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James B. Ross

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Mary Ross
Последний фильм: 1916
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Средний рейтинг: 5.7

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

The Lotus Woman
The Lotus Woman (1916)
Don Roberto

Cast Up by the Sea
Cast Up by the Sea (1915)
James Adams - Ruth's Father

The Face of the Madonna
The Face of the Madonna (1915)
Andrews - Jane's Father (as J.B. Ross)

Blake - a Tenant

Her Supreme Sacrifice
Her Supreme Sacrifice (1915)
Hale - an Elderly Millionaire

The Man in Hiding
The Man in Hiding (1915)
Macy - Tom's Uncle

The Net of Deceit
The Net of Deceit (1915)
Mallott - the Powder King

Don Caesar de Bazan
Don Caesar de Bazan (1915)
Marquis de Rontondo

The Stolen Ruby
The Stolen Ruby (1915)
M. Daare - a Collector of Gems

The Bondwoman
The Bondwoman (1915)
Horace Blanchard - Amy's Father

An Innocent Sinner
An Innocent Sinner (1915)
Dr. Jacobs

The Lure of Mammon
The Lure of Mammon (1915)

Unfaithful to His Trust
Unfaithful to His Trust (1915)
John Burbank - the Bank President

Blackhall - Leader of the Gang

The Crooked Path
The Crooked Path (1915)
Dade - a Crook

Arthur - an Art Dealer

In the Hands of the Jury
In the Hands of the Jury (1915)
Dr. Butler

The Cabaret Dancer
The Cabaret Dancer (1914)
Rev. Packard - Don's Father

Colby - an American Millionaire (as J.B. Ross)

A Celebrated Case
A Celebrated Case (1914)

The Hand Print Mystery
The Hand Print Mystery (1914)
Mr. Fields - the Father

The Dance of Death
The Dance of Death (1914)
Langham - a Theatrical Manager

The School for Scandal
The School for Scandal (1914)
Sir Peter Teazle

The Lynbrook Tragedy
The Lynbrook Tragedy (1914)
Malloy - a Human Derelict

The Mayor's Secretary
The Mayor's Secretary (1914)
Winton - a Crooked Boss

The Treasure Ship
The Treasure Ship (1914)
Captain Daniel Bascom

The Price of Silence
The Price of Silence (1914)
John Ragan - Barbara's Father

Professor Helmar

The King - Zavia's Father

Chest of Fortune
Chest of Fortune (1914)
Stokes (parts one and two)

The Dancer
The Dancer (1914)
The Roue

Captured by Strategy
Captured by Strategy (1913)
Colonel John Richmond (as James Ross)

A Plot for a Million
A Plot for a Million (1913)
The Pilot of the Yacht

Shenandoah (1913)
Maj. Gen. Francis Buckthorn U.S.A.

The Hand of Destiny
The Hand of Destiny (1913)
Buck Harris

An Unseen Terror
An Unseen Terror (1913)
Tully - a Clerk

The River Pirates
The River Pirates (1913)
The Pirate Chief

Tony - Rosa's Father

A Virginia Feud
A Virginia Feud (1913)
Mosby - Frank's Father

Ryan - the Plane Tender

Ballard - Superintendent of Freight

Miller - the Head of the Gang

The Gypsy's Brand
The Gypsy's Brand (1913)
Romaine - Robar's Gypsy Lover

The Terror of Conscience
The Terror of Conscience (1913)
Pietro - Carmela's Uncle

A Railroad Conspiracy
A Railroad Conspiracy (1913)
Jorans - a Railroad Engineer

The Detective's Trap
The Detective's Trap (1913)
Brinton - the Detective

Out of the Jaws of Death
Out of the Jaws of Death (1913)
Chadwick - the Overseer (as James Ross)

The End of the Run
The End of the Run (1913)
Rufus Trent, a Veteran Engineer

Pietro - a Peddler

Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1913)

The Face at the Window
The Face at the Window (1913)
Edward - the Foreman

The Alien
The Alien (1913)
Brocco - Paola's Friend (as James Rose)

The Fire Coward
The Fire Coward (1913)
Bill Hillman - Dot's Father

The Open Switch
The Open Switch (1913)
John Lane - the Telegraph Operator

The Banker's Daughter
The Banker's Daughter (1912)

Getting the Money
Getting the Money (1912)

Suppressed Evidence
Suppressed Evidence (1912)

The Wandering Musician
The Wandering Musician (1912)

Winning a Widow
Winning a Widow (1912)

The Outlaw
The Outlaw (1912)
(as James Ross)

The County Fair
The County Fair (1912)
Jim Burke - as Side Showman

The Conductor (как James M. Ross)


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