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Этель Грэй Терри

Ethel Grey Terry
Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Брак: Carl Gerard (06.01.1910)
Родилась: 02 октября 1882, Весы (141 лет назад)
Умерла:: 06 января 1931 (48 лет)
Первый фильм: 1914
Последний фильм: 1928
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.62

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

A Dumb Waiter
A Dumb Waiter (1928)

Confessions of a Wife
Confessions of a Wife (1928)
Mrs. Livingston

Современные матери
Современные матери (1928)

Warcraft (0.00)

Object: Alimony
Object: Alimony (1928)
Mrs. Carrie Rutledge

Sharp Tools
Sharp Tools (1928)

Skinner's Big Idea
Skinner's Big Idea (1928)
Mrs. Skinner

The Cancelled Debt
The Cancelled Debt (1927)
Mrs. Martin

Hard Boiled
Hard Boiled (1926)
Mrs. Sarah Morton

The Love Toy
The Love Toy (1926)
Queen Zita

Old Shoes
Old Shoes (1925)

What Fools Men
What Fools Men (1925)
Violet Williamson

The Fast Worker
The Fast Worker (1924)
Edith Medcroft

Why Women Remarry
Why Women Remarry (1923)
Mary Talbot

Wild Bill Hickok
Wild Bill Hickok (1923)
Calamity Jane

Brass (1923)
Leila Vale

Garrison's Finish
Garrison's Finish (1923)
Lilly Allen

The Self-Made Wife
The Self-Made Wife (1923)
Corrie Godwin

The Unknown Purple
The Unknown Purple (1923)
Mrs. Freddie Goodlittle

What Wives Want
What Wives Want (1923)
Claire Howard

Grac St. Clair

The Kickback
The Kickback (1922)

Oath-Bound (1922)
Constance Hastings

Пег в моем сердце
Пег в моем сердце (1922)

Peg o' My Heart (7.20)
Ethel Chichester

Shattered Idols
Shattered Idols (1922)
Jean Hurst

Too Much Business
Too Much Business (1922)
Myra Dalton

Travelin' on
Travelin' on (1922)
Susan Morton

Под двумя флагами
Под двумя флагами (1922)

Under Two Flags (0.00)
Princess Corona d'Arague

Suspicious Wives
Suspicious Wives (1921)
Helen Warren

The White Mouse
The White Mouse (1921)

The Breaking Point
The Breaking Point (1921)
Lucia Deeping

Habit (1921)
Mary Chartres

The Northern Trail
The Northern Trail (1921)

A Thousand to One
A Thousand to One (1920)
Beatrice Crittenden

Going Some
Going Some (1920)
Mrs. Roberta Keap

Наказание (1920)

The Penalty (7.50)

Food for Scandal
Food for Scandal (1920)
Nancy Horner (as Ethel Gray Terry)

The Carter Case
The Carter Case (1919)
Cleo Clark

Mathilde Strangerson

Phil-for-Short (1919)
Angelica Wenworth

Just for Tonight
Just for Tonight (1918)
Lady Roxenham

The Snail
The Snail (1918)

Кукольный дом
Кукольный дом (1918)

A Doll's House (7.00)
Mrs. Linden

The Hawk
The Hawk (1917)

Madelene Walderstricker

Vengeance Is Mine
Vengeance Is Mine (1917)
Undetermined Role

Apartment 29
Apartment 29 (1917)
The Girl (as Ethel Gray Terry)

Arsene Lupin
Arsene Lupin (1917)
Sonia (as Ethel Gray Terry)

Нетерпимость (1916)

Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (7.90)
Favorite of the Harem (в титрах отсутствует)

The Struggle
The Struggle (1916)
Marjorie Caldwell

Bought (1915)
Helen Talbot

The Sign of the Cross
The Sign of the Cross (1914)
Berenice (as Ethel Gray Terry)


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