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June Elvidge

Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Briton N. Busch, Frank Badgley (19.11.1918)
Родилась: 30 июня 1893, Рак (130 лет назад)
Умерла:: 01 мая 1965 (71 лет)
Первый фильм: 1915
Последний фильм: 1924
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.93

Все | Актриса


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Chalk Marks
Chalk Marks (1924)
Ann Morton

Pagan Passions
Pagan Passions (1924)
Mrs. Dangerfield

Painted People
Painted People (1924)
Mrs. Dutton

Anna Bell Lee

The Torrent
The Torrent (1924)
The Friend

Заключенный (1923)

The Prisoner (0.00)
Lady Francis

Temptation (1923)
Mrs. Martin

The Eleventh Hour
The Eleventh Hour (1923)
Estelle Hackett

Beauty's Worth
Beauty's Worth (1922)
Amy Tillson

По ту сторону скал
По ту сторону скал (1922)

Beyond the Rocks (7.60)
Lady Anna Anningford

Forsaking All Others
Forsaking All Others (1922)
Enid Morton

Naomi Templeton

The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow (1922)
Lady Helen Deene

The Power of a Lie
The Power of a Lie (1922)
Lily Cardington

Quincy Adams Sawyer
Quincy Adams Sawyer (1922)
Betsy Ann Ross

Thelma (1922)
Lady Clara Winsleigh

Женщина-завоеватель (1922)

The Woman Conquers (0.00)
Flora O'Hare

Fine Feathers
Fine Feathers (1921)
Mrs. Brand

The Law of the Yukon
The Law of the Yukon (1920)
Mrs. Meredith

The Poison Pen
The Poison Pen (1919)
Allayne Filbert

The Quickening Flame
The Quickening Flame (1919)
Maizie Bell

Three Green Eyes
Three Green Eyes (1919)
Lucille Vale

Love and the Woman
Love and the Woman (1919)
Helen Stevens / Mary Dorsey

The Social Pirate
The Social Pirate (1919)
Dolores Fernandez

The Steel King
The Steel King (1919)
Eleanor Fairchild

The Woman of Lies
The Woman of Lies (1919)
Olive Sherman

His Father's Wife
His Father's Wife (1919)
Patricia 'Patty' Hudson

Coax Me
Coax Me (1919)
Nance Lovejoy

Almost Married
Almost Married (1919)
Patricia 'Patty' Hudson

The Bluffer
The Bluffer (1919)
Sybil Van Norden

The Love Defender
The Love Defender (1919)
Hope Meredith

The Moral Deadline
The Moral Deadline (1919)
Evelyn Merrill

Joan of the Woods
Joan of the Woods (1918)
Joan Travers / Joan Wentworth

A Woman of Redemption
A Woman of Redemption (1918)
Gene Romaine

Appearance of Evil
Appearance of Evil (1918)
Maida Brown

The Oldest Law
The Oldest Law (1918)
Jennie Cox

The Power and the Glory
The Power and the Glory (1918)
Jonnie Consadine

Stolen Orders
Stolen Orders (1918)
Ruth Le Page as a woman

The Way Out
The Way Out (1918)
Alice Thornton

Нулевой час
Нулевой час (1918)

The Zero Hour (0.00)
Fanny Craig / Evelyn Craig

Mrs. Maria Reynolds

Broken Ties
Broken Ties (1918)
Marcia FLeming

The Cabaret
The Cabaret (1918)

Rasputin, the Black Monk
Rasputin, the Black Monk (1917)
Inez, Raff's wife

The Social Leper
The Social Leper (1917)
Adrienne Van Couver

A Square Deal
A Square Deal (1917)
Doris Golden

The Whip
The Whip (1917)
Mrs. D'Aquilia

Youth (1917)
Jean Elliott

The Red Woman
The Red Woman (1917)
Dora Wendell

The Guardian
The Guardian (1917)
Marie Dacre

The Crimson Dove
The Crimson Dove (1917)
Adrienne Durant

Shall We Forgive Her?
Shall We Forgive Her? (1917)

The Family Honor
The Family Honor (1917)
Marcia Quesnay

The Strong Way
The Strong Way (1917)
Eunice Torrence

A Girl's Folly
A Girl's Folly (1917)
Vivian Carleton

The Tenth Case
The Tenth Case (1917)
Claudia Payton

The Marriage Market
The Marriage Market (1917)

The Page Mystery
The Page Mystery (1917)
Edith Strong

The Price of Pride
The Price of Pride (1917)
Nan Westland

The Almighty Dollar
The Almighty Dollar (1916)
Nan Lorimer

La vie de Bohème
La vie de Bohème (1916)
Madame de Rouvre

The Hand of Peril
The Hand of Peril (1916)
Maura Lambert

Love's Crucible
Love's Crucible (1916)
Frances Lawton

Paying the Price
Paying the Price (1916)
Countess Nimy

Fate's Boomerang
Fate's Boomerang (1916)
Mildred Castleman

The World Against Him
The World Against Him (1916)
Violet Ridgeway

A Butterfly on the Wheel
A Butterfly on the Wheel (1915)
Lady Attwill

The Flash of an Emerald
The Flash of an Emerald (1915)
Phillipa Ford

The Lure of Woman
The Lure of Woman (1915)

The Rack
The Rack (1915)
Louise Freeman

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

The Volunteer
The Volunteer (1917)
Herself, Cameo Appearance


Топ 250
Малхолланд Драйв
Mulholland Dr. (8.00)
Человек дождя
Rain Man (8.00)
Почти знаменит
Almost Famous (8.00)
Перед рассветом
Before Sunrise (8.00)
Беги, Лола, беги
Lola rennt (8.00)
Avatar (7.90)
Железный человек
Iron Man (7.90)
Поймай меня, если сможешь
Catch Me If You Can (7.90)
весь топ