

Washington Under the American Flag (0.00)

Юлий Цезарь
Юлий Цезарь (1908)

Julius Caesar (6.30)
First Citizen

Ромео и Джульетта
Ромео и Джульетта (1908)

Romeo and Juliet (6.80)

The Shaughraun
The Shaughraun (1907)

The Servant Girl Problem
The Servant Girl Problem (1905)

The Banker


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