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Ширли Мэйсон

Shirley Mason
Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Bernard J. Durning (29.08.0000), Сидни Лэнфилд
Родилась: 06 июня 1900, Близнецы (124 лет назад)
Умерла:: 27 июля 1979 (79 лет)
Первый фильм: 1910
Последний фильм: 1929
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.88

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Энн против мира
Энн против мира (1929)

Warcraft (0.00)

Dark Skies
Dark Skies (1929)
Juanita Morgan

The Flying Marine
The Flying Marine (1929)

The Show of Shows
The Show of Shows (1929)
(songs "Meet My Sister" / "Ladies of the Ensemble")

Runaway Girls
Runaway Girls (1928)
Sue Hartley

So This Is Love?
So This Is Love? (1928)
Hilda Jenson

Стервятники моря
Стервятники моря (1928)

Warcraft (0.00)

The Wife's Relations
The Wife's Relations (1928)
Patricia Dodd

Let It Rain
Let It Rain (1927)
The Girl

Rich Men's Sons
Rich Men's Sons (1927)
Carla Gordon

Sally in Our Alley
Sally in Our Alley (1927)

Stranded (1927)
Sally Simpson

The Wreck
The Wreck (1927)

Sin Cargo
Sin Cargo (1926)
Eve Gibson

Sweet Rosie O'Grady
Sweet Rosie O'Grady (1926)
Rosie O'Grady

Desert Gold
Desert Gold (1926)
Mercedes Castanada

Don Juan's Three Nights
Don Juan's Three Nights (1926)
Ninette Cavallar

Rose of the Tenements
Rose of the Tenements (1926)
Rosie Rosetti

Lord Jim
Lord Jim (1925)

Scandal Proof
Scandal Proof (1925)
Enid Day / Grace Whitney

The Scarlet Honeymoon
The Scarlet Honeymoon (1925)
Kay Thorpe

The Talker
The Talker (1925)
Ruth Lennox

What Fools Men
What Fools Men (1925)
Beatrice Greer

Curlytop (1924)

Great Diamond Mystery
Great Diamond Mystery (1924)
Ruth Winton

Love Letters
Love Letters (1924)
Evelyn Jefferson

My Husband's Wives
My Husband's Wives (1924)
Vale Harvey

Star Dust Trail
Star Dust Trail (1924)
Sylvia Joy

That French Lady
That French Lady (1924)
Inez de Pierrefond

South Sea Love
South Sea Love (1923)
Dolores Medina

The Eleventh Hour
The Eleventh Hour (1923)
Barbara Hackett

Lovebound (1923)
Bess Belwyn

Pawn Ticket 210
Pawn Ticket 210 (1922)

Lights of the Desert
Lights of the Desert (1922)
Yvonne Laraby

Little Miss Smiles
Little Miss Smiles (1922)
Esther Aaronson

The New Teacher
The New Teacher (1922)
Constance Bailey

The Ragged Heiress
The Ragged Heiress (1922)
Lucia Moreton

Shirley of the Circus
Shirley of the Circus (1922)

Very Truly Yours
Very Truly Yours (1922)
Marie Tyree

Youth Must Have Love
Youth Must Have Love (1922)
Della Marvin

Ever Since Eve
Ever Since Eve (1921)
Célestine Le Farge

Jackie (1921)

The Lamplighter
The Lamplighter (1921)

Lovetime (1921)
Marie Gautier

The Mother Heart
The Mother Heart (1921)
May Howard

Queenie (1921)
Queenie Gurkin

Wing Toy
Wing Toy (1921)
Wing Toy

Flame of Youth
Flame of Youth (1920)

The Girl of My Heart
The Girl of My Heart (1920)

Her Elephant Man
Her Elephant Man (1920)

The Little Wanderer
The Little Wanderer (1920)

Love's Harvest
Love's Harvest (1920)
Jane Day

Merely Mary Ann
Merely Mary Ann (1920)
Mary Ann

Molly and I
Molly and I (1920)
Molly / Shirley Brown

Остров сокровищ
Остров сокровищ (1920)

Treasure Island (6.80)
Jim Hawkins

The Final Close-Up
The Final Close-Up (1919)
Nora Nolan

Putting It Over
Putting It Over (1919)
Mary Stacey

Тайная служба
Тайная служба (1919)

Secret Service (0.00)
Caroline Mitford

The Unwritten Code
The Unwritten Code (1919)

The Winning Girl
The Winning Girl (1919)
Jemmy Milligan

The Rescuing Angel
The Rescuing Angel (1919)
Angela Deming

Come on In
Come on In (1918)
Emmy Little

Good-Bye, Bill
Good-Bye, Bill (1918)
Elsie Dresser

The Wall Invisible
The Wall Invisible (1918)

Wrath (1917)
Eve Leslie

Greed (1917)
Eve Leslie

Marjorie Van Dam

The Little Chevalier
The Little Chevalier (1917)
The Little Chevalier / Diane de la Roche

Passion (1917)
Eve Leslie

The Seventh Sin
The Seventh Sin (1917)
Eve Leslie

Sloth (1917)
Eve Leslie

Where Love Is
Where Love Is (1917)
Aline Marden

The Apple-Tree Girl
The Apple-Tree Girl (1917)
Charlotte Marlin

Cy Whittaker's Ward
Cy Whittaker's Ward (1917)
Emily Thomas

The Awakening of Ruth
The Awakening of Ruth (1917)
Ruth Hoagland

Envy (1917)
Eve Leslie

The Law of the North
The Law of the North (1917)
Edith Graham

The Light in Darkness
The Light in Darkness (1917)
Hilary Kenyon

Pride (1917)
Eve Leslie

Семь смертных грехов
Семь смертных грехов (1917)

The Seven Deadly Sins (0.00)
Eve Leslie (all seven titles)

The Tell-Tale Step
The Tell-Tale Step (1917)

The Littlest Magdalene
The Littlest Magdalene (1916)

(as Leonie Flugrath)

Shadows from the Past
Shadows from the Past (1915)

Ярмарка тщеславия
Ярмарка тщеславия (1915)

Vanity Fair (0.00)
Becky Sharp - as a child (как Leonie Flugrath)

An Unwilling Thief
An Unwilling Thief (1915)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

The Little Saleslady
The Little Saleslady (1915)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

Blade o' Grass
Blade o' Grass (1915)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

A Youthful Knight
A Youthful Knight (1913)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

The Two Merchants
The Two Merchants (1913)

The Dream Fairy
The Dream Fairy (1913)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

Her Royal Highness
Her Royal Highness (1913)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

A Mistake in Judgment
A Mistake in Judgment (1913)

(as Leonie Flugrath)

Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary Had a Little Lamb (1912)
Mary (as Leonie Flugrath)

Children Who Labor
Children Who Labor (1912)
Mabel Hanscomb (в титрах отсутствует)

The Third Thanksgiving
The Third Thanksgiving (1912)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

The Street Beautiful
The Street Beautiful (1912)
Rosa (as Leonie Flugrath)

A Fresh Air Romance
A Fresh Air Romance (1912)
Rose's Sister (as Leonie Flugrath)

(as Leonie Flugrath)

(as Leonie Flugrath)

At the Threshold of Life
At the Threshold of Life (1911)
One of the Murphy Children (as Leonie Flugrath)

April Fool
April Fool (1911)
(as Leonie Flugrath)

Uncle Hiram's List
Uncle Hiram's List (1911)
Jimmie's Sweetheart (as Leonie Flugrath)

Betty's Buttons
Betty's Buttons (1911)
Betty (as Leonie Flugrath)

For the Queen
For the Queen (1911)
The May Queen (as Leonie Flugrath)

Рождественский гимн
Рождественский гимн (1910)

A Christmas Carol (5.90)

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Hollywood (сериал) (1980)

Life in Hollywood No. 4
Life in Hollywood No. 4 (1927)


Топ 250
Город бога
Cidade de Deus (8.70)
Se7en (8.70)
Молчание ягнят
The Silence of the Lambs (8.70)
Подозрительные лица
The Usual Suspects (8.70)
Psycho (8.70)
Ход королевы
The Queen’s Gambit (8.70)
Окно во двор
Rear Window (8.70)
Эта замечательная жизнь
It's a Wonderful Life (8.70)
весь топ