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Peggy Lukac

Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Родилась: 18 июня 1949, Близнецы (74 лет)
Последний фильм: 2011
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.13

Все | Актриса


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Im besten Alter
Im besten Alter (2011)
Mary-Lou Wörlitz

Ein Sommer in Paris
Ein Sommer in Paris (2011)

Alles Liebe
Alles Liebe (2010)

Den Tagen mehr Leben!
Den Tagen mehr Leben! (2010)
Dorothee Wieland

Lacoma (2009)
Trucker's wife

Dr. Greta Westphal

Ett enklare liv
Ett enklare liv (2008)
Frau Keller

The Last Wash
The Last Wash (2008)
Olga Dabrowska

Макс Мински и я
Макс Мински и я (2007)

Max Minsky und ich (6.70)

Marlene Engel

Frau Hansen (2 episodes, 2009)

Kunstfehler (2006)
Staatsanwältin Rohmeyer

Leben mit Hannah
Leben mit Hannah (2006)
Elfie Morgan

Sackratten (2006)

Секс-коктейль 2
Секс-коктейль 2 (2005)

Sex Up - ich könnt' schon wieder (4.70)
Strenge Wissenschaftlerin

Letztes Kapitel
Letztes Kapitel (2005)
Gerda Strohmetz

Уговор есть уговор
Уговор есть уговор (2004)

Ein krasser Deal (2.00)
Kerstins Mutter

Saniyes Lust
Saniyes Lust (2004)
Marianne Rillig

Das Konto
Das Konto (2004)

Секс-коктейль (2003)

Sex Up - Jungs haben's auch nicht leicht (4.70)
Jutta Hitzeroth

Luise Herz

Любовь – половина цены
Любовь – половина цены (2002)

Liebe ist die halbe Miete (6.50)
Ulla Naumann

Ruth Bolden

Stellas Mutter

Drachenland (1999)
Frau Kahnt

Armgard Schöne

Jagdsaison (1998)

За решетками - женская тюрьма
За решетками - женская тюрьма (сериал) (1997)

Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast (2.70)
Irene Hermann / ... (10 episodes, 2004-2005)

Armgard Schöne

Спецотряд "Кобра" (сериал) (1996)

Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (6.40)
 Margot Sch?fer - Andrea's Mutter (в титрах отсутствует) 1 episode, 2004

Наш Чарли
Наш Чарли (сериал) (1995)

Unser Charly (3.00)
Frau Eglund (2 episodes, 2002-2003)

Eva Morenz

Letzte Nachrichten
Letzte Nachrichten (1989)
Moderatorin im Studio

Tatort (сериал) (1970)
Sabine Lichtenhagen

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

 Sigrid 1 episode, 2014

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Rosa St?ckelbrink


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger



Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Maria V?ckel


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Mutter (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Christel Maybach

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

 Maria V?ckel 1 episode, 2014

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

 Katharina von Arnstett / ... 7 episodes, 2017-2022

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

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Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

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Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

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Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

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Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger (credit only)

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger

Inge Ebinger


Топ 250
Memento (8.60)
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American Beauty (8.60)
Американская история Х
American History X (8.60)
Intouchables (8.60)
Léon (8.60)
Апокалипсис сегодня
Apocalypse Now (8.60)
Гражданин Кейн
Citizen Kane (8.60)
Волк с Уолл-стрит
The Wolf of Wall Street (8.60)
весь топ