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Hazel Neason

Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Брак: Albert E. Smith (24.01.1913)
Родилась: 16 августа 1891, Лев (132 лет назад)
Умерла:: 24 января 1920 (28 лет)
Первый фильм: 1909
Последний фильм: 1916
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.03

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

The Embodied Thought
The Embodied Thought (1916)

The Enemies
The Enemies (1915)

The Plague Spot
The Plague Spot (1915)

Heart of a Woman
Heart of a Woman (1914)

Mr. Bingle's Melodrama
Mr. Bingle's Melodrama (1914)

Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire (1913)

Grandfather (1913)
The Daughter

Out of the Storm
Out of the Storm (1913)

A Soul in Bondage
A Soul in Bondage (1913)

The Answered Prayer
The Answered Prayer (1913)
The Widow

Angelina Leslie - Paul's Wife

The Heart of Mrs. Robins
The Heart of Mrs. Robins (1913)

The Flag of Freedom
The Flag of Freedom (1913)

Where the Money Went
Where the Money Went (1912)

The Lair of the Wolf
The Lair of the Wolf (1912)

The Widow's Maid

The GIrl Reporter

A Political Kidnapping
A Political Kidnapping (1912)

A Daughter's Sacrifice
A Daughter's Sacrifice (1912)
Pearl Clay - the Girl who Waited

The Young Millionaire
The Young Millionaire (1912)

The Heart of John Grimm
The Heart of John Grimm (1912)

The Thief
The Thief (1912)

The First Violin
The First Violin (1912)

Ida's Christmas
Ida's Christmas (1912)

The Law or the Lady
The Law or the Lady (1912)
The Accused's Daughter

Lulu's Anarchist
Lulu's Anarchist (1912)

The Tell-Tale Message
The Tell-Tale Message (1912)

The County Fair
The County Fair (1912)
Lazelle - Jim's Sweetheart

The Diamond Brooch
The Diamond Brooch (1912)
The Slandering Ballerina

Caught in the Rain
Caught in the Rain (1912)

The Finger of Suspicion
The Finger of Suspicion (1912)
Adele - Kathleen's Sister

Playmates (1912)
The Child's Nurse

A Romance of Wall Street
A Romance of Wall Street (1912)

Winning Is Losing
Winning Is Losing (1912)

Его мать
Его мать (1911)

His Mother (0.00)
Donald's Flirt

A Friendly Marriage
A Friendly Marriage (1911)

By Way of Mrs. Browning
By Way of Mrs. Browning (1911)


The Sleep Walker
The Sleep Walker (1911)
Lucy, the Sleep Walker

The Answer of the Roses
The Answer of the Roses (1911)

His Last Cent
His Last Cent (1911)

The Southern Girl

An Innocent Burglar
An Innocent Burglar (1911)

Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather (1911)

Jimmie's Job
Jimmie's Job (1911)
The Stenographer

Their Charming Mama
Their Charming Mama (1911)
First Daughter

Cupid's Chauffeur
Cupid's Chauffeur (1911)

Two Wolves and a Lamb
Two Wolves and a Lamb (1911)

Ruggles' Daughter - Dan's Sweetheart

A Widow

The Garden of Fate
The Garden of Fate (1910)

Отверженные (1909)

Les Misérables (6.50)


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Умница Уилл Хантинг
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Карты, деньги, два ствола
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (8.20)
В диких условиях
Into the Wild (8.20)
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Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (8.20)
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