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Walter V. Coyle

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Alys Murrell
Родился: 21 января 1880, Водолей (144 лет назад)
Умер:: 03 августа 1948 (68 лет)
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Coincidence (1915)
Shakespeare George (as Walter Coyle)

His Losing Day
His Losing Day (1915)
(as Walter Coyle)

The Vindication
The Vindication (1915)
Second Burglar (as Walter Coyle)

The First Piano in Camp
The First Piano in Camp (1915)
The Saloon Owner (as Walter Coyle)

Getting Into a Scrape
Getting Into a Scrape (1915)
His enemy (as Walter Coyle)

Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold (1915)
The Old Miner (as Walter Coyle)

Gratitude (1915)
Shakespeare George (as Walter Coyle)

His Fatal Shot
His Fatal Shot (1915)
Her father (as Walter Coyle)

Luxurious Lou
Luxurious Lou (1915)
Tim Bryant (as Walter Coyle)

His Night Out
His Night Out (1915)

The Don (as Walter Coyle)

In the Boarding House
In the Boarding House (1915)
(as Walter Coyle)

The Sheriff's Story
The Sheriff's Story (1915)
Hermit of Canyon Gulch (as Walter Coyle)

A Safe Adventure
A Safe Adventure (1915)
Mr. Curl (as Walter Coyle)

Blown Into Custody
Blown Into Custody (1915)
Bandit (as Walter Coyle)

The Soup Industry
The Soup Industry (1915)
Visitor (as Walter Coyle)

The magician (as Walter Coyle)

The Buckskin Shirt
The Buckskin Shirt (1915)
Hold-up man (as Walter Coyle)

The Fashion Shop
The Fashion Shop (1915)
Proprietor (as Walter Coyle)

The Villainous Uncle
The Villainous Uncle (1914)
Her lover (as Walter Coyle)

Getting the Sack
Getting the Sack (1914)
Another rival (as Walter Coyle)

Henpeck Gets a Night Off
Henpeck Gets a Night Off (1914)
Dick (as Walter Coyle)

His Loving Spouse
His Loving Spouse (1914)
Mrs. Murphy

A Regular Rip
A Regular Rip (1914)
Vaudeville team (as Walter Coyle)

Villain (as Walter Coyle)

The Squashville School
The Squashville School (1914)
Her lover (as Walter Coyle)

Making Them Cough Up
Making Them Cough Up (1914)
Gayboy (as Walter Coyle)

Meeting Mr. Jones
Meeting Mr. Jones (1914)
The husband (as Walter Coyle)

The Deadly Dispatch
The Deadly Dispatch (1914)
Spy (as Walter Coyle)

A Natural Mistake
A Natural Mistake (1914)
(as Walter Coyle)

The Dentist's Janitor
The Dentist's Janitor (1914)
A patient (as Walter Coyle)

Our Home-Made Army
Our Home-Made Army (1914)
Spy (as Walter Coyle)

The Plumber's Picnic
The Plumber's Picnic (1914)
The plumber (as Walter Coyle)

He's a Lawyer
He's a Lawyer (1913)
G.M. Barker, Broker


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