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Rex Downs

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 22 августа 1885, Лев (138 лет назад)
Умер:: 03 февраля 1975 (89 лет)
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Joe Gregg

North of Fifty-Three
North of Fifty-Three (1917)
Joe Brooks

The Impersonation
The Impersonation (1916)

The Box Car Trap
The Box Car Trap (1915)
Charlie - Gerald's Son, a Brakeman

The Broken Train
The Broken Train (1915)
Wheeler - a Crook

The Girl Engineer
The Girl Engineer (1915)
Evans - Williams' Foreman

The Girl on the Trestle
The Girl on the Trestle (1915)
Freight Conductor

The Runaway Boxcar
The Runaway Boxcar (1915)
Denny - Yeggman

The Wild Engine
The Wild Engine (1915)
Superindent Marks

Borden - Helen's Rival

The Death Train
The Death Train (1915)
Doyle - Chief of the Counterfeiters

A Perilous Chance
A Perilous Chance (1915)
Bull Sterling - Escaped Convict

Nerves of Steel
Nerves of Steel (1915)
Bud Carson - Leader of the Gang

The Squaw's Revenge
The Squaw's Revenge (1914)
Black Crow - Nekoma's Warrior

The War Bonnet
The War Bonnet (1914)
Kenabee - Chaska's False Friend

At the End of the Rope
At the End of the Rope (1914)
Fernandez - a Mexican Prospector

The Hopi Raiders
The Hopi Raiders (1914)
Jepson - Leader of the Whiskey Traders

The Bottled Spider
The Bottled Spider (1914)
Jake Williams - the Former Sheriff

Lame Dog's Treachery
Lame Dog's Treachery (1914)
Lame Dog - Twin Feathers' Rival

The Call of the Tribe
The Call of the Tribe (1914)
Captain Huff - Army Surgeon

The Cave of Death
The Cave of Death (1914)
Brown - a Trader

An Indian's Honor
An Indian's Honor (1914)
Binfield - Burns' Partner

Defying the Chief
Defying the Chief (1914)
Snake Eyes - Running Elk's Rival

Red Hawk's Sacrifice
Red Hawk's Sacrifice (1914)
Burns - a Desperado

The Fate of a Squaw
The Fate of a Squaw (1914)
Dr. Watts

The Tigers of the Hills
The Tigers of the Hills (1914)
Captain Miller - Howard's Rival

Black Serpent - an Apache Chief

Brought to Justice
Brought to Justice (1914)
Bud Halon - Desperado

Grey Eagle's Last Stand
Grey Eagle's Last Stand (1914)
Colonel Grey

Enright - a Squaw Man

The Gypsy Gambler
The Gypsy Gambler (1914)
Espan - a Gambler

Grey Eagle's Revenge
Grey Eagle's Revenge (1914)

Kidnapped by Indians
Kidnapped by Indians (1914)
Harding - an Outlaw

His Indian Nemesis
His Indian Nemesis (1914)
Bud Mannon, a Renegade

The Thief

The Paleface Brave
The Paleface Brave (1914)
Major Blake

Pedro - Leader of a Renegade Band

Against Desperate Odds
Against Desperate Odds (1913)
Wade - a Rancher

Her Indian Brother
Her Indian Brother (1913)
Huntley - a Civil Engineer


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