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Ernest C. Warde

Профессии: Режиссёр, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 00 1874 (150 лет назад)
Умер:: 09 сентября 1923 (49 лет)
Первый фильм: 1914
Последний фильм: 1923
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.28

Все | Актёр | Режиссёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

The Lord Loves the Irish
The Lord Loves the Irish (1919)

Женщина в белом
Женщина в белом (1917)

The Woman in White (0.00)

Король Лир
Король Лир (1916)

King Lear (5.90)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Blow Your Own Horn
Blow Your Own Horn (1923)
Gillen Jolyon

Ruth of the Range
Ruth of the Range (1923)
Robert Remington

The Midnight Stage
The Midnight Stage (1919)
'Rat' McGrough

War and the Woman
War and the Woman (1917)
Lieutenant Fredericks

Hidden Valley
Hidden Valley (1916)
The High Priest (as Ernest Warde)

The Knotted Cord
The Knotted Cord (1916)
Richard Van Dyke, a Millionaire

Король Лир
Король Лир (1916)

King Lear (5.90)
The King's Fool

Crossed Wires
Crossed Wires (1915)

The Stolen Jewels
The Stolen Jewels (1915)

A Maker of Guns
A Maker of Guns (1915)

$1,000 Reward
$1,000 Reward (1915)
Red Hogan

Monsieur Nikola Dupree
Monsieur Nikola Dupree (1915)
Monsieur Nikola Dupree

The Commuted Sentence
The Commuted Sentence (1915)
Undetermined Supporting Role (unconfirmed) (в титрах отсутствует)

Movie Fans
Movie Fans (1915)
(as Ernest Warde)

A Newspaper Nemesis
A Newspaper Nemesis (1915)
Spike - Burgler

Which Shall It Be?
Which Shall It Be? (1915)
Farmer Selden - the Father

Her Confession
Her Confession (1915)
Father Morey

The Angel in the Mask
The Angel in the Mask (1915)

The Final Reckoning
The Final Reckoning (1915)

Check No. 130
Check No. 130 (1915)
Harry Dana

The Skinflint
The Skinflint (1915)
Silas Keene 'The Skinflint'

Tracked Through the Snow
Tracked Through the Snow (1915)
Rick - an Outlaw

The Refugee
The Refugee (1915)
The French Nobleman

The Salesman (as Ernest Warde)

The Handicap of Beauty
The Handicap of Beauty (1915)
(as Ernest Warde)

The Undertow
The Undertow (1915)
(as Ernest Warde)

The Amateur Detective
The Amateur Detective (1914)

Sis (1914)

The Diamond of Disaster
The Diamond of Disaster (1914)
The Fakir

Keeping a Husband
Keeping a Husband (1914)
John Strong

Mother's Choice
Mother's Choice (1914)
George's Father

Conscience (1914)
Blind Baggage Jake

The Reader of Minds
The Reader of Minds (1914)

The Cripple
The Cripple (1914)
Mr. Jameson

The Turning of the Road
The Turning of the Road (1914)
Bill Kent

The Varsity Race
The Varsity Race (1914)

The White Rose
The White Rose (1914)
George's Father

The Face at the Window
The Face at the Window (1914)


Топ 250
Реквием по мечте
Requiem for a Dream (8.50)
The Pianist (8.50)
Жизнь прекрасна
La vita è bella (8.50)
Vertigo (8.50)
Жизнь других
Das Leben der Anderen (8.50)
Звездные войны: Эпизод 6 - Возвращение Джедая
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (8.40)
Gladiator (8.40)
Храброе сердце
Braveheart (8.40)
Зеленая миля
The Green Mile (8.40)
Бешеные псы
Reservoir Dogs (8.40)
весь топ