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Jack Drumier

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 00 1869 (155 лет назад)
Умер:: 02 апреля 1929 (60 лет)
Первый фильм: 1914
Последний фильм: 1925
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.05

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Enemies of Youth
Enemies of Youth (1925)

The Pinch Hitter
The Pinch Hitter (1925)
Obadiah Parker

Emblems of Love
Emblems of Love (1924)

The Broken Silence
The Broken Silence (1922)
Indian Joe

Shadows of the Sea
Shadows of the Sea (1922)
Shivering Sam

The Splendid Lie
The Splendid Lie (1922)
David Delafield

You Find It Everywhere
You Find It Everywhere (1921)
Harvey Hill

The Girl from Porcupine
The Girl from Porcupine (1921)
Bill Higgins

Dad's Girl
Dad's Girl (1920)

Three Green Eyes
Three Green Eyes (1919)
Thomas Wiggan

Hit or Miss
Hit or Miss (1919)
Professor Angus MacDowell

An Amateur Widow
An Amateur Widow (1919)
James Potter

The Black Circle
The Black Circle (1919)

Forest Rivals
Forest Rivals (1919)
Henri Lamont

Home Wanted
Home Wanted (1919)

Phil-for-Short (1919)
Donald MacWrath

The Praise Agent
The Praise Agent (1919)
Senator Eubanks

Courage for Two
Courage for Two (1919)

The Quickening Flame
The Quickening Flame (1919)
Judge Mason

Journey's End
Journey's End (1918)
Pop Moore

Stolen Hours
Stolen Hours (1918)
Lord Harron

The Power and the Glory
The Power and the Glory (1918)

The Road to France
The Road to France (1918)
John Bemis

A Soul Without Windows
A Soul Without Windows (1918)
Mr. Palmer

Vengeance (1918)
Old Lord Cuddlestone

The Way Out
The Way Out (1918)
La Roche

The Whims of Society
The Whims of Society (1918)
John Travers

The Witch Woman
The Witch Woman (1918)

By Hook or Crook
By Hook or Crook (1918)
Frederic Pritchard Sr.

John Adams

Heredity (1918)
Ralph Edgars

The Love Net
The Love Net (1918)
Captain Amos Barnes

Appearance of Evil
Appearance of Evil (1918)
Ross Darnton

Just Sylvia
Just Sylvia (1918)
Zebulon Hicks

The Beloved Blackmailer
The Beloved Blackmailer (1918)
Spike Brogan

The Man Hunt
The Man Hunt (1918)
Parson Brown

The Golden Wall
The Golden Wall (1918)
Mr. Lathrop

Beloved Adventuress
Beloved Adventuress (1917)
Robert Nicholson

The Burglar
The Burglar (1917)
John Hamilton

The Dancer's Peril
The Dancer's Peril (1917)

Тёмная Россия
Тёмная Россия (1917)

Darkest Russia (0.00)
Count Paul Nazimoff

Adventures of Carol
Adventures of Carol (1917)
Mr. Fairfax

The Divorce Game
The Divorce Game (1917)

Easy Money
Easy Money (1917)
Peter K. Chanslor

The False Friend
The False Friend (1917)
Robert Farrell

The Little Duchess
The Little Duchess (1917)
Earl of Carinmore

The Volunteer
The Volunteer (1917)
Timothy Mendenhall

Madelaine Morel
Madelaine Morel (1916)

The Iron Will
The Iron Will (1916)

Merry Mary
Merry Mary (1916)

Beyond the Wall
Beyond the Wall (1916)
John Carlton

Alias Jimmy Barton
Alias Jimmy Barton (1916)

The Mystery of Orcival
The Mystery of Orcival (1916)

Pique (1916)

The Battle of Truth
The Battle of Truth (1916)

A Life Chase
A Life Chase (1916)

The Chain of Evidence
The Chain of Evidence (1916)

Celeste (1916)

The Soul of Pierre
The Soul of Pierre (1915)

The Woman of Mystery
The Woman of Mystery (1915)

The Maid o' the Mountain
The Maid o' the Mountain (1915)
U.S. Marshall

Dwellers in Glass Houses
Dwellers in Glass Houses (1915)

After the Storm
After the Storm (1915)
Nathan Cooper

Mister Paganini
Mister Paganini (1915)

Man and His Master
Man and His Master (1915)
The Selfish Factory Owner

All for the Boy
All for the Boy (1915)
His father

Felix Holt
Felix Holt (1915)
Rufus Lyon

The Bridge Across
The Bridge Across (1915)
Colonel Randolph

File No. 113
File No. 113 (1915)

Dora (1915)

For Her Happiness
For Her Happiness (1915)
The Doctor

Mrs. Van Alden's Jewels
Mrs. Van Alden's Jewels (1915)

Horace Morse = Matinee Idol

Под двумя флагами
Под двумя флагами (1915)

Under Two Flags (0.00)
Lord Guenevere

Harvest (1915)

Aurora Floyd
Aurora Floyd (1915)
Jack Floyd

One Hundred Dollars
One Hundred Dollars (1915)
Billy's employer

Lorna Doone
Lorna Doone (1915)
Sir Ensor Doone

Three Hats
Three Hats (1915)
Bosco Blithers

Between Father and Son
Between Father and Son (1915)

When Hearts Are Young
When Hearts Are Young (1915)
Silas Ross

Heart's Hunger
Heart's Hunger (1915)
The magazine writer

A Difference of Opinion
A Difference of Opinion (1915)

His Romany Wife
His Romany Wife (1915)

Коломба (1915)

Colomba (0.00)
General Nevil

The House of Horror
The House of Horror (1915)
The money lender

The Confession
The Confession (1915)
Dr. Morton

Coincidence (1915)
The blind violinist

The Reproach of Annesley
The Reproach of Annesley (1915)

The Country Parson
The Country Parson (1915)

Count Twenty
Count Twenty (1915)

Chief of the Secret Service

The Fleur-de-Lis Ring
The Fleur-de-Lis Ring (1914)
Her father

The Crimson Moth
The Crimson Moth (1914)
Mr. Huntington

Маски и лица
Маски и лица (1914)

Masks and Faces (0.00)

Женщина в черном
Женщина в черном (1914)

The Woman in Black (0.00)

Ernest Maltravers
Ernest Maltravers (1914)

Martin Chuzzlewit
Martin Chuzzlewit (1914)
Old Martin Chuzzlewit

The Wife's Stratagem
The Wife's Stratagem (1914)
The peddler

Gwendolin (1914)
Sir Hugo

A Scrap of Paper
A Scrap of Paper (1914)

The Girl and the Miser
The Girl and the Miser (1914)
The miser

The Closing Web
The Closing Web (1914)

The Ring and the Book
The Ring and the Book (1914)


Топ 250
Кровавый алмаз
Blood Diamond (8.00)
История игрушек 2
Toy Story 2 (8.00)
Таинственная река
Mystic River (8.00)
Академия «Амбрелла»
The Umbrella Academy (8.00)
The Artist (8.00)
Magnolia (8.00)
Малхолланд Драйв
Mulholland Dr. (8.00)
Человек дождя
Rain Man (8.00)
Почти знаменит
Almost Famous (8.00)
весь топ