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Clara Kimball Young

Профессии: Актриса, Продюсер, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Dr. Arthur Fauman (00.00.1928), James Young (00.00.1928), Harry Garson (00.00.1928)
Родилась: 06 сентября 1890, Дева (133 лет назад)
Умерла:: 15 октября 1960 (70 лет)
Последний фильм: 1943
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.84

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Признания порочного барона
Признания порочного барона (1943)

Confessions of a Vice Baron (5.60)
Fat Pearl (edited from 'Wages of Sin') (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

The Roundup
The Roundup (1941)
Mrs. Wilson

The Frontiersmen
The Frontiersmen (1938)
Mrs. Amanda Peters

The Wages of Sin
The Wages of Sin (1938)
Fat Pearl, the madam

Maid at Cortez Hotel [Ch.10] (в титрах отсутствует)

New News
New News (1937)
Mrs. Van Gage

Dangerously Yours
Dangerously Yours (1937)
Mrs. Prentiss (в титрах отсутствует)

Ma Hutchins

The Mysterious Pilot
The Mysterious Pilot (1937)
Martha, Fritz's Wife [Chs.3-5,9,14-15]

They Wanted to Marry
They Wanted to Marry (1937)
Wedding Guest Talking to Mr. Hunter (в титрах отсутствует)

Муравьи в кладовой
Муравьи в кладовой (1936)

Warcraft (7.70)
Mrs. Beulah Burlap

The Black Coin
The Black Coin (1936)
Donna Luise Navarro (as Clara K. Young)

Dangerous Waters
Dangerous Waters (1936)
Kind Lady (в титрах отсутствует)

The Rogues Tavern
The Rogues Tavern (1936)
Mrs. Jamison

Three on the Trail
Three on the Trail (1936)
Rose Peters

О, Сюзанна!
О, Сюзанна! (1936)

Warcraft (5.60)
Aunt Peggy Lee

Любовь в сентябре
Любовь в сентябре (1936)

Love in September (0.00)

The Fighting Coward
The Fighting Coward (1935)
Mrs. Gordon

Dorothy Regent (хроника)

Fighting Youth
Fighting Youth (1935)
Mrs. Stewart, House Mother

His Night Out
His Night Out (1935)
Mrs. Davis

Hollywood Extra Girl
Hollywood Extra Girl (1935)


The Drunkard
The Drunkard (1935)
Mrs. Karns

Возвращение Чанду
Возвращение Чанду (1934)

Warcraft (6.00)
Dorothy Regent

Возвращение Чанду
Возвращение Чанду (1934)

Warcraft (6.30)
Mrs. Dorothy Regent (хроника)

Romance in the Rain
Romance in the Rain (1934)
Mlle. Fleurette Malevinsky

I Can't Escape
I Can't Escape (1934)
Mrs. Wilson

File 113
File 113 (1933)
Mme. Fauvel

Love Bound
Love Bound (1932)
Mrs. Jane Randolph

Probation (1932)
Mrs. Humphries

Kept Husbands
Kept Husbands (1931)
Mrs. Henrietta Post

Mother and Son
Mother and Son (1931)
Faro Lil

Женщины навсегда
Женщины навсегда (1931)

Warcraft (0.00)
Daisy Bowman

Lying Wives
Lying Wives (1925)
Patricia Chase

Женщина из бронзы
Женщина из бронзы (1923)

The Woman of Bronze (0.00)
Vivian Hunt

Cordelia the Magnificent
Cordelia the Magnificent (1923)
Cordelia Marlowe

Роман жены
Роман жены (1923)

A Wife's Romance (0.00)
Joyce Addisonn

Enter Madame
Enter Madame (1922)
Prima Donna Lisa Della Robia

The Hands of Nara
The Hands of Nara (1922)
Nara Alexieff

Земная Мадонна
Земная Мадонна (1922)

The Worldly Madonna (6.50)
Lucy Trevor, dancer / Janet Trevor, nun

Charge It
Charge It (1921)
Julia Lawrence

Тишина (1921)

Hush (0.00)
Vera Stanford

Straight from Paris
Straight from Paris (1921)
Lucette Grenier

Что не знает ни один мужчина
Что не знает ни один мужчина (1921)

What No Man Knows (6.90)
Norma Harvey

For the Soul of Rafael
For the Soul of Rafael (1920)
Marta Raquel Estevan

The Forbidden Woman
The Forbidden Woman (1920)
Diane Sorel

Mid-Channel (1920)
Zoe Blundell

The Better Wife
The Better Wife (1919)
Charmian Page

Обманутые мошенники
Обманутые мошенники (1919)

Cheating Cheaters (0.00)
Ruth Brockton

Eyes of Youth
Eyes of Youth (1919)
Gina Ashling

Soldiers of Fortune
Soldiers of Fortune (1919)
(в титрах отсутствует)

The Claw
The Claw (1918)
Mary Saurin

The House of Glass
The House of Glass (1918)
Margaret Case

The Marionettes
The Marionettes (1918)
Fernande de Monclars

The Reason Why
The Reason Why (1918)
Zara Zenova

Gabrielle Jardee

The Savage Woman
The Savage Woman (1918)
Renee Benoit

The Easiest Way
The Easiest Way (1917)
Laura Murdock

Magda (1917)

Цена, которую она заплатила
Цена, которую она заплатила (1917)

The Price She Paid (0.00)
Mildred Gower

Shirley Kaye
Shirley Kaye (1917)
Shirley Kaye

Общее право
Общее право (1916)

The Common Law (0.00)
Valerie West

The Feast of Life
The Feast of Life (1916)
Aurora Fernandez

The Rise of Susan
The Rise of Susan (1916)

The Yellow Passport
The Yellow Passport (1916)
Sonia Sokoloff

A Race for Life
A Race for Life (1916)

Глупая дева
Глупая дева (1916)

The Foolish Virgin (0.00)
Mary Adams

The Dark Silence
The Dark Silence (1916)
Mildred White

Trilby (1915)
Trilby O'Farrell

Камил (1915)

Camille (6.40)

The Deep Purple
The Deep Purple (1915)
Doris Moore


Hearts in Exile
Hearts in Exile (1915)
Hope Ivanovna

Marrying Money
Marrying Money (1915)
Mildred Niles

The Perplexed Bridegroom
The Perplexed Bridegroom (1914)
The Bride


Taken by Storm
Taken by Storm (1914)
The Wife

David Garrick
David Garrick (1914)

The Portrait
The Portrait (1914)

Flora Fourflush

Goodness Gracious
Goodness Gracious (1914)

Happy-Go-Lucky (1914)

Her Husband
Her Husband (1914)
Mrs. Tom Harcourt

The Violin of M'sieur
The Violin of M'sieur (1914)
Yvonne - Gerome's Daughter

Лола (1914)

Lola (3.80)
Lola Barnhelun

Моя официальная жена
Моя официальная жена (1914)

My Official Wife (6.40)
Helene Marie

The Silver Snuff Box
The Silver Snuff Box (1914)

Some Steamer Scooping
Some Steamer Scooping (1914)
A Journalist

The Hindoo Charm
The Hindoo Charm (1913)

On Their Wedding Eve
On Their Wedding Eve (1913)

Getting Up a Practice
Getting Up a Practice (1913)
Emily Irving, Dr. Lyons' Sweetheart

John Tobin's Sweetheart
John Tobin's Sweetheart (1913)
Cameo Appearance

The Spirit of the Orient
The Spirit of the Orient (1913)

A Maid of Mandalay
A Maid of Mandalay (1913)
Ma May

The Little Minister
The Little Minister (1913)
Lady Babbie

John Mason's Fiancée

The Wrath of Osaka
The Wrath of Osaka (1913)

Love's Sunset
Love's Sunset (1913)
Nita Travers

Betty in the Lions' Den
Betty in the Lions' Den (1913)

The Taming of Betty
The Taming of Betty (1913)


The Test
The Test (1913)
Eleanor Anstruther

When Mary Grew Up
When Mary Grew Up (1913)

Up in a Balloon
Up in a Balloon (1913)

First Thief

The Way Out
The Way Out (1913)

The Old Guard
The Old Guard (1913)

Jerry's Mother-in-Law
Jerry's Mother-in-Law (1913)
Jerry's Wife

A Lesson in Jealousy
A Lesson in Jealousy (1913)
The Wife

Красавчик Брюммель
Красавчик Брюммель (1913)

Beau Brummel (0.00)
Helen Ballarat

The Pirates
The Pirates (1913)
Helen Merwin

United in Danger
United in Danger (1913)

Beauty Unadorned
Beauty Unadorned (1913)
Helen Preston

Jack's Chrysanthemum
Jack's Chrysanthemum (1913)
Kichimatsu, a Japanese Maiden

Delayed Proposals
Delayed Proposals (1913)
Marion Van Sicklen

Extremities (1913)

Fellow Voyagers
Fellow Voyagers (1913)

The Nurse

The Lonely Princess
The Lonely Princess (1913)
The Princess, Prince Raffaello's Daughter

Professor Optimo
Professor Optimo (1912)

Lulu's Doctor
Lulu's Doctor (1912)
Aunt Madge

Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages (1912)

Dr. LaFleur's Theory
Dr. LaFleur's Theory (1912)
The Criminal's Moll

A Mistake in Spelling
A Mistake in Spelling (1912)
Mabel Moore, Fred's Fiancée

Cardinal Wolsey
Cardinal Wolsey (1912)
Anne Boleyn

Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgers
Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgers (1912)
Mrs. Edson

The Eavesdropper
The Eavesdropper (1912)

Wanted, a Sister
Wanted, a Sister (1912)
The Girl


Half a Hero
Half a Hero (1912)
Mabel Kemp

The Money Kings
The Money Kings (1912)

A Vitagraph Romance
A Vitagraph Romance (1912)
Caroline, the Senator's Daughter

The Haunted Rocker
The Haunted Rocker (1912)
The Daughter

When Roses Wither
When Roses Wither (1912)
Maurice's Wife

An Assistant in the Toy Shop

The Old Kent Road
The Old Kent Road (1912)
Sue Simmonds, Their Daughter

The Picture Idol
The Picture Idol (1912)
Beth Ward, A Passionate Fan of Howard Hanson's

In the Flat Above
In the Flat Above (1912)
A Music Teacher

Poet and Peasant
Poet and Peasant (1912)
Toinette Savard, the Daughter

The Irony of Fate
The Irony of Fate (1912)

Popular Betty
Popular Betty (1912)
Betty Wilson

Alice De Voe

A Lively Affair
A Lively Affair (1912)
The Maid

Mockery (1912)
Princess Dolorosa

The Pipe
The Pipe (1912)
The Wife

Lady Godiva
Lady Godiva (1911)

Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1910)

The Last of the Saxons
The Last of the Saxons (1910)

The Sepoy's Wife
The Sepoy's Wife (1910)
The Sepoy's Wife

Сон в летнюю ночь
Сон в летнюю ночь (1909)

A Midsummer Night's Dream (6.00)

Вашингтон под американским флагом
Вашингтон под американским флагом (1909)

Washington Under the American Flag (0.00)

Various characters (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

 Self 1 episode, 1956

Various characters (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Various characters (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Продюсер [ скрыть ]

Цена, которую она заплатила
Цена, которую она заплатила (1917)

The Price She Paid (0.00)

Общее право
Общее право (1916)

The Common Law (0.00)

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Легенда о Рудольфе Валентино
Легенда о Рудольфе Валентино (1961)

The Legend of Rudolph Valentino (7.30)
Себя (хроника)

Mr. Celebrity
Mr. Celebrity (1941)
Herself - Cameo Appearance

Herself (хроника)

Кино-альбом (1931)

The Movie Album (6.60)
Себя (хроника)

Вчерашние звезды
Вчерашние звезды (1931)

Stars of Yesterday (0.00)


Herself - Cameo Appearance

Fixing Their Dads
Fixing Their Dads (1914)
Herself - Cameo Appearance


Топ 250
Трудности перевода
Lost in Translation (7.90)
История игрушек 4
Toy Story 4 (7.90)
Taken (7.90)
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (7.90)
American Gangster (7.90)
Поезд на Юму
3:10 to Yuma (7.90)
Apocalypto (7.90)
Clerks. (7.90)
127 часов
127 Hours (7.90)
Переступить черту
Walk the Line (7.90)
весь топ