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Herbert Prior

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Mabel Trunnelle (03.10.0000)
Родился: 02 июля 1867, Рак (157 лет назад)
Умер:: 03 октября 1954 (87 лет)
Первый фильм: 1908
Последний фильм: 1964
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.69

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Большой парад комедии
Большой парад комедии (1964)

The Big Parade of Comedy (6.30)
Actor on Train in 'Reducing' (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Вставай и пой!
Вставай и пой! (1934)

Stand Up and Cheer! (5.80)
Quartet Member (в титрах отсутствует)

Student Tour
Student Tour (1934)
Grouch (в титрах отсутствует)

This Side of Heaven
This Side of Heaven (1934)
Grouch in Movie Theater (в титрах отсутствует)

Second General Told to Leave Room (в титрах отсутствует)

Prosperity (1932)
George, the Dentist (в титрах отсутствует)

Help Wanted, Female
Help Wanted, Female (1931)
Dr. A.B. Foster

Flying High
Flying High (1931)
Angry Investor with eyeglasses (в титрах отсутствует)

Laugh and Get Rich
Laugh and Get Rich (1931)
J.C. Pennypacker (в титрах отсутствует)

Politics (1931)
Abner (в титрах отсутствует)

Reducing (1931)
Man on Ticket Line in a Hurry (в титрах отсутствует)

Caught Short
Caught Short (1930)
Mr. Frisby

The Girl Said No
The Girl Said No (1930)
Mr. Durham (в титрах отсутствует)

Paid (1930)
Minor Role (в титрах отсутствует)

Passion Flower
Passion Flower (1930)
Party guest with glasses (в титрах отсутствует)

The Ace of Scotland Yard
The Ace of Scotland Yard (1929)
Lord Blanton

All at Sea
All at Sea (1929)
Mr. Page

The Duke Steps Out
The Duke Steps Out (1929)
Mr. Corbin

The Winged Horseman
The Winged Horseman (1929)
Eben Matthews

The Smart Set
The Smart Set (1928)
Beleaguered Diner (в титрах отсутствует)

Blake of Scotland Yard
Blake of Scotland Yard (1927)
Lord Blanton

Царь царей
Царь царей (1927)

Warcraft (7.60)
Undetermined Role (в титрах отсутствует)

The Last Outlaw
The Last Outlaw (1927)
Bert Wagner

Across the Pacific
Across the Pacific (1926)
Col. Marsh

The Better Man
The Better Man (1926)
John Knolwton

The Midnight Kiss
The Midnight Kiss (1926)
Smith Hastings

Rustling for Cupid
Rustling for Cupid (1926)
Tom Martin

Why Girls Go Back Home
Why Girls Go Back Home (1926)
Crook in Badger Game

Doubling with Danger
Doubling with Danger (1926)
Manning Davis

Монстр (1925)

The Monster (6.20)
Doctor Edwards (в титрах отсутствует)

The Fighting Demon
The Fighting Demon (1925)
Jackson Pierce

The Taming of the West
The Taming of the West (1925)
Old Man King

Waking Up the Town
Waking Up the Town (1925)
Curt Horndyke

Tearing Through
Tearing Through (1925)
District Attorney

The Wild Bull's Lair
The Wild Bull's Lair (1925)
James Harbison

Madonna of the Streets
Madonna of the Streets (1924)
Nathan Norris

Garrison's Finish
Garrison's Finish (1923)
Judge of Race Course

Little Johnny Jones
Little Johnny Jones (1923)
Sir James Smythe

Slave of Desire
Slave of Desire (1923)
Mr. Gaudin

The Half Breed
The Half Breed (1922)
Ned Greenwood (as Herbert Pryor)

Jay Howard

Человек с улицы Даунинг
Человек с улицы Даунинг (1922)

The Man from Downing Street (0.00)
Capt. Graves

The Snowshoe Trail
The Snowshoe Trail (1922)
Kenly Lounsbury

Garments of Truth
Garments of Truth (1921)
Dr. W.H. Palmer

Made in Heaven
Made in Heaven (1921)

Not Guilty
Not Guilty (1921)
Newell Craig

Без благославления церкви
Без благославления церкви (1921)

Without Benefit of Clergy (0.00)
Hugh Sanders (в титрах отсутствует)

Pollyanna (1920)
Dr. Tom Chilton

The Poor Simp
The Poor Simp (1920)
Dr. Crawford

Rose of Nome
Rose of Nome (1920)
Jack Hilton

Stronger Than Death
Stronger Than Death (1920)
James Barclay

The Fighting Chance
The Fighting Chance (1920)
Kemp Farrell (as Herbert Pryor)

The Little 'Fraid Lady
The Little 'Fraid Lady (1920)
Judge Peter Carteret

The House of Whispers
The House of Whispers (1920)
Edward Thayer

Creaking Stairs
Creaking Stairs (1919)
Mark Winfield

Heartsease (1919)
Major Twombley (as Herber Pryor)

Her Kingdom of Dreams
Her Kingdom of Dreams (1919)
John Hastings

After His Own Heart
After His Own Heart (1919)
Adrian Keep (as Herbert Pryor)

The Love Hunger
The Love Hunger (1919)
Hamilton Gregory

That's Good
That's Good (1919)
Barrett Prentice

You're Fired
You're Fired (1919)
Horace Graham

The Tramp

A Burglar for a Night
A Burglar for a Night (1918)
Wilbur Clayton

The Menace
The Menace (1918)
Dr. Burnell

A Model's Confession
A Model's Confession (1918)
Bertrand Seldon

Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots
Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots (1918)
Mr. Tom Brown

Society for Sale
Society for Sale (1918)
Lord Sheldon

After the War
After the War (1918)
Karl Wertz

The Marriage Trap
The Marriage Trap (1918)

The Bottom of the Well
The Bottom of the Well (1917)
'Long Bill' Parker (as Herbert Pryor)

Большие надежды
Большие надежды (1917)

Great Expectations (6.80)
Mr. Jaggers

Бедная маленькая богатая девочка
Бедная маленькая богатая девочка (1917)

The Poor Little Rich Girl (6.80)
The Doctor

The Ghost of Old Morro
The Ghost of Old Morro (1917)

The Last Sentence
The Last Sentence (1917)
Hoel Calloc

The Royal Pauper
The Royal Pauper (1917)
Undetermined Role

Miss George Washington
Miss George Washington (1916)
Colonel J.P. Worthington


A Message to Garcia
A Message to Garcia (1916)

The Heart of the Hills
The Heart of the Hills (1916)

The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party (1915)

Snap Shots
Snap Shots (1915)
Meerschaum Bowles

An Unwilling Thief
An Unwilling Thief (1915)

Not Wanted
Not Wanted (1915)

The Struggle Upward
The Struggle Upward (1915)
Philip Atwood

The Family Bible
The Family Bible (1915)

A Pipe Dream
A Pipe Dream (1915)
Meerschaum Bowles

Only the Maid
Only the Maid (1915)

The Newly Rich
The Newly Rich (1915)

Olive and the Burglar
Olive and the Burglar (1915)

Olive and the Heirloom
Olive and the Heirloom (1915)

Olive in the Madhouse
Olive in the Madhouse (1915)

Eugene Aram
Eugene Aram (1915)
Richard Housman

The Magic Skin
The Magic Skin (1915)
The antique dealer

Breaking the Shackles
Breaking the Shackles (1915)

The Truth About Helen
The Truth About Helen (1915)

The Test
The Test (1915)

The Human Investment
The Human Investment (1915)

The Broken Word
The Broken Word (1915)

On the Lazy Line
On the Lazy Line (1914)

In Lieu of Damages
In Lieu of Damages (1914)

The Message in the Rose
The Message in the Rose (1914)

A Night at the Inn
A Night at the Inn (1914)

Mr. Daly's Wedding Day
Mr. Daly's Wedding Day (1914)

A Gypsy Madcap
A Gypsy Madcap (1914)

A Warning from the Past
A Warning from the Past (1914)

Farmer Rodney's Daughter
Farmer Rodney's Daughter (1914)

The Mexican's Gratitude
The Mexican's Gratitude (1914)

Bottle's Baby
Bottle's Baby (1914)
Lieutenant Gilchrist

Dick Potter's Wife
Dick Potter's Wife (1914)

Richard Courtney, U.S. Ambassador to Valaria

His Wife
His Wife (1914)

The Two Vanrevels
The Two Vanrevels (1914)

Twins and Trouble
Twins and Trouble (1914)

A Tale of Old Tucson
A Tale of Old Tucson (1914)

The Doctor's Photograph
The Doctor's Photograph (1913)

The Golden Wedding
The Golden Wedding (1913)

By Fire and Water
By Fire and Water (1913)

Jan Vedder's Daughter
Jan Vedder's Daughter (1913)

Rule Thyself
Rule Thyself (1913)

Why Girls Leave Home
Why Girls Leave Home (1913)

A Good Sport
A Good Sport (1913)

Saved by the Enemy
Saved by the Enemy (1913)

Janet of the Dunes
Janet of the Dunes (1913)

At Bear Track Gulch
At Bear Track Gulch (1913)
Big Slim

A Pious Undertaking
A Pious Undertaking (1913)

Slander's Tongue
Slander's Tongue (1913)

Othello in Jonesville
Othello in Jonesville (1913)

How They Got the Vote
How They Got the Vote (1913)
The Magician

A Perilous Cargo
A Perilous Cargo (1913)

The Phantom Ship
The Phantom Ship (1913)

An Unsullied Shield
An Unsullied Shield (1913)
The Admiral

The Ghost of Granleigh
The Ghost of Granleigh (1913)

Scenes of Other Days
Scenes of Other Days (1913)

The Widow's Suitors
The Widow's Suitors (1913)

The Haunted Bedroom
The Haunted Bedroom (1913)

Her First Performance
Her First Performance (1913)

The Lost Deed
The Lost Deed (1913)

The Honor of a Soldier
The Honor of a Soldier (1913)

A Race to New York
A Race to New York (1913)

How Did It Finish?
How Did It Finish? (1913)

The Unprofitable Boarder
The Unprofitable Boarder (1913)

Bill's Career as Butler
Bill's Career as Butler (1913)

Jones Goes Shopping
Jones Goes Shopping (1913)

Spare the Rod
Spare the Rod (1912)

The Lost Messenger
The Lost Messenger (1912)

All for Jim
All for Jim (1912)

Strip Poker
Strip Poker (1912)

Mabel's Beau
Mabel's Beau (1912)

Buncoed (1912)

The Unwilling Bigamist
The Unwilling Bigamist (1912)
Jones / Smith (dual role)

Mary's Chauffeur
Mary's Chauffeur (1912)

The Better Influence
The Better Influence (1912)

The Butterfly
The Butterfly (1912)

A Mother's Sacrifice
A Mother's Sacrifice (1912)

Down and Out
Down and Out (1912)

Captain Ben's Yarn
Captain Ben's Yarn (1912)

A Woman Alone
A Woman Alone (1912)

Next (1912)

The Eternal Masculine
The Eternal Masculine (1912)
The Husband

A Disputed Claim
A Disputed Claim (1912)

Getting Rich Quick
Getting Rich Quick (1912)

Lola's Sacrifice
Lola's Sacrifice (1912)
The Minister

Dogs (1912)

Two of a Kind
Two of a Kind (1912)

An Old Lady of Twenty
An Old Lady of Twenty (1912)

A Higher Thought
A Higher Thought (1912)

Farmer Allen's Daughter
Farmer Allen's Daughter (1912)

The Call of the Blood
The Call of the Blood (1912)

Papa's Double
Papa's Double (1912)

The Flat Upstairs
The Flat Upstairs (1912)

The Little Music Teacher
The Little Music Teacher (1912)

Stage Struck Mamie
Stage Struck Mamie (1912)

Leap Year
Leap Year (1912)
The Tramp

A Game for Two
A Game for Two (1912)

Oh, You Baby!
Oh, You Baby! (1912)

The Tree Imp
The Tree Imp (1912)

Thorns of Success
Thorns of Success (1912)
Robert Vale

The Little Quakeress
The Little Quakeress (1912)

Tomboy (1912)

A Game of Chess
A Game of Chess (1912)

Willie's Dog
Willie's Dog (1912)

Lucky Man
Lucky Man (1912)

A Garrison Joke
A Garrison Joke (1912)

Arresting Father
Arresting Father (1912)

The New Butler
The New Butler (1912)

Gossip (1912)

Not on the Programme
Not on the Programme (1912)

Hazel Kirke
Hazel Kirke (1912)
Arthur Carringford

Petticoat Perfidy
Petticoat Perfidy (1912)

Наименьшее зло
Наименьшее зло (1912)

The Lesser Evil (5.70)
(не подтверждено)

His Fate's Rehearsal
His Fate's Rehearsal (1912)

The Return of Life
The Return of Life (1912)

The Silent Call
The Silent Call (1912)
The Drummer

His Step-Mother
His Step-Mother (1912)
The Artist

The Actress
The Actress (1911)

A Case of High Treason
A Case of High Treason (1911)
Lt. Brewster


Three of a Kind
Three of a Kind (1911)
The Student

Buckskin Jack

The Wedding Bell
The Wedding Bell (1911)

Christian and Moor
Christian and Moor (1911)
Sir Charles - a Christian Knight

The Venom of the Poppy
The Venom of the Poppy (1911)
Customs House Inspector at San Pedro

The Cashier

The Crucial Test
The Crucial Test (1911)
Charles Channing - a Discharged Reporter

The Crusader
The Crusader (1911)

Will You Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me? (1911)

The Quarrel on the Cliff
The Quarrel on the Cliff (1911)

The Spirit of the Gorge
The Spirit of the Gorge (1911)
Kewanee's Rival

The Younger Brother
The Younger Brother (1911)
Older Brother

Keeping Mabel Home
Keeping Mabel Home (1911)
The Butler

Leaves of a Romance
Leaves of a Romance (1911)
The Daughter's Eastern Suitor

Will Norfalk - The Lieutenant

Second Young Fisherman

Under the Tropical Sun
Under the Tropical Sun (1911)
The Foreman of the Sugar Plantation - a Young American

A Perilous Ride
A Perilous Ride (1911)
Captain Lorraine

The Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Trafalgar (1911)
Lieutenant Prescott

Undetermined Role (unconfirmed)

The Doctor
The Doctor (1911)
The Father

First Romantic Rival

At Jones Ferry
At Jones Ferry (1911)
Jones' Son - a Lumberman

The Switchman's Tower
The Switchman's Tower (1911)
Bill - the Switchman

The Sailor's Love Letter
The Sailor's Love Letter (1911)
Jack - a Sailor

The Big Dam
The Big Dam (1911)
George D. Bedford - a Young Contractor

The Sheriff
The Sheriff (1911)

Captain Delaplane

Through the Clouds
Through the Clouds (1910)

An Unselfish Love
An Unselfish Love (1910)

His First Valentine
His First Valentine (1910)

The Little Station Agent
The Little Station Agent (1910)

The Attack on the Mill
The Attack on the Mill (1910)

Ranson's Folly
Ranson's Folly (1910)

Клуб самоубийц
Клуб самоубийц (1909)

The Suicide Club (5.40)
Member of Suicide Club

In Crowd (не подтверждено)

Tim Noonan

Theatre Man

A Troublesome Satchel
A Troublesome Satchel (1909)
Second Thief

Авантюра леди Хелен
Авантюра леди Хелен (1909)

Lady Helen's Escapade (5.20)
The Footman / The Policeman

At the Altar
At the Altar (1909)

Trying to Get Arrested
Trying to Get Arrested (1909)
Second Tough Guy

Уединенная вилла
Уединенная вилла (1909)

The Lonely Villa (6.10)
A Burglar

A Baby's Shoe
A Baby's Shoe (1909)
A Butler

Twin Brothers
Twin Brothers (1909)
The Second Brother

Lucky Jim
Lucky Jim (1909)
The Minister

A Burglar's Mistake
A Burglar's Mistake (1909)

Two Memories
Two Memories (1909)
Party Guest

The Lure of the Gown
The Lure of the Gown (1909)
Man on Street

Confidence (1909)
Dinner Guest / In Bar

Скрипичный мастер из Кремоны
Скрипичный мастер из Кремоны (1909)

The Violin Maker of Cremona (5.80)
Taddeo Ferrari

The Necklace
The Necklace (1909)
John Kendrick

Каминный сверчок
Каминный сверчок (1909)

The Cricket on the Hearth (5.50)
John Peerybingle

The Voice of the Violin
The Voice of the Violin (1909)
At Party Meeting / Servant

A New Trick
A New Trick (1909)

A Drunkard's Reformation
A Drunkard's Reformation (1909)
In the Bar

Was Justice Served?
Was Justice Served? (1909)
Policeman / Bailiff

One Busy Hour
One Busy Hour (1909)
Hiram Greengate

Eradicating Aunty
Eradicating Aunty (1909)
Bill Corker

The Way of Man
The Way of Man (1909)
Wedding Guest

The Peachbasket Hat
The Peachbasket Hat (1909)
Gypsy / In Store

The Faded Lilies
The Faded Lilies (1909)
At Party

К чему приводит пьянство
К чему приводит пьянство (1909)

What Drink Did (5.70)

Crogan's Friend

Месть шута
Месть шута (1909)

A Fool's Revenge (5.40)
Fool's Accomplice (не подтверждено)

Воскресение (1909)

Resurrection (5.90)
At Inn / Servant

The French Duel
The French Duel (1909)

The Salvation Army Lass
The Salvation Army Lass (1909)
Outside Factory

Her First Biscuits
Her First Biscuits (1909)
Biscuit Victim

Second Thief

The House of Cards
The House of Cards (1909)
Sheriff Rattle Snake Jim

The Son's Return
The Son's Return (1909)
The Father

The Jilt
The Jilt (1909)
Mover / At Stock Exchange / Wedding Guest / At College

A Sound Sleeper
A Sound Sleeper (1909)
In Fight

Много лет спустя
Много лет спустя (1908)

After Many Years (5.50)

The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party (1908)

Ex-Convict No. 900
Ex-Convict No. 900 (1908)

The Painter's Revenge
The Painter's Revenge (1908)

Romance of a War Nurse
Romance of a War Nurse (1908)


Топ 250
Однажды в... Голливуде
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (7.90)
В погоне за счастьем
The Pursuit of Happyness (7.90)
Стартрек: Возмездие
Star Trek Into Darkness (7.90)
Девушка с татуировкой дракона
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (7.90)
Миссия "Серенити"
Serenity (7.90)
Луна 2112
Moon (7.90)
Трудности перевода
Lost in Translation (7.90)
История игрушек 4
Toy Story 4 (7.90)
Taken (7.90)
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (7.90)
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