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Fred Mace

Профессии: Режиссёр, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Gertrude Emily Johnson
Родился: 22 августа 1878, Лев (145 лет назад)
Умер:: 21 февраля 1917 (38 лет)
Последний фильм: 2008
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.44

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]


Актёр [ скрыть ]

His Last Scent
His Last Scent (1916)

An Oily Scoundrel
An Oily Scoundrel (1916)

Bath Tub Perils
Bath Tub Perils (1916)

The Love Comet
The Love Comet (1916)

A Love Riot
A Love Riot (1916)

Love Will Conquer
Love Will Conquer (1916)

The Village Vampire
The Village Vampire (1916)


My Valet
My Valet (1915)
Foreign Suitor

Crooked to the End
Crooked to the End (1915)

What Happened to Jones
What Happened to Jones (1915)

Black Hand Conspiracy
Black Hand Conspiracy (1914)

Up in the Air Over Sadie
Up in the Air Over Sadie (1914)

Up and Down
Up and Down (1914)

Dad's Terrible Match
Dad's Terrible Match (1914)

A Parcel Post Auto
A Parcel Post Auto (1914)

Мэйбл за рулем
Мэйбл за рулем (1914)

Mabel at the Wheel (5.50)
Dubious character (в титрах отсутствует)

The Tale of a Shirt
The Tale of a Shirt (1914)

Rafferty's Raffle
Rafferty's Raffle (1914)

Too Many Brides
Too Many Brides (1914)

Village School Days
Village School Days (1914)

Some Bull's Daughter
Some Bull's Daughter (1914)

An Accidental Baby
An Accidental Baby (1914)

One Round O'Brien

Apollo Fred

The Cheese of Police
The Cheese of Police (1914)

Apollo Fred

The Gangsters
The Gangsters (1913)

Ketchem and Killem
Ketchem and Killem (1913)

Dr. John Watson

Get Rich Quick
Get Rich Quick (1913)

Heinze's Resurrection
Heinze's Resurrection (1913)

Mimosa's Sweetheart
Mimosa's Sweetheart (1913)

At Twelve O'Clock
At Twelve O'Clock (1913)
The Mexican

The Stolen Purse
The Stolen Purse (1913)
Dr. John Watson

A Wife Wanted
A Wife Wanted (1913)

His Nobs the Plumber
His Nobs the Plumber (1913)

Her New Beau
Her New Beau (1913)

The Tongue Mark
The Tongue Mark (1913)

The Bangville Police
The Bangville Police (1913)
Police Chief

A Strong Revenge
A Strong Revenge (1913)

Hubby's Job
Hubby's Job (1913)

The Battle of Who Run
The Battle of Who Run (1913)

Those Good Old Days
Those Good Old Days (1913)

The Jealous Waiter
The Jealous Waiter (1913)

Algy on the Force
Algy on the Force (1913)

The Bowling Match
The Bowling Match (1913)

When Dreams Come True
When Dreams Come True (1913)

The Grey Sentinel
The Grey Sentinel (1913)

Teddy Loosebelt

Just Brown's Luck
Just Brown's Luck (1913)

Cohen Saves the Flag
Cohen Saves the Flag (1913)

The Fresh Freshman
The Fresh Freshman (1913)

A Landlord's Troubles
A Landlord's Troubles (1913)

Cupid in a Dental Parlor
Cupid in a Dental Parlor (1913)

The Cure That Failed
The Cure That Failed (1913)

The Turkish Bath
The Turkish Bath (1913)

Mabel's Heroes
Mabel's Heroes (1913)

The Darktown Belle
The Darktown Belle (1913)

A Doctored Affair
A Doctored Affair (1913)

The Rube Boss
The Rube Boss (1913)

The Man Next Door
The Man Next Door (1913)

A Deaf Burglar
A Deaf Burglar (1913)

Fred Goes in for Horses
Fred Goes in for Horses (1913)

A Double Wedding
A Double Wedding (1913)

Murphy's I.O.U.
Murphy's I.O.U. (1913)

A Dollar Did It
A Dollar Did It (1913)

His Way of Winning Her
His Way of Winning Her (1913)

The Elite Ball
The Elite Ball (1913)

The Professor's Daughter
The Professor's Daughter (1913)

Forced Bravery
Forced Bravery (1913)

The Doctor's Ruse
The Doctor's Ruse (1913)

Father's Choice
Father's Choice (1913)

The Speed Bear
The Speed Bear (1913)

A Red Hot Romance
A Red Hot Romance (1913)

Her Birthday Present
Her Birthday Present (1913)

One Round O'Brien

The Firebugs
The Firebugs (1913)

One Round O'Brien

The Rube and the Baron
The Rube and the Baron (1913)

Jenny's Pearls
Jenny's Pearls (1913)

A Horse Unfed
A Horse Unfed (1913)

Foiling Fickle Father
Foiling Fickle Father (1913)

The Rural Third Degree
The Rural Third Degree (1913)

The Sleuth's Last Stand
The Sleuth's Last Stand (1913)
Dr. John Watson

Anne of the Trails
Anne of the Trails (1913)

Fred's I.O.U.
Fred's I.O.U. (1913)

The Foreman of the Jury
The Foreman of the Jury (1913)

One Round O'Brien

Saving Mabel's Dad
Saving Mabel's Dad (1913)

The Tale of a Black Eye
The Tale of a Black Eye (1913)

A Devilish Doctor
A Devilish Doctor (1913)

A Game of Poker
A Game of Poker (1913)

Schnitz the Tailor
Schnitz the Tailor (1913)

Their First Execution
Their First Execution (1913)

Fred's Trained Nurse
Fred's Trained Nurse (1913)

A Game of Pool
A Game of Pool (1913)

Hot Stuff
Hot Stuff (1912)
Hank's Sweetheart's Uncle

Those Hicksville Boys
Those Hicksville Boys (1912)

The Beating He Needed
The Beating He Needed (1912)

When the Fire-Bells Rang
When the Fire-Bells Rang (1912)
The Fireman's Brother

Brave and Bold
Brave and Bold (1912)
Mr. Blowhard

A Widow's Wiles
A Widow's Wiles (1912)

Поймай их, Кейт
Поймай их, Кейт (1912)

Katchem Kate (5.30)
Detective Agency Head

The Brave Hunter
The Brave Hunter (1912)

A Close Call
A Close Call (1912)
Street Faker

Mabel's Adventures
Mabel's Adventures (1912)

Brown's Seance
Brown's Seance (1912)

Mabel's Lovers
Mabel's Lovers (1912)

Cohen Collects a Debt
Cohen Collects a Debt (1912)

Mabel's Stratagem
Mabel's Stratagem (1912)

A Voice from the Deep
A Voice from the Deep (1912)


Got a Match
Got a Match (1912)

A Midnight Elopement
A Midnight Elopement (1912)

Algy the Watchman
Algy the Watchman (1912)
Algy, the Watchman

The Deacon's Troubles
The Deacon's Troubles (1912)

Mr. Fix-It
Mr. Fix-It (1912)

With a Kodak
With a Kodak (1912)
Mr. Hobbs

A Desperate Lover
A Desperate Lover (1912)

Neighbors (1912)
First French Family, the Husband

The Drummer's Vacation
The Drummer's Vacation (1912)

The Leading Man
The Leading Man (1912)
The Landlord

The New Neighbor
The New Neighbor (1912)

The Would-Be Shriner
The Would-Be Shriner (1912)
On Street

The Engagement Ring
The Engagement Ring (1912)
The Jeweler

Pat's Day Off
Pat's Day Off (1912)

A Family Mixup
A Family Mixup (1912)

Pedro's Dilemma
Pedro's Dilemma (1912)

The Fickle Spaniard
The Fickle Spaniard (1912)
The Spaniard

Riley and Schultz
Riley and Schultz (1912)

A Near-Tragedy
A Near-Tragedy (1912)
The Sheriff

A Spanish Dilemma
A Spanish Dilemma (1912)

Lie Not to Your Wife
Lie Not to Your Wife (1912)

Свадьба Элен
Свадьба Элен (1912)

Helen's Marriage (5.40)

One Round O'Brien
One Round O'Brien (1912)
One-Round O'Brien

Ambitious Butler
Ambitious Butler (1912)

Stolen Glory
Stolen Glory (1912)

Help! Help!
Help! Help! (1912)
Mr. Suburbanite

The Speed Demon
The Speed Demon (1912)
The Speed Demon

At It Again
At It Again (1912)
Myred Face

A Temperamental Husband
A Temperamental Husband (1912)

His Own Fault
His Own Fault (1912)
Mr. Brown

The Postman
The Postman (1912)

A Bear Escape
A Bear Escape (1912)

Водная нимфа
Водная нимфа (1912)

The Water Nymph (5.90)

Hoffmeyer's Legacy
Hoffmeyer's Legacy (1912)

Second Sleuth

Too Many Burglars
Too Many Burglars (1911)
The Burglar

Second Sleuth

A Convenient Burglar
A Convenient Burglar (1911)
Mr. Gay

Murphy the Janitor

The Village Hero
The Village Hero (1911)

Dooley's Scheme
Dooley's Scheme (1911)
Officer Dooley

Барон (1911)

The Baron (4.30)
Boarding House Dupe

Caught with the Goods
Caught with the Goods (1911)
Second Sleuth


The Diving Girl
The Diving Girl (1911)
The Uncle

Josh's Suicide
Josh's Suicide (1911)

Her Awakening
Her Awakening (1911)
A Laundry Customer

The Wonderful Eye
The Wonderful Eye (1911)

The Long Road
The Long Road (1911)
In Bar

The Lucky Horseshoe
The Lucky Horseshoe (1911)

Through Darkened Vales
Through Darkened Vales (1911)
Dave's Employer

The $500 Reward
The $500 Reward (1911)
Dr. John Watson

A Mix-up in Raincoats
A Mix-up in Raincoats (1911)

A Friend

Mr. Peck Goes Calling
Mr. Peck Goes Calling (1911)

The Jewelry Clerk

Why He Gave Up
Why He Gave Up (1911)
The Husband

Their First Divorce Case
Their First Divorce Case (1911)
Second Sleuth

The Call
The Call (1910)

A Knot in the Plot
A Knot in the Plot (1910)

A Lucky Toothache
A Lucky Toothache (1910)

Месть шута
Месть шута (1909)

A Fool's Revenge (5.40)




Топ 250
The Prestige (8.50)
The Shining (8.50)
Король Лев
The Lion King (8.50)
Alien (8.50)
Спасти рядового Райана
Saving Private Ryan (8.50)
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (8.50)
Aliens (8.50)
Taxi Driver (8.50)
WALL·E (8.50)
Вечное сияние чистого разума
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (8.50)
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