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Джейн Фрэзи

Jane Frazee
Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Glenn Tryon (00.00.1942) (детей: 1)
Родилась: 18 июля 1918, Рак (105 лет назад)
Умерла:: 06 сентября 1985 (67 лет)
Последний фильм: 1956
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.54

Все | Актриса


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Alice McDoakes

Alice McDoakes

Alice McDoakes

Alice McDoakes

Alice McDoakes

Alice McDoakes

Супермен в Скотланд Ярде
Супермен в Скотланд Ярде (1954)

Superman in Scotland Yard (7.50)
Farmwoman (хроника)

Alice McDoakes

Alice McDoakes

Rhythm Inn
Rhythm Inn (1951)
Carol Denton

Beulah (сериал) (1950)
Alice Henderson

The Gay Ranchero
The Gay Ranchero (1948)
Betty Richards

Grand Canyon Trail
Grand Canyon Trail (1948)
Carol Martin aka Carol Vanderpool

Last of the Wild Horses
Last of the Wild Horses (1948)
Jane Cooper

Under California Stars
Under California Stars (1948)
Caroline Bullfincher

Incident (1948)
Marion Roberts

Calendar Girl
Calendar Girl (1947)
Patricia O'Neill

On the Old Spanish Trail
On the Old Spanish Trail (1947)
Candy Martin

Taffy Baker

A Guy Could Change
A Guy Could Change (1946)
Barbara Adams

George White's Scandals
George White's Scandals (1945)
Showgirl (в титрах отсутствует)

Swingin' on a Rainbow
Swingin' on a Rainbow (1945)
Lynn Ford

Ten Cents a Dance
Ten Cents a Dance (1945)
Jeanne Hollis

Beautiful But Broke
Beautiful But Broke (1944)
Sally Richards

The Big Bonanza
The Big Bonanza (1944)
Chiquita McSweeney

Cowboy Canteen
Cowboy Canteen (1944)
Connie Gray

Kansas City Kitty
Kansas City Kitty (1944)
Eileen Hasbrook

Practically Yours
Practically Yours (1944)
Musical comedy star

Rosie the Riveter
Rosie the Riveter (1944)
Rosalind 'Rosie' Warren

She's a Sweetheart
She's a Sweetheart (1944)
Maxine Lecour

Swing in the Saddle
Swing in the Saddle (1944)
Penny Morrow

Rhythm of the Islands
Rhythm of the Islands (1943)
Joan Holton

Hi'ya, Chum
Hi'ya, Chum (1943)
Sunny Lee

Keep 'Em Slugging
Keep 'Em Slugging (1943)
Star in Moviehouse Film (в титрах отсутствует)

Don't Get Personal
Don't Get Personal (1942)
Mary Reynolds

Almost Married
Almost Married (1942)
Gloria Dobson

Get Hep to Love
Get Hep to Love (1942)
Ann Winters

Moonlight Masquerade
Moonlight Masquerade (1942)
Vicki Forrester

Moonlight in Havana
Moonlight in Havana (1942)
Gloria Jackson

What's Cookin'?
What's Cookin'? (1942)

Joyce Benton

Рядовые (1941)

Warcraft (7.10)
Judy Gray

Ад раскрылся
Ад раскрылся (1941)

Hellzapoppin' (7.60)
Kitty Rand

Moonlight in Hawaii
Moonlight in Hawaii (1941)

San Antonio Rose
San Antonio Rose (1941)
Hope Holloway

Sing Another Chorus
Sing Another Chorus (1941)

Melody and Moonlight
Melody and Moonlight (1940)
Kay Barnett

Rollin' in Rhythm
Rollin' in Rhythm (1939)

Up in Lights
Up in Lights (1938)

Sound Defects
Sound Defects (1937)

Study and Understudy
Study and Understudy (1936)

Captain Blue Blood
Captain Blue Blood (1935)
(as The Frazee Sisters)

Kay Rogers

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Pharmacy Frolics
Pharmacy Frolics (1939)
Herself (as the Frazee Sisters)

Arcade Varieties
Arcade Varieties (1939)
Herself (as The Frazee Sisters)

Swing Styles
Swing Styles (1939)
Herself - Singer (as the Frazee Sisters)


Топ 250
Пролетая над гнездом кукушки
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (8.80)
Бойцовский клуб
Fight Club (8.80)
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Goodfellas (8.80)
Casablanca (8.80)
Семь самураев
Shichinin no samurai (8.80)
The Matrix (8.70)
Властелин колец: Две крепости
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (8.70)
Форрест Гамп
Forrest Gump (8.70)
весь топ