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Лон Чейни

Lon Chaney
Лон Чейни
Профессии: Режиссёр, Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Hazel Hastings (26.08.1914), Фрэнсис Чэйни (31.05.1905) (детей: 1)
Родился: 01 апреля 1883, Овен (141 лет назад)
Умер:: 26 августа 1930 (47 лет)
Последний фильм: 2011
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Фото Лон Чейни Фото Лон Чейни Фото Лон Чейни
Средний рейтинг: 6.94

Все | Актёр | Режиссёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

Призрак оперы
Призрак оперы (1925)

The Phantom of the Opera (7.70)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Цыпленок с черносливом
Цыпленок с черносливом (2011)

Poulet aux prunes (8.50)
Erik, The Phantom (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)


London After Midnight
London After Midnight (2002)


100 Years of Horror
100 Years of Horror (1996)

(хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Various roles (хроника)

Hollywood (сериал) (1980)

The Horror Show
The Horror Show (1979)

Вчера и сегодня
Вчера и сегодня (1953)

Yesterday and Today (0.00)

Hollywood Story
Hollywood Story (1951)
The Phantom (clips from 'The Phantom of the Opera') (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Movie Memories #2
Movie Memories #2 (1934)


Несвятая троица
Несвятая троица (1930)

Warcraft (6.40)
Professor Echo / Mrs. 'Grandma' O'Grady

Thunder (1929)
Grumpy Anderson

Восток есть восток
Восток есть восток (1929)

Warcraft (6.90)
Tiger Haynes

Большой город
Большой город (1928)

Warcraft (0.00)
Chuck Collins

Tito Beppi

Запад Занзибара
Запад Занзибара (1928)

Warcraft (7.30)
Phroso 'Dead-Legs'

Когда город спит
Когда город спит (1928)

Warcraft (6.90)
Dan Coghlan

Professor Edward C. Burke

Пародия (1927)

Warcraft (6.70)

Мистер Ву
Мистер Ву (1927)

Warcraft (6.70)
Mr. Mandarin Wu - Mr. Wu's Grandfather

Неизвестный (1927)

Warcraft (7.90)
Alonzo the Armless

Дорога на Мандалай
Дорога на Мандалай (1926)

Warcraft (6.40)
Singapore Joe

Скажите это морякам
Скажите это морякам (1926)

Warcraft (8.00)
Sgt. O'Hara

Дрозд (1926)

Warcraft (6.70)
The Blackbird / The Bishop

Монстр (1925)

The Monster (6.20)
Dr. Ziska

Призрак оперы
Призрак оперы (1925)

The Phantom of the Opera (7.70)
The Phantom

Башня лжи
Башня лжи (1925)

The Tower of Lies (8.00)

Несвятая троица
Несвятая троица (1925)

The Unholy Three (7.20)
Echo - The Ventriloquist

Тот, кто получает пощёчины
Тот, кто получает пощёчины (1924)

He Who Gets Slapped (7.80)
Paul Beaumont / HE

The Next Corner
The Next Corner (1924)
Juan Serafin

Mark Shore

Горбун из Нотр Дама
Горбун из Нотр Дама (1923)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (7.30)

Шок (1923)

The Shock (6.80)
Wilse Dilling

While Paris Sleeps
While Paris Sleeps (1923)
Henri Santodos

Свет во тьме
Свет во тьме (1922)

The Light in the Dark (6.90)
Tony Pantelli

Оливер Твист
Оливер Твист (1922)

Oliver Twist (6.80)

Quincy Adams Sawyer
Quincy Adams Sawyer (1922)
Obadiah Strout

Тени (1922)

Shadows (6.30)
Yen Sin - 'The Heathen'

The Trap
The Trap (1922)
Gaspard the Good

Сделка вслепую
Сделка вслепую (1922)

A Blind Bargain (6.10)
Dr. Arthur Lamb / The Ape Man

Flesh and Blood
Flesh and Blood (1922)
David Webster

For Those We Love
For Those We Love (1921)
Trix Ulner

Туз червей
Туз червей (1921)

The Ace of Hearts (7.00)

Эпизоды жизни
Эпизоды жизни (1921)

Bits of Life (0.00)
Chin Chow

Voices of the City
Voices of the City (1921)

Daredevil Jack
Daredevil Jack (1920)
Royce Rivers

The Gift Supreme
The Gift Supreme (1920)
Merney Stagg

Nomads of the North
Nomads of the North (1920)
Raoul Challoner

Наказание (1920)

The Penalty (7.50)

Остров сокровищ
Остров сокровищ (1920)

Treasure Island (6.80)
Blind Pew / Merry

Вне закона
Вне закона (1920)

Outside the Law (6.70)
Black Mike Sylva / Ah Wing

Paid in Advance
Paid in Advance (1919)
Bateese Le Blanc

Victory (1919)

When Bearcat Went Dry
When Bearcat Went Dry (1919)
Kindard Powers

Испорченная милашка
Испорченная милашка (1919)

The Wicked Darling (6.40)
Stoop Connors

The False Faces
The False Faces (1919)
Karl Eckstrom

A Man's Country
A Man's Country (1919)
'Three Card' Duncan

Чудотворец (1919)

The Miracle Man (6.10)
The Frog

Broadway Love
Broadway Love (1918)
Elmer Watkins

A Broadway Scandal
A Broadway Scandal (1918)
'Kink' Colby

Danger, Go Slow
Danger, Go Slow (1918)

Fast Company
Fast Company (1918)
Dan McCarty

The Grand Passion
The Grand Passion (1918)
Paul Argos


Riddle Gawne
Riddle Gawne (1918)
Hame Bozzam

The Talk of the Town
The Talk of the Town (1918)
Jack Lanchome

That Devil, Bateese
That Devil, Bateese (1918)
Louis Courteau

The Piper's Price
The Piper's Price (1917)
Billy Kilmartin

The Rescue
The Rescue (1917)
Thomas Holland

The Scarlet Car
The Scarlet Car (1917)
Paul Revere Forbes

Triumph (1917)
Paul Neihoff

Anything Once
Anything Once (1917)
Waught Moore

Bondage (1917)
Seducer (в титрах отсутствует)

Кукольный дом
Кукольный дом (1917)

A Doll's House (8.20)
Nils Krogstad

The Empty Gun
The Empty Gun (1917)

Fires of Rebellion
Fires of Rebellion (1917)
Russell Hanlon

The Flashlight
The Flashlight (1917)
Henry Norton / Porter Brixton

Hector Maitland

Hell Morgan's Girl
Hell Morgan's Girl (1917)
Sleter Noble

The Mask of Love
The Mask of Love (1917)

Pay Me!
Pay Me! (1917)
Joe Lawson

The Grip of Jealousy
The Grip of Jealousy (1916)
Silas Lacey

Dr. George Ardrath

Знак Каина
Знак Каина (1916)

The Mark of Cain (0.00)
Dick Temple

Jerry Jo

The Price of Silence
The Price of Silence (1916)
Edmond Stafford

Tangled Hearts
Tangled Hearts (1916)
John Hammond

Accusing Evidence
Accusing Evidence (1916)

Bobbie of the Ballet
Bobbie of the Ballet (1916)
Hook Hoover

Dolly's Scoop
Dolly's Scoop (1916)
Dan Fisher

Felix on the Job
Felix on the Job (1916)

The Gilded Spider
The Gilded Spider (1916)

The Grasp of Greed
The Grasp of Greed (1916)

Steady Company
Steady Company (1915)
Jimmy Ford

Father and the Boys
Father and the Boys (1915)
Tuck Bartholomew

The Stool Pigeon
The Stool Pigeon (1915)

The Girl of the Night
The Girl of the Night (1915)

The Stronger Mind
The Stronger Mind (1915)
The Crook's Pal

The Grind
The Grind (1915)
Henry Leslie

Stronger Than Death
Stronger Than Death (1915)

An Idyll of the Hills
An Idyll of the Hills (1915)
Lafe Jameson

Such Is Life
Such Is Life (1915)
Tod Wilkes

Lon of Lone Mountain
Lon of Lone Mountain (1915)
Lon Moore

The Threads of Fate
The Threads of Fate (1915)
The Count

Maid of the Mist
Maid of the Mist (1915)
Lin, Paulines father

A Small Town Girl
A Small Town Girl (1915)
The Procurer

The Trust
The Trust (1915)
Jim Mason

The Measure of a Man
The Measure of a Man (1915)
Lt. Jim Stuart

Under a Shadow
Under a Shadow (1915)

The Millionaire Paupers
The Millionaire Paupers (1915)
Martin - landlord

The Violin Maker
The Violin Maker (1915)

A Mother's Atonement
A Mother's Atonement (1915)
Ben Morrison

Joe, the property man

Mountain Justice
Mountain Justice (1915)
Jeffrey Kirke

Alas and Alack
Alas and Alack (1915)
The Fisherman and Hunchback Fate

Where the Forest Ends
Where the Forest Ends (1915)
Paul Rouchelle

Outside the Gates
Outside the Gates (1915)

All for Peggy
All for Peggy (1915)
Seth Baldwin

The Oyster Dredger
The Oyster Dredger (1915)

Bound on the Wheel
Bound on the Wheel (1915)
Tom Coulahan

The Pine's Revenge
The Pine's Revenge (1915)
Black Scotty

The Chimney's Secret
The Chimney's Secret (1915)
Charles Harding

Quits (1915)

The Desert Breed
The Desert Breed (1915)

The Sin of Olga Brandt
The Sin of Olga Brandt (1915)
Stephen Leslie

Duke of Safoulrug

The Star of the Sea
The Star of the Sea (1915)

The Old Cobbler
The Old Cobbler (1914)
Wild Bill

The End of the Feud
The End of the Feud (1914)
Wood Dawson

The Oubliette
The Oubliette (1914)
Chevalier Bertrand de la Payne

The Forbidden Room
The Forbidden Room (1914)
John Morris

The Pipes o' Pan
The Pipes o' Pan (1914)
Arthur Farrell

Her Bounty
Her Bounty (1914)
Fred Howard

A Ranch Romance
A Ranch Romance (1914)
Raphael Praz

Her Escape
Her Escape (1914)

Remember Mary Magdalen
Remember Mary Magdalen (1914)
The Half-Wit

Her Grave Mistake
Her Grave Mistake (1914)

Richelieu (1914)

Her Life's Story
Her Life's Story (1914)
Don Valesquez

The Higher Law
The Higher Law (1914)
Sir Stephen

The Greaser

The Honor of the Mounted
The Honor of the Mounted (1914)
Jacques Laquox

The Unlawful Trade
The Unlawful Trade (1914)
The Cross Blood

The Hopes of Blind Alley
The Hopes of Blind Alley (1914)

Virtue Is Its Own Reward
Virtue Is Its Own Reward (1914)
Duncan Bronson

The Wolf

Ложь (1914)

The Lie (0.00)
Young MacGregor

Lights and Shadows
Lights and Shadows (1914)

By the Sun's Rays
By the Sun's Rays (1914)
Frank Lawler

Heart Strings
Heart Strings (1914)

Fred Brown

Damon and Pythias
Damon and Pythias (1914)
Wild man (unconfirmed)

The Menace to Carlotta
The Menace to Carlotta (1914)
Giovanni Bartholdi

Discord and Harmony
Discord and Harmony (1914)
The Sculptor

A Miner's Romance
A Miner's Romance (1914)
John Burns

The Embezzler
The Embezzler (1914)
J. Roger Dixon

A Night of Thrills
A Night of Thrills (1914)

Almost an Actress
Almost an Actress (1913)

The Restless Spirit
The Restless Spirit (1913)
Russian Count (в титрах отсутствует)

Back to Life
Back to Life (1913)
The Rival

Marx, a Gentleman Thief

Bloodhounds of the North
Bloodhounds of the North (1913)

An Elephant on His Hands
An Elephant on His Hands (1913)

Poor Jake's Demise
Poor Jake's Demise (1913)
The Dude

Red Margaret, Moonshiner
Red Margaret, Moonshiner (1913)

The Sea Urchin
The Sea Urchin (1913)
Barnacle Bill

Shon the Piper
Shon the Piper (1913)

Саспенс (1913)

Suspense (7.60)
A Hobo (в титрах отсутствует) (unconfirmed)

The Trap
The Trap (1913)

Линии судьбы
Линии судьбы (1913)

The Ways of Fate (0.00)

The Honor of the Family
The Honor of the Family (1912)

T.V. Segment (хроника)

The Phantom of the Opera (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

The Phantom / Quasimodo (хроника)

Quasimodo (хроника)

Dr. Ziska (хроника)

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Himself (хроника)

Le vampire déchu
Le vampire déchu (2007)
Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Lon Chaney: the Faces
Lon Chaney: the Faces (1997)
Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Personality Parade
Personality Parade (1938)
Himself (в титрах отсутствует) (хроника)

Movie Memories
Movie Memories (1934)
Himself (хроника)

Голливудское ревю
Голливудское ревю (1929)

Warcraft (7.40)
Себя (в титрах отсутствует)

1925 Studio Tour
1925 Studio Tour (1925)



Топ 250
История игрушек
Toy Story (8.30)
Лицо со шрамом
Scarface (8.30)
Лабиринт Фавна
El laberinto del fauno (8.30)
Бэтмен: Начало
Batman Begins (8.30)
Heat (8.30)
Крепкий орешек
Die Hard (8.30)
2001 год: Космическая одиссея
2001: A Space Odyssey (8.30)
Большой куш
Snatch (8.30)
Бегущий по лезвию
Blade Runner (8.30)
весь топ