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L.M. Wells

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Bess Gilbert
Родился: 05 февраля 1862, Водолей (162 лет назад)
Умер:: 01 января 1923 (60 лет)
Последний фильм: 1922
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Средний рейтинг: 6.38

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

The Jungle Goddess
The Jungle Goddess (1922)
Dr. James Scranton

The Forest King
The Forest King (1922)
Martin Webb

Sandy McIntosh

A Virginia Courtship
A Virginia Courtship (1921)
Squire Fenwick

The Witching Hour
The Witching Hour (1921)
Judge Henderson

The Forgotten Woman
The Forgotten Woman (1921)
Colonel Demming

Гекльберри Финн
Гекльберри Финн (1920)

Huckleberry Finn (6.50)
Judge Thatcher

Vanishing Trails
Vanishing Trails (1920)
William Stillman

The Parish Priest
The Parish Priest (1920)

Что-то новое
Что-то новое (1920)

Something New (6.10)
Sid Bickley

Runnin' Straight
Runnin' Straight (1920)

Sue of the South
Sue of the South (1919)
Dr. L.M. Somers

The Flame of the West
The Flame of the West (1918)

The Square Deal
The Square Deal (1918)
John Gilson (as Louis M. Wells)

Thieves' Gold
Thieves' Gold (1918)

After the War
After the War (1918)

Impossible Susan
Impossible Susan (1918)
Lon Gaskell

Border Wolves
Border Wolves (1917)

The Comeback
The Comeback (1917)

Bucking Broadway
Bucking Broadway (1917)
Her Father

Right of Way Casey
Right of Way Casey (1917)

The Girl Who Won Out
The Girl Who Won Out (1917)
Mr. Noble

Like Wildfire
Like Wildfire (1917)
John S. Buckman

Honorably Discharged
Honorably Discharged (1917)

Man and Beast
Man and Beast (1917)

Never Too Old to Woo
Never Too Old to Woo (1917)

The Red Ace
The Red Ace (1917)
Pierre Fouchard

Treason (1917)
Seddrick Radore

The Voice on the Wire
The Voice on the Wire (1917)

A Wife on Trial
A Wife on Trial (1917)
Horace de Guenther

At the Doors of Doom
At the Doors of Doom (1916)

The Sody Clerk
The Sody Clerk (1916)

The Family Secret
The Family Secret (1916)

Along the Malibu
Along the Malibu (1916)

Behind the Lines
Behind the Lines (1916)
General Nomonza

Liberty (1916)
Jose Leon

The Sting of Conscience
The Sting of Conscience (1916)

Through Baby's Voice
Through Baby's Voice (1916)

Giant Powder
Giant Powder (1916)

Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold (1916)

As It Happened
As It Happened (1915)
The ranchman (as Louis Wells)

Graft (1915)
Roger Maxwell

The Deficit
The Deficit (1915)

The Way Out
The Way Out (1915)
Her father (as Louis Wells)

The Masked Substitute
The Masked Substitute (1915)

On the Level
On the Level (1915)

The Man from Argentina
The Man from Argentina (1915)

Так близко и так далеко
Так близко и так далеко (1912)

So Near, Yet So Far (5.80)
The Young Woman's Father (не подтверждено)

Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell


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Дневник памяти
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Стартрек: Возмездие
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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (7.90)
Миссия "Серенити"
Serenity (7.90)
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Moon (7.90)
Трудности перевода
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История игрушек 4
Toy Story 4 (7.90)
Taken (7.90)
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