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Pee Wee Reese

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Dorothy Walton (00.00.1942) (детей: 2)
Рост: 175
Родился: 23 июля 1918, Лев (105 лет назад)
Умер:: 14 августа 1999 (81 лет)
Первый фильм: 1946
Последний фильм: 1958
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Himself - Field Reporter

Мальчик гейша
Мальчик гейша (1958)

The Geisha Boy (6.00)
Los Angeles Dodgers shortstop (в титрах отсутствует)

1955 World Series
1955 World Series (1955)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1953 World Series
1953 World Series (1953)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1952 World Series
1952 World Series (1952)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

Style of the Stars
Style of the Stars (1947)
All-Star Baseball Player

Brooklyn, I Love You
Brooklyn, I Love You (1946)
Carl 'Pee-Wee' Reese - Brooklyn Dodger

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Himself (хроника)

When It Was a Game
When It Was a Game (1991)
Himself (хроника)

1968 MLB All-Star Game
1968 MLB All-Star Game (1968)
Himself - Color Commentator

Game 3
Game 3 (1968)
Себя - Pregame Host

Game 6
Game 6 (1968)
Себя - Pregame Host

Game 7
Game 7 (1968)
Себя - Pregame Host

1967 MLB All-Star Game
1967 MLB All-Star Game (1967)
Himself - Color Commentator

Himself - Field Reporter

1966 MLB All-Star Game
1966 MLB All-Star Game (1966)
Himself - Color Commentator

Game 7
Game 7 (1956)
Себя - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1956 World Series
1956 World Series (1956)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

Game 2
Game 2 (1955)
Себя - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1955 World Series
1955 World Series (1955)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1953 MLB All-Star Game
1953 MLB All-Star Game (1953)
Himself - NL Shortstop

Game 6
Game 6 (1953)
Себя - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1953 World Series
1953 World Series (1953)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1952 MLB All-Star Game
1952 MLB All-Star Game (1952)
Himself - NL Shortstop

1952 World Series
1952 World Series (1952)
Himself - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop

1950 MLB All-Star Game
1950 MLB All-Star Game (1950)
Himself - NL Shortstop

1949 MLB All-Star Game
1949 MLB All-Star Game (1949)
Himself - NL Shortstop


1949 World Series
1949 World Series (0)
Себя - Brooklyn Dodgers Shortstop (5 episodes, 1949)

1968 World Series
1968 World Series (0)
Себя - Pregame Host (3 episodes, 1968)


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