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Alec Worcester

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 00 1887 (137 лет)
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Blind Fate
Blind Fate (1914)

Justice (1914)
Jack Raynor

Brief Authority
Brief Authority (1914)

The Man Behind the Mask
The Man Behind the Mask (1914)
Henry Lowremer

Tried in the Fire
Tried in the Fire (1913)
Reverend Paul Brayton

A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand (1913)

In the Hour of His Need
In the Hour of His Need (1913)

John West

The Curate's Bride
The Curate's Bride (1913)

The Red Light
The Red Light (1913)

Over the Ferry
Over the Ferry (1913)

The Book
The Book (1913)
Jack Arkwright

George Barnwell

Frank Emery

The Prodigal's Return
The Prodigal's Return (1913)
Arthur Blanchard

Two Little Pals
Two Little Pals (1913)
Squire Wilmott

Sally in Our Alley
Sally in Our Alley (1913)
The Curate

For Marion's Sake
For Marion's Sake (1913)
Bob Carton

Deceivers Both
Deceivers Both (1913)
Lord Lyndford

Dr. Trimball's Verdict
Dr. Trimball's Verdict (1913)

Richard Wilton

The Broken Sixpence
The Broken Sixpence (1913)

The Broken Oath
The Broken Oath (1913)

For Love of Him
For Love of Him (1913)
Dick Harman

Gerard Eliasson

Captain Jack V.C.
Captain Jack V.C. (1913)
Hon. Jack Delton

The Promise
The Promise (1913)

Kissing Cup
Kissing Cup (1913)
Richard Cardew

The Girl at Lancing Mill
The Girl at Lancing Mill (1913)

Shadows of a Great City
Shadows of a Great City (1913)
Tom Cooper

His Evil Genius
His Evil Genius (1913)
Jim Dowling

Paying the Penalty
Paying the Penalty (1913)

A Man and a Serving Maid
A Man and a Serving Maid (1912)
Charles Waring

Church and Stage
Church and Stage (1912)

Two Brothers and a Spy
Two Brothers and a Spy (1912)
Lieutenant Dick Fenton

At the Eleventh Hour
At the Eleventh Hour (1912)

Love Wins in the End
Love Wins in the End (1912)

The Deception
The Deception (1912)
Hugh Mortimer

Jasmine (1912)

The Fireman

Jim All - Alone
Jim All - Alone (1912)

Her Only Son
Her Only Son (1912)

The Coiner's Den
The Coiner's Den (1912)
The Detective

Love in a Laundry
Love in a Laundry (1912)

Pamela's Party
Pamela's Party (1912)

A Girl Alone
A Girl Alone (1912)
The PR

Dr. Trent

Mary Has Her Way
Mary Has Her Way (1912)

A Peasant Girl's Revenge
A Peasant Girl's Revenge (1912)

Her 'Mail' Parent
Her 'Mail' Parent (1912)
The Clerk

A Woman's Wit
A Woman's Wit (1912)

The Bachelor's Ward
The Bachelor's Ward (1912)
The Man

Tilly Works for a Living
Tilly Works for a Living (1911)
Jack Treat

The Dear Little Teacher
The Dear Little Teacher (1911)

King Robert of Sicily
King Robert of Sicily (1911)
King Robert / The Jester


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