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William E. Shay

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 00 1867 (157 лет)
Последний фильм: 1927
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.63

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

The Telephone Girl
The Telephone Girl (1927)
Detective (as W.E. Shay)

The Eternal Sin
The Eternal Sin (1917)
The Duke of Ferrara


The Lone Wolf
The Lone Wolf (1917)

The Sins of a Brother
The Sins of a Brother (1917)

Old Faithful
Old Faithful (1917)

Broken Hearted
Broken Hearted (1917)

A Daughter of the Gods
A Daughter of the Gods (1916)
Prince Omar (as William Shay)

The Ruling Passion
The Ruling Passion (1916)
Ram Singh, the Rajah of Mawar

Bubbles (1916)

A Designing Woman
A Designing Woman (1916)

Her Message to Heaven
Her Message to Heaven (1916)

Love or an Empire
Love or an Empire (1916)
(as William Shea)

The Missing Witness
The Missing Witness (1916)

She Was His Mother
She Was His Mother (1915)

The Clemenceau Case
The Clemenceau Case (1915)
Pierre Clemenceau

The Heart of Maryland
The Heart of Maryland (1915)
Alan Kendrick

Kreutzer Sonata
Kreutzer Sonata (1915)
Gregor Randor

The Awaited Hour
The Awaited Hour (1915)

Sin (1915)

The Soul of Broadway
The Soul of Broadway (1915)
William Craig

The Two Orphans
The Two Orphans (1915)
Chevalier de Vaudrey

The Tenth Commandment
The Tenth Commandment (1914)

When the Heart Calls
When the Heart Calls (1914)

The Old Rag Doll
The Old Rag Doll (1914)

Papa's Darling
Papa's Darling (1914)

The Messenger of Death
The Messenger of Death (1914)
Lieutenant (as Mr. Shay)

The Price of Sacrilege
The Price of Sacrilege (1914)

Neptune's Daughter
Neptune's Daughter (1914)
King William

Watch Dog of the Deep
Watch Dog of the Deep (1914)

Wanted, a House
Wanted, a House (1914)
(as William Shea)

In Self Defense
In Self Defense (1914)

Peg o' the Wilds
Peg o' the Wilds (1914)

Redemption (1914)

The Miser's Son
The Miser's Son (1913)
Henry, the Miser

Jane of Moth-Eaten Farm
Jane of Moth-Eaten Farm (1913)

On Pine Mountain
On Pine Mountain (1913)

Kathleen Mavourneen
Kathleen Mavourneen (1913)

King Danforth Retires
King Danforth Retires (1913)
The King's Daughter's Sweetheart

Secret Service Sam
Secret Service Sam (1913)

'Lizbeth (1913)

The Man Outside
The Man Outside (1913)

She Never Knew
She Never Knew (1913)

Blood Will Tell
Blood Will Tell (1913)

His Hour of Triumph
His Hour of Triumph (1913)

Time Is Money
Time Is Money (1913)
The Man

The Angel of Death
The Angel of Death (1913)

Robespierre (1913)

In a Woman's Power
In a Woman's Power (1913)

The Last of the Madisons
The Last of the Madisons (1913)

A Black Servant

Love or a Throne
Love or a Throne (1913)

His Mother's Birthday
His Mother's Birthday (1913)

Песня его матери
Песня его матери (1913)

His Mother's Song (0.00)

The Power of Conscience
The Power of Conscience (1912)
Vernon Godfrey

A Child's Influence
A Child's Influence (1912)
Andron Sarto

The New Magdalen
The New Magdalen (1912)

The Right Clue
The Right Clue (1912)
The Victim

No Greater Love
No Greater Love (1912)

James Hopkins

The Tables Turned
The Tables Turned (1912)
The Sanitarium Manager

Lass o' the Light
Lass o' the Light (1912)

Tempted But True
Tempted But True (1912)
Mary's Employer

The Long Strike
The Long Strike (1912)

A Timely Repentance
A Timely Repentance (1912)
The Wife's New Lover

The Millionaire Cop
The Millionaire Cop (1912)
Justin Gardner

Lady Audley's Secret
Lady Audley's Secret (1912)
Sir Robert Audley

The Love Test
The Love Test (1912)

The Peril
The Peril (1912)
Another Officer

The Open Road
The Open Road (1912)
Billy Martin, Seth's Son

Vengeance (1912)

Leah, the Forsaken
Leah, the Forsaken (1912)

The Padrone's Daughter
The Padrone's Daughter (1912)
Larry Howard

A Strange Case
A Strange Case (1912)

The Cruel Stepmother
The Cruel Stepmother (1912)
The Father

The Fugitives
The Fugitives (1912)

The Dawn of Conscience
The Dawn of Conscience (1912)

Shamus O'Brien
Shamus O'Brien (1912)
Captain R. MacDonald

The Breakdown
The Breakdown (1912)
Robert Harmon

In Old Tennessee
In Old Tennessee (1912)
The Moonshiner

Jack Prentice, the Villain

Ложь (1912)

The Lie (0.00)
Lieutenant Hobson

The Schemers
The Schemers (1912)
Captain Montresser

The Loan Shark
The Loan Shark (1912)
The Loan Shark

The Lure of the Picture
The Lure of the Picture (1912)
The Successful Artist

Up Against It
Up Against It (1912)

The Man from the West
The Man from the West (1912)
Steve's Friend

A Cave Man Wooing
A Cave Man Wooing (1912)

A Modern Highwayman
A Modern Highwayman (1912)
Undetermined Role

'Tween Two Loves
'Tween Two Loves (1911)

The Aggressor
The Aggressor (1911)
The Husband

The Young Ensign

The Lighthouse Keeper
The Lighthouse Keeper (1911)

Percy, the Masher
Percy, the Masher (1911)

A Manly Man
A Manly Man (1911)

Sweet Memories
Sweet Memories (1911)
Second Duelist

Dick Allison

The Battle of the Wills
The Battle of the Wills (1911)
The Villain

The Forged Dispatch
The Forged Dispatch (1911)

Just for Her
Just for Her (1911)

Self (как Billy Shay)

Играл себя [ скрыть ]


The Universal Boy
The Universal Boy (1914)


Топ 250
Ozark (8.40)
Gravity (8.40)
Секреты Лос-Анджелеса
L.A. Confidential (8.40)
Монти Пайтон и Священный Грааль
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (8.40)
Лоуренс Аравийский
Lawrence of Arabia (8.40)
Oldeuboi (8.40)
Amadeus (8.40)
Развод Надера и Симин
Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (8.40)
Der Untergang (8.40)
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