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Sammy Brooks

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 10 июля 1891, Рак (132 лет назад)
Умер:: 16 мая 1951 (59 лет)
Последний фильм: 1938
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.2

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Швейцарская мисс
Швейцарская мисс (1938)

Warcraft (6.50)
Extra (в титрах отсутствует)

Путь с Запада
Путь с Запада (1937)

Warcraft (7.70)
Brushwood Gulch Citizen (в титрах отсутствует)

Богемская девушка
Богемская девушка (1936)

Warcraft (6.70)
Gypsy Vagabond (в титрах отсутствует)

On the Wrong Trek
On the Wrong Trek (1936)
Hitchhiker (в титрах отсутствует)

Our Relations
Our Relations (1936)
Extra in Denker's Beer Garden (в титрах отсутствует)

Rhapsody in Brew
Rhapsody in Brew (1933)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Help Wanted, Female
Help Wanted, Female (1931)
Job Applicant (в титрах отсутствует)

Catch as Catch Can
Catch as Catch Can (1931)
Little Wrestling Match Referee (в титрах отсутствует)

На верхней полке
На верхней полке (1929)

Warcraft (6.80)
Short Train Passenger (в титрах отсутствует)

Bromo and Juliet
Bromo and Juliet (1926)
Bit Role (в титрах отсутствует)

Raggedy Rose
Raggedy Rose (1926)
Undetermined Role (в титрах отсутствует)

A Punch in the Nose
A Punch in the Nose (1926)

Dizzy Daddies
Dizzy Daddies (1926)

Don Key (Son of Burro)
Don Key (Son of Burro) (1926)

Your Husband's Past
Your Husband's Past (1926)

Don't Butt In
Don't Butt In (1926)

The Old War-Horse
The Old War-Horse (1926)

The Merry Widower
The Merry Widower (1926)

Never Too Old
Never Too Old (1926)

Long Fliv the King
Long Fliv the King (1926)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Say It with Babies
Say It with Babies (1926)
(as Sam Brooks)

Wandering Papas
Wandering Papas (1926)
Construction worker (в титрах отсутствует)

Madame Mystery
Madame Mystery (1926)
(as Sam Brooks)

Should Husbands Pay?
Should Husbands Pay? (1926)

Tol'able Romeo
Tol'able Romeo (1925)

Should Sailors Marry?
Should Sailors Marry? (1925)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Laughing Ladies
Laughing Ladies (1925)
(as Sam Brooks)

Sherlock Sleuth
Sherlock Sleuth (1925)

Is Marriage the Bunk?
Is Marriage the Bunk? (1925)

All Wool
All Wool (1925)

Whose Baby Are You?
Whose Baby Are You? (1925)
Train passenger (в титрах отсутствует)

Looking for Sally
Looking for Sally (1925)
Blind man

Isn't Life Terrible?
Isn't Life Terrible? (1925)
(в титрах отсутствует)

The Rat's Knuckles
The Rat's Knuckles (1925)
Blind man

Whispering Lions
Whispering Lions (1925)
The Sheik

Unfriendly Enemies
Unfriendly Enemies (1925)

Tame Men and Wild Women
Tame Men and Wild Women (1925)

The Poor Fish
The Poor Fish (1924)
Balloon man

Brothers Under the Chin
Brothers Under the Chin (1924)

A Ten-Minute Egg
A Ten-Minute Egg (1924)
Lobby bystander (в титрах отсутствует)

Застенчивый (1924)

Girl Shy (7.90)
Short Train Passenger (в титрах отсутствует)

Near Dublin
Near Dublin (1924)
Barn dance musician

Rupert of Hee Haw
Rupert of Hee Haw (1924)
Palace guard

Postage Due
Postage Due (1924)

Чудные килты
Чудные килты (1924)

Short Kilts (5.00)

The Cowboy Sheik
The Cowboy Sheik (1924)

Smithy (1924)
Man in Employment Line (в титрах отсутствует)

Wide Open Spaces
Wide Open Spaces (1924)

Zeb vs. Paprika
Zeb vs. Paprika (1924)

Our Congressman
Our Congressman (1924)
Tour Bus Driver (в титрах отсутствует)

Правдивый лжец
Правдивый лжец (1924)

A Truthful Liar (0.00)
Townsman (в титрах отсутствует)

Kill or Cure
Kill or Cure (1923)
Short non-customer

Tight Shoes
Tight Shoes (1923)

A Man About Town
A Man About Town (1923)
Bit Role (в титрах отсутствует)

The Noon Whistle
The Noon Whistle (1923)
A millworker (as Sam Brooks)

Pick and Shovel
Pick and Shovel (1923)

Before the Public
Before the Public (1923)
On Lantern Slide

Jailed and Bailed
Jailed and Bailed (1923)

Scorching Sands
Scorching Sands (1923)

Post No Bills
Post No Bills (1923)

Bowled Over
Bowled Over (1923)

Апельсины и лимоны
Апельсины и лимоны (1923)

Oranges and Lemons (5.80)

The Soilers
The Soilers (1923)

Under Two Jags
Under Two Jags (1923)
Gunner (as Sam Brooks)

Collars and Cuffs
Collars and Cuffs (1923)
Laundry worker

The Smile Wins
The Smile Wins (1923)

For Safe Keeping
For Safe Keeping (1923)
Jailer (в титрах отсутствует)

The Walkout
The Walkout (1923)
The Boss

Take the Air
Take the Air (1923)

The Champeen
The Champeen (1923)
Fruit stand vendor

Frozen Hearts
Frozen Hearts (1923)
The general's second

Blaze Away
Blaze Away (1922)

The Landlubber
The Landlubber (1922)

Loose Change
Loose Change (1922)

Take Next Car
Take Next Car (1922)

The Dumb-Bell
The Dumb-Bell (1922)
Short actor playing doctor

The Sleuth
The Sleuth (1922)

Stage Struck
Stage Struck (1922)

Бабушкин сынок
Бабушкин сынок (1922)

Grandma's Boy (7.10)
Townsman (в титрах отсутствует)

Shine 'Em Up!
Shine 'Em Up! (1922)
Justice of the Peace

Sweet By and By
Sweet By and By (1921)

High Rollers
High Rollers (1921)

The Pickaninny
The Pickaninny (1921)

Oh, Promise Me
Oh, Promise Me (1921)

Whirl o' the West
Whirl o' the West (1921)

Rush Orders
Rush Orders (1921)

At the Ringside
At the Ringside (1921)
Corner man

Shake 'Em Up
Shake 'Em Up (1921)

Большая игра
Большая игра (1921)

Big Game (0.00)

Sink or Swim
Sink or Swim (1921)

Among Those Present
Among Those Present (1921)
Guest (в титрах отсутствует)

Сейчас или никогда
Сейчас или никогда (1921)

Now or Never (6.80)
Short Man on Train (в титрах отсутствует)

The Lucky Number
The Lucky Number (1921)

Stop Kidding
Stop Kidding (1921)

On Their Way
On Their Way (1921)

Alias Aladdin
Alias Aladdin (1920)

Any Old Port
Any Old Port (1920)

На диком западе
На диком западе (1920)

An Eastern Westerner (6.90)

Little Miss Jazz
Little Miss Jazz (1920)
Gallery visitor

Fresh Paint
Fresh Paint (1920)
Roman model

Испуганные призраки
Испуганные призраки (1920)

Haunted Spooks (6.70)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Ваш номер?
Ваш номер? (1920)

Number, Please? (7.00)
Little Man in Telephone Booth (в титрах отсутствует)

Call a Taxi
Call a Taxi (1920)

The Dippy Dentist
The Dippy Dentist (1920)
A Patient

Sleepy Head
Sleepy Head (1920)

Go As You Please
Go As You Please (1920)

Королевская хитрость
Королевская хитрость (1920)

His Royal Slyness (6.20)
(в титрах отсутствует)

All Lit Up
All Lit Up (1920)

Mamma's Boy
Mamma's Boy (1920)

Соседи (1919)

Just Neighbors (6.00)
Short Man in Bank (в титрах отсутствует)

Billy Blazes, Esq.
Billy Blazes, Esq. (1919)

Wanted - $5,000
Wanted - $5,000 (1919)

Look Out Below
Look Out Below (1919)

Натыкаясь на Бродвей
Натыкаясь на Бродвей (1919)

Bumping Into Broadway (6.90)

Young Mr. Jazz
Young Mr. Jazz (1919)

The Marathon
The Marathon (1919)

Дети капитана Кидда
Дети капитана Кидда (1919)

Captain Kidd's Kids (6.70)
Small Pirate / Ship's Passenger (в титрах отсутствует)

Never Touched Me
Never Touched Me (1919)
Little Man

Chop Suey & Co.
Chop Suey & Co. (1919)

Looking for Trouble
Looking for Trouble (1919)
The champ's second

Next Aisle Over
Next Aisle Over (1919)

Count Your Change
Count Your Change (1919)

Off the Trolley
Off the Trolley (1919)

Count the Votes
Count the Votes (1919)

On the Fire
On the Fire (1919)

Crack Your Heels
Crack Your Heels (1919)

Love's Young Scream
Love's Young Scream (1919)

Pay Your Dues
Pay Your Dues (1919)

Don't Shove
Don't Shove (1919)
Party Guest

Pistols for Breakfast
Pistols for Breakfast (1919)

From Hand to Mouth
From Hand to Mouth (1919)
(в титрах отсутствует)

All at Sea
All at Sea (1919)

The Rajah
The Rajah (1919)

Going! Going! Gone!
Going! Going! Gone! (1919)

Поднять занавес
Поднять занавес (1919)

Ring Up the Curtain (5.60)
Troup Manager (в титрах отсутствует)

He Leads, Others Follow
He Leads, Others Follow (1919)

A Sammy in Siberia
A Sammy in Siberia (1919)

The Floor Below
The Floor Below (1919)

Heap Big Chief
Heap Big Chief (1919)

Ask Father
Ask Father (1919)
Short office worker

Si, Senor
Si, Senor (1919)

His Only Father
His Only Father (1919)

At the Old Stage Door
At the Old Stage Door (1919)

Soft Money
Soft Money (1919)

Be My Wife
Be My Wife (1919)

Spring Fever
Spring Fever (1919)

I'm on My Way
I'm on My Way (1919)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Before Breakfast
Before Breakfast (1919)

Swat the Crook
Swat the Crook (1919)

A Jazzed Honeymoon
A Jazzed Honeymoon (1919)

Look Pleasant, Please
Look Pleasant, Please (1918)

Безостановочный ребёнок
Безостановочный ребёнок (1918)

The Non-Stop Kid (5.80)
Short bearded man

On the Jump
On the Jump (1918)

An Ozark Romance
An Ozark Romance (1918)

Обманщики несчастные?
Обманщики несчастные? (1918)

Are Crooks Dishonest? (6.20)

Pipe the Whiskers
Pipe the Whiskers (1918)

Beat It
Beat It (1918)

Она меня не любит
Она меня не любит (1918)

She Loves Me Not (0.00)

Bees in His Bonnet
Bees in His Bonnet (1918)

Sic 'Em, Towser
Sic 'Em, Towser (1918)

Somewhere in Turkey
Somewhere in Turkey (1918)

The City Slicker
The City Slicker (1918)

Swing Your Partners
Swing Your Partners (1918)

Fireman Save My Child
Fireman Save My Child (1918)

Take a Chance
Take a Chance (1918)

A Gasoline Wedding
A Gasoline Wedding (1918)

The Tip
The Tip (1918)

Here Come the Girls
Here Come the Girls (1918)

Two-Gun Gussie
Two-Gun Gussie (1918)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Это он!
Это он! (1918)

Hey There (6.40)
Short Prop Man

Why Pick on Me?
Why Pick on Me? (1918)

Hit Him Again
Hit Him Again (1918)

It's a Wild Life
It's a Wild Life (1918)

Kicked Out
Kicked Out (1918)

The Lamb
The Lamb (1918)

Let's Go
Let's Go (1918)

Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather (1917)

Stop! Luke! Listen!
Stop! Luke! Listen! (1917)

We Never Sleep
We Never Sleep (1917)

Lonesome Luke, Lawyer
Lonesome Luke, Lawyer (1917)

Lonesome Luke, Mechanic
Lonesome Luke, Mechanic (1917)

The Big Idea
The Big Idea (1917)

Lonesome Luke, Messenger
Lonesome Luke, Messenger (1917)

Lonesome Luke, Plumber
Lonesome Luke, Plumber (1917)

Love, Laughs and Lather
Love, Laughs and Lather (1917)

Luke's Lost Liberty
Luke's Lost Liberty (1917)

All Aboard
All Aboard (1917)
Midget crew member

Luke's Trolley Troubles
Luke's Trolley Troubles (1917)

Bashful (1917)

Move On
Move On (1917)

Bliss (1917)

Over the Fence
Over the Fence (1917)

By the Sad Sea Waves
By the Sad Sea Waves (1917)

Pinched (1917)

Clubs Are Trump
Clubs Are Trump (1917)

Rainbow Island
Rainbow Island (1917)

The Flirt
The Flirt (1917)

Step Lively
Step Lively (1917)

Luke's Shattered Sleep
Luke's Shattered Sleep (1916)

Luke Does the Midway
Luke Does the Midway (1916)

Luke's Society Mixup
Luke's Society Mixup (1916)

Luke Joins the Navy
Luke Joins the Navy (1916)

Luke's Speedy Club Life
Luke's Speedy Club Life (1916)

Luke Laughs Last
Luke Laughs Last (1916)

Luke, Crystal Gazer
Luke, Crystal Gazer (1916)

Luke Locates the Loot
Luke Locates the Loot (1916)

Luke, Patient Provider
Luke, Patient Provider (1916)

Luke Pipes the Pippins
Luke Pipes the Pippins (1916)

Luke, Rank Impersonator
Luke, Rank Impersonator (1916)

Luke Rides Roughshod
Luke Rides Roughshod (1916)

Luke, the Candy Cut-Up
Luke, the Candy Cut-Up (1916)

Luke and the Bang-Tails
Luke and the Bang-Tails (1916)

Luke, the Chauffeur
Luke, the Chauffeur (1916)

Luke and the Mermaids
Luke and the Mermaids (1916)

Luke, the Gladiator
Luke, the Gladiator (1916)

Luke's Double
Luke's Double (1916)

Luke's Fireworks Fizzle
Luke's Fireworks Fizzle (1916)

Luke's Late Lunchers
Luke's Late Lunchers (1916)

Luke's Lost Lamb
Luke's Lost Lamb (1916)

Luke's Movie Muddle
Luke's Movie Muddle (1916)

Luke's Newsie Knockout
Luke's Newsie Knockout (1916)



Топ 250
В порту
On the Waterfront (8.20)
В поисках Немо
Finding Nemo (8.10)
Останься со мной
Stand by Me (8.10)
Room (8.10)
Ультиматум Борна
The Bourne Ultimatum (8.10)
Игры разума
A Beautiful Mind (8.10)
Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 2
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (8.10)
Малышка на миллион
Million Dollar Baby (8.10)
Двенадцать обезьян
Twelve Monkeys (8.10)
весь топ