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Оливер Харди

Oliver Hardy
Оливер Харди
Профессии: Режиссёр, Сценарист, Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Madelyn Saloshin (07.11.1913), Myrtle Reeves (24.11.1921), Virginia Lucille Jones (07.03.1940)
Родился: 18 января 1892, Козерог (132 лет назад)
Умер:: 07 августа 1957 (65 лет)
Последний фильм: 2011
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



19.01.2016 13:01

Кастинг: великие комики и семейные тайны

Как удалось узнать порталу The Hollywood Reporter, Стив КуганАлан Партридж») и Джон С. РейллиЧикаго») исполнят главные роли в фильме Stan and Ollie («Стэн и Олли») — байопике культовых комиков Стэна Лорела и Оливера Харди.

Работу над проектом, который описывается как посвящение двум самым смешным актерам за всю историю кинематографа, ведет британская студия BBC Films. Драма расскажет о периоде, когда уже стареющие звезды давали выступления по всей Великобритании. Именно тогда дуэт осознал, что их золотая эра подошла к концу. Но, несмотря на малое количество зрителей, посещавших концерты, выступления комиков вскоре стали популярными. Это помогло Стэну и Олли не только порадовать давних поклонников, но и обрести новых.
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Средний рейтинг: 6.43

Все | Актёр | Режиссёр | Сценарист | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

The Love Bugs
The Love Bugs (1917)

A Mix Up in Hearts
A Mix Up in Hearts (1917)

The Other Girl
The Other Girl (1917)

Wanted - A Bad Man
Wanted - A Bad Man (1917)

Bad Kate
Bad Kate (1917)

His Movie Mustache
His Movie Mustache (1917)

Terrible Kate
Terrible Kate (1917)

Это не моя комната
Это не моя комната (1917)

This Is Not My Room (0.00)

The Boycotted Baby
The Boycotted Baby (1917)

Fat and Fickle
Fat and Fickle (1916)

The Guilty Ones
The Guilty Ones (1916)

Сценарист [ скрыть ]

Сыновья пустыни
Сыновья пустыни (1933)

Warcraft (7.80)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Himself (хроника)

Ollie (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Бомбы и блокбастеры Тинсельтауна
Бомбы и блокбастеры Тинсельтауна (2006)

Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (6.10)

Комедии комиков
Комедии комиков (2005)

The Comedians' Comedian (6.70)

Голливуд и Холокост
Голливуд и Холокост (2004)

Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust (7.50)

71-я церемония вручения премии «Оскар»
71-я церемония вручения премии «Оскар» (1999)

The 71st Annual Academy Awards (6.00)
Ollie (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Вот это развлечение! Часть 3
Вот это развлечение! Часть 3 (1994)

That's Entertainment! III (7.70)
Performer in Clip from 'Hollywood Party' (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Legends of Comedy
Legends of Comedy (1992)


Ollie (1986) (хроника)

Кокон (1985)

Cocoon (6.60)
Himself, film clip from 'Flying Deuces' (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)


Голливудские весельчаки
Голливудские весельчаки (1979)

The Hollywood Clowns (8.30)

Вот это развлечение! Часть 2
Вот это развлечение! Часть 2 (1976)

That's Entertainment, Part II (7.20)
Various Film Clips (хроника) (как Hardy)

Америка в кино
Америка в кино (1976)

America at the Movies (6.60)
Ollie (хроника) (как Hardy)

Ollie (хроника)

4 Clowns
4 Clowns (1970)

Ollie (хроника)



Ollie (хроника)

Большой парад комедии
Большой парад комедии (1964)

The Big Parade of Comedy (6.30)
Actor in 'Hollywood Story' (хроника)

30 лет веселья
30 лет веселья (1963)

30 Years of Fun (6.70)

Vrtlarev pas
Vrtlarev pas (1961)
Himself (хроника)

edited from 'Big Business' (хроника) (как Hardy)

The Golden Age of Comedy
The Golden Age of Comedy (1957)
(хроника) (as Hardy)

Double Trouble
Double Trouble (1953)
The Twin Hardys (хроника)

Hit 'im Again
Hit 'im Again (1953)

Утопия (1951)

Warcraft (5.20)


Ça c'est du cinéma
Ça c'est du cinéma (1951)

Стремясь высоко
Стремясь высоко (1950)

Warcraft (6.00)
Sucker (в титрах отсутствует)

Боец из Кентукки
Боец из Кентукки (1949)

Warcraft (6.20)
Willie Paine

Тореадоры (1945)

Warcraft (6.10)

The Big Noise
The Big Noise (1944)


Танцующие мастера
Танцующие мастера (1943)

Warcraft (5.80)

Жучки (1943)

Warcraft (6.00)

The Tree in a Test Tube
The Tree in a Test Tube (1943)

Good Old Corn
Good Old Corn (1943)

Воздушные рейдеры
Воздушные рейдеры (1943)

Warcraft (5.70)

A-Haunting We Will Go
A-Haunting We Will Go (1942)
Ollie (as Hardy)

Great Guns
Great Guns (1941)

Чамп в Оксфорде
Чамп в Оксфорде (1940)

Warcraft (7.30)

Saps at Sea
Saps at Sea (1940)

Летающие черти
Летающие черти (1939)

Warcraft (6.70)

Zenobia (1939)
Dr. Henry Tibbett

Сними звезду
Сними звезду (1938)

Warcraft (7.50)

Швейцарская мисс
Швейцарская мисс (1938)

Warcraft (6.50)

Pick a Star
Pick a Star (1937)

Путь с Запада
Путь с Запада (1937)

Warcraft (7.70)

Богемская девушка
Богемская девушка (1936)

Warcraft (6.70)

On the Wrong Trek
On the Wrong Trek (1936)
Cameo appearance (hitchhiker)

Our Relations
Our Relations (1936)
Ollie / Bert Hardy

Зуб за зуб
Зуб за зуб (1935)

Warcraft (7.80)

Bonnie Scotland
Bonnie Scotland (1935)

The Fixer Uppers
The Fixer Uppers (1935)

Толще, чем вода
Толще, чем вода (1935)

Warcraft (7.20)

В стране игрушек
В стране игрушек (1934)

Warcraft (7.20)
Ollie Dee

Going Bye-Bye!
Going Bye-Bye! (1934)


Живой призрак
Живой призрак (1934)

Warcraft (7.10)

Oliver the Eighth
Oliver the Eighth (1934)

Там, среди холмов
Там, среди холмов (1934)

Warcraft (7.70)

Брат дьявола
Брат дьявола (1933)

The Devil's Brother (7.00)

Грязная работа
Грязная работа (1933)

Warcraft (7.40)

Я и мой товарищ
Я и мой товарищ (1933)

Warcraft (7.20)

The Midnight Patrol
The Midnight Patrol (1933)
Officer Oliver Hardy

Сыновья пустыни
Сыновья пустыни (1933)

Warcraft (7.80)

Дважды два
Дважды два (1933)

Warcraft (6.70)
Ollie / Mrs. Laurel

Wild Poses
Wild Poses (1933)

Работяги (1933)

Warcraft (7.60)

Any Old Port!
Any Old Port! (1932)

The Chimp
The Chimp (1932)

Choo-Choo! (1932)
Inebriated novelties salesman yelling as bear licks his face (голос)

Окружная больница
Окружная больница (1932)

Warcraft (7.20)

3 Shorts

Помощники (1932)

Warcraft (7.90)



Убирайся! (1932)

Warcraft (7.00)

Их первая ошибка
Их первая ошибка (1932)

Warcraft (7.20)

Втянутый в дыру
Втянутый в дыру (1932)

Warcraft (7.80)

Our Wife
Our Wife (1931)

Muraglie (1931)

Pardon Us
Pardon Us (1931)

Politiquerías (1931)

Los presidiarios
Los presidiarios (1931)
Oliver 'Ollie' Hardy

The Slippery Pearls
The Slippery Pearls (1931)
Police Driver

Будь больше!
Будь больше! (1931)

Warcraft (6.50)

Под запорами
Под запорами (1931)

Sous les verrous (6.60)

Beau Hunks
Beau Hunks (1931)

On the Loose
On the Loose (1931)
New Suitor (в титрах отсутствует)

Los calaveras
Los calaveras (1931)
Señor Hardy

Chickens Come Home
Chickens Come Home (1931)

Glückliche Kindheit
Glückliche Kindheit (1931)
Ollie / Ollie jr.

Les carottiers
Les carottiers (1931)
M. Hardy

Come Clean
Come Clean (1931)

Laughing Gravy
Laughing Gravy (1931)

One Good Turn
One Good Turn (1931)


Noche de duendes
Noche de duendes (1930)

Below Zero
Below Zero (1930)

Blotto (1930)

Radiomanía (1930)

Brats (1930)
Ollie Sr. / Oliver Jr.

Spuk um Mitternacht
Spuk um Mitternacht (1930)


Tiembla y Titubea
Tiembla y Titubea (1930)

Ночные воришки
Ночные воришки (1930)

Warcraft (7.30)

Песня мошенника
Песня мошенника (1930)

Warcraft (5.40)

Ladrones (1930)

Une nuit extravagante
Une nuit extravagante (1930)

La vida nocturna
La vida nocturna (1930)

Feu mon oncle
Feu mon oncle (1930)

Опять ошибка!
Опять ошибка! (1929)

Warcraft (7.10)

Ангорская любовь
Ангорская любовь (1929)

Warcraft (6.80)

Конфискаторы (1929)

Warcraft (6.80)
Oliver (process server)

На верхней полке
На верхней полке (1929)

Warcraft (6.80)

Большой бизнес
Большой бизнес (1929)

Warcraft (8.00)

Двойной кутеж
Двойной кутеж (1929)

Warcraft (7.00)

Голливудское ревю
Голливудское ревю (1929)

Warcraft (7.40)

The Hoose-Gow
The Hoose-Gow (1929)

Свобода (1929)

Warcraft (7.90)

Men O'War
Men O'War (1929)

Идеальный день
Идеальный день (1929)

Warcraft (7.00)

Это моя жена!
Это моя жена! (1929)

That's My Wife (6.80)

Они наводят шороху!
Они наводят шороху! (1929)

Warcraft (6.90)

Unaccustomed As We Are
Unaccustomed As We Are (1929)
Ollver Hardy

Два моряка
Два моряка (1928)

Warcraft (7.40)

И в лужу – плюх!
И в лужу – плюх! (1928)

Warcraft (6.90)

You're Darn Tootin'
You're Darn Tootin' (1928)
Ollie, French horn player

Barnum & Ringling, Inc.
Barnum & Ringling, Inc. (1928)
Startled drunk

Рано в кровать
Рано в кровать (1928)

Warcraft (6.60)

Последний штрих
Последний штрих (1928)

Warcraft (7.40)

Летающие слоны
Летающие слоны (1928)

Warcraft (6.00)
Mighty Giant

Пускай смеются
Пускай смеются (1928)

Leave 'Em Laughing (6.80)

Galloping Ghosts
Galloping Ghosts (1928)
Meadows, his valet, a.k.a. Officer 13


От супа до десерта
От супа до десерта (1928)

Warcraft (6.80)
Hired butler

Love 'Em and Feed 'Em
Love 'Em and Feed 'Em (1927)
'Happy' Hopey

Люби их и плачь
Люби их и плачь (1927)

Love 'Em and Weep (6.40)
Judge Chigger

Two-Time Mama
Two-Time Mama (1927)
Cop (as Babe Hardy)

No Man's Law
No Man's Law (1927)
Sharkey Nye

J. Piedmont Mumblethunder

Fluttering Hearts
Fluttering Hearts (1927)
Big Bill

Берегитесь, моряки!
Берегитесь, моряки! (1927)

Warcraft (6.80)
Purser Cryder

Вторые сто лет
Вторые сто лет (1927)

Warcraft (6.70)
Big Goofy

Should Men Walk Home?
Should Men Walk Home? (1927)
Party Guest at Punch Bowl

Ускользающие жены
Ускользающие жены (1927)

Warcraft (5.80)

Седина в бороду
Седина в бороду (1927)

Warcraft (6.10)
Brittle's butler

First Mate

Битва столетия
Битва столетия (1927)

Warcraft (7.40)

Nursemaid's boy friend

Top Sergeant Banner

Крик кукушки
Крик кукушки (1927)

Warcraft (6.00)
Asylum inmate

Думают ли детективы?
Думают ли детективы? (1927)

Warcraft (6.80)
Sherlock Pinkham

Утиный суп
Утиный суп (1927)

Warcraft (6.40)

Why Girls Say No
Why Girls Say No (1927)

Без шляп
Без шляп (1927)

Warcraft (7.10)

Now I'll Tell One
Now I'll Tell One (1927)

Crazy to Act
Crazy to Act (1927)
Gordon Bagley

The Honorable Mr. Buggs
The Honorable Mr. Buggs (1927)

Crazy Like a Fox
Crazy Like a Fox (1926)
Charley's Victim (в титрах отсутствует)

Hotel Detective

Bromo and Juliet
Bromo and Juliet (1926)
Cab Driver

The Gentle Cyclone
The Gentle Cyclone (1926)
Sheriff Bill

Long Fliv the King
Long Fliv the King (1926)
The Prime Minister's Assistant

The Cow's Kimona
The Cow's Kimona (1926)

Madame Mystery
Madame Mystery (1926)
Captain Schmaltz

The Nickel-Hopper
The Nickel-Hopper (1926)
Jazz band drummer (в титрах отсутствует)

Say It with Babies
Say It with Babies (1926)
Hector - the Floorwalker (as Babe Hardy)

Stop, Look and Listen
Stop, Look and Listen (1926)
Show Manager (as Babe Hardy)

Thundering Fleas
Thundering Fleas (1926)
Officer (as Oliver Babe Hardy)

A Bankrupt Honeymoon
A Bankrupt Honeymoon (1926)
A taxi driver (as Babe Hardy)

А вот и тетушка!
А вот и тетушка! (1926)

Warcraft (5.30)
Mr. Vincent Belcher - the First Husband

Wandering Papas
Wandering Papas (1926)
The foreman (as Babe Hardy)

Be Your Age
Be Your Age (1926)
Oswald Schwartzkopple

Laughing Ladies
Laughing Ladies (1925)

Should Sailors Marry?
Should Sailors Marry? (1925)

Rivals (1925)
The Rival

Neptune's Stepdaughter
Neptune's Stepdaughter (1925)
(as Babe Hardy)

Fiddlin' Around
Fiddlin' Around (1925)
Theatre manager

Isn't Life Terrible?
Isn't Life Terrible? (1925)
Remington - the Brother-in-Law (as 'Babe' Hardy)

The Joke's on You
The Joke's on You (1925)
Wilbert Perkins (as Babe Hardy)

Stick Around
Stick Around (1925)
Paperhanger (as Babe Hardy)

The Perfect Clown
The Perfect Clown (1925)
Babe Mulligan

Волшебник страны Оз
Волшебник страны Оз (1925)

The Wizard of Oz (5.20)
Woodsman / Knight of the Garter / Farmhand (как Oliver N. Hardy)

Hey, Taxi!
Hey, Taxi! (1925)
A rival taxi driver (as Babe Hardy)

Hop to It!
Hop to It! (1925)
A bellhop (as Babe Hardy)

Yes, Yes, Nanette
Yes, Yes, Nanette (1925)
Her former sweetheart (as Babe Hardy)

They All Fall
They All Fall (1925)
The boss (as Babe Hardy)

Её друг
Её друг (1924)

Her Boy Friend (5.50)
Killer Kid (как Oliver N. Hardy)

The Perfect Lady
The Perfect Lady (1924)


Roaring Lions at Home
Roaring Lions at Home (1924)

Trouble Brewing
Trouble Brewing (1924)
Bootlegger (as Babe Hardy)

Дитя скорости
Дитя скорости (1924)

Kid Speed (6.00)
Dangerous Dan McGraw (как Oliver N. Hardy)

Horseshoes (1923)
Dynamite Duffy (as Babe Hardy)

No Wedding Bells
No Wedding Bells (1923)
The Girl's Father (as Babe Hardy)

The Barnyard
The Barnyard (1923)
Farm Hand (as Babe Hardy)

The Gown Shop
The Gown Shop (1923)
Store manager (as Babe Hardy)

Lightning Love
Lightning Love (1923)
Oliver, the Other Suitor (as Babe Hardy)

The Midnight Cabaret
The Midnight Cabaret (1923)
Oliver, an Impetuous Suitor (as Babe Hardy)

Лесопилка (1922)

The Sawmill (6.00)
The foreman (как Babe Hardy)

Fortune's Mask
Fortune's Mask (1922)
Chief of Police

Гольф (1922)

Golf (5.90)
The neighbor (как Babe Hardy)

Little Wildcat
Little Wildcat (1922)
'Bull' Mulligan

A Pair of Kings
A Pair of Kings (1922)
General Alarm (as Babe Hardy)

Представление (1922)

The Show (5.80)
Stage manager / Audience Member (как Babe Hardy)

The Counter Jumper
The Counter Jumper (1922)
Gaston Gilligan (as Babe Hardy)

The Agent
The Agent (1922)
Don Fusiloil (as Babe Hardy)

The Rent Collector
The Rent Collector (1921)
The Big Boss (as Babe Hardy)

The Nuisance
The Nuisance (1921)
The walrus (as Babe Hardy)

Пес - талисман
Пес - талисман (1921)

The Lucky Dog (5.90)
Masked bandit who confronts Laurel

The Fall Guy
The Fall Guy (1921)
Gentleman Joe, alias Black Bart (as Babe Hardy)

Турист (1921)

The Tourist (0.00)
Leader of the outlaws (как Babe Hardy)

Пекарня (1921)

The Bakery (6.90)
Foreman (как Babe Hardy)

The Bell Hop
The Bell Hop (1921)
Hotel manager (as Babe Hardy)

The Blizzard
The Blizzard (1921)
Janitor (as Babe Hardy)

The Mysterious Stranger
The Mysterious Stranger (1921)
Toreador (as Babe Hardy)

Dames and Dentists
Dames and Dentists (1920)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Decorator
The Decorator (1920)
Babe, a millionaire (as Babe Hardy)

Married to Order
Married to Order (1920)
Her Father (as Babe Hardy)

Pals and Pugs
Pals and Pugs (1920)
A bully (as Babe Hardy)

Fists and Fodder
Fists and Fodder (1920)
Her Father (as Babe Hardy)

Springtime (1920)
The Commissioner (as Babe Hardy)

He Laughs Last
He Laughs Last (1920)
Handsome Hal (as Babe Hardy)

Distilled Love
Distilled Love (1920)
Mr. Peeble Ford (as Babe Hardy)

The Stage Hand
The Stage Hand (1920)
Audience member (в титрах отсутствует)

Pipe Dreams and Prizes
Pipe Dreams and Prizes (1920)

His Jonah Day
His Jonah Day (1920)
The life saver (as Babe Hardy)

Maids and Muslin
Maids and Muslin (1920)
Mr. Yards (as Babe Hardy)

The Trouble Hunter
The Trouble Hunter (1920)
The Bouncer (as Babe Hardy)

The Backyard
The Backyard (1920)
The ruffian (as Babe Hardy)

Dull Care
Dull Care (1919)
A Janitor (as Babe Hardy)

Soapsuds and Sapheads
Soapsuds and Sapheads (1919)
Foreman (as Babe Hardy)

Flips and Flops
Flips and Flops (1919)
Mr. Jipper (as Babe Hardy)

Lions and Ladies
Lions and Ladies (1919)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Freckled Fish
The Freckled Fish (1919)
Solomon Soopmeat (as Babe Hardy)

Squabs and Squabbles
Squabs and Squabbles (1919)
The Boss (as Babe Hardy)

The Head Waiter
The Head Waiter (1919)
A Cop (as Babe Hardy)

Hearts in Hock
Hearts in Hock (1919)
(as Babe Hardy)

Healthy and Happy
Healthy and Happy (1919)
Doctor (as Babe Hardy)

Switches and Sweeties
Switches and Sweeties (1919)
(as Babe Hardy)

Tootsies and Tamales
Tootsies and Tamales (1919)
The Murderous Mexican (as Babe Hardy)

Jazz and Jailbirds
Jazz and Jailbirds (1919)
I.M. Ruff (as Babe Hardy)

Mates and Models
Mates and Models (1919)
A Nutty Artist (as Babe Hardy)

Yaps and Yokels
Yaps and Yokels (1919)
The Hired Hand (as Babe Hardy)

Mules and Mortgages
Mules and Mortgages (1919)
Strongarm (as Babe Hardy)

Bungs and Bunglers
Bungs and Bunglers (1919)
Al K. Hall (as Babe Hardy)

Hop, the Bellhop
Hop, the Bellhop (1919)
Solomon Soop (as Babe Hardy)

Bright and Early
Bright and Early (1918)
The Boss (as Babe Hardy)

The King of the Kitchen
The King of the Kitchen (1918)
A German customer (as Babe Hardy)

Painless Love
Painless Love (1918)
Dr. Hurts (as Babe Hardy)

Hello Trouble
Hello Trouble (1918)
A devoted husband (as Babe Hardy)

His Day Out
His Day Out (1918)

He's in Again
He's in Again (1918)
Head Waiter (as Babe Hardy)

The Orderly
The Orderly (1918)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Scholar
The Scholar (1918)
(as Babe Hardy)

Playmates (1918)
Kid (as Babe Hardy)

The Straight and Narrow
The Straight and Narrow (1918)
His former cellmate (as Babe Hardy)

The Rogue
The Rogue (1918)
Cafe Owner (as Babe Hardy)

The Stranger
The Stranger (1918)
Oliver, the saloonkeeper

Beauties in Distress
Beauties in Distress (1918)
(as Babe Hardy)

Business Before Honesty
Business Before Honesty (1918)
The Blind Man (as Babe Hardy)

The Handy Man
The Handy Man (1918)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Messenger
The Messenger (1918)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Band Master
The Band Master (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

A Mix Up in Hearts
A Mix Up in Hearts (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

Bad Kate
Bad Kate (1917)

Back Stage
Back Stage (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

Cupid's Rival
Cupid's Rival (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Pest
The Pest (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Boycotted Baby
The Boycotted Baby (1917)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

The Chief Cook
The Chief Cook (1917)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

The Millionaire
The Millionaire (1917)
The mother-in-law (as Babe Hardy)

His Movie Mustache
His Movie Mustache (1917)

Wanted - A Bad Man
Wanted - A Bad Man (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

Dough Nuts
Dough Nuts (1917)
Babe, the chef (as Babe Hardy)

Terrible Kate
Terrible Kate (1917)

The Other Girl
The Other Girl (1917)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

The Candy Kid
The Candy Kid (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

Это не моя комната
Это не моя комната (1917)

This Is Not My Room (0.00)
(не подтверждено)

The Villain
The Villain (1917)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

The Slave
The Slave (1917)
The Sultan of Bacteria

The Goat
The Goat (1917)
His Neighbor (as Babe Hardy)

The Love Bugs
The Love Bugs (1917)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

The Hero
The Hero (1917)
The Hero's Rival (as Babe Hardy)

Бродяга (1917)

The Hobo (5.20)
Harold (как Babe Hardy)

Little Nell
Little Nell (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Fly Cop
The Fly Cop (1917)
Proprietor (as Babe Hardy)

The Modiste
The Modiste (1917)
(as Babe Hardy)

Life Savers
Life Savers (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Baby Doll
Baby Doll (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Prize Winners
Prize Winners (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Mr. Boob Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Lottery Man
The Lottery Man (1916)
Maggie Murphy

The Reformers
The Reformers (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

An Aerial Joyride
An Aerial Joyride (1916)

He Winked and Won
He Winked and Won (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Love and Duty
Love and Duty (1916)
Pvt. Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Battle Royal
The Battle Royal (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Hired and Fired
Hired and Fired (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

Their Vacation
Their Vacation (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

A Maid to Order
A Maid to Order (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Schemers
The Schemers (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Bouncing Baby
Bouncing Baby (1916)
The baby

Better Halves
Better Halves (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Mamma's Boys
Mamma's Boys (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Sea Dogs
Sea Dogs (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Brave Ones
The Brave Ones (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Twin Flats
Twin Flats (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Pipe Dreams
Pipe Dreams (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Human Hounds
Human Hounds (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Serenade
The Serenade (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Candy Trail
The Candy Trail (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Nerve and Gasoline
Nerve and Gasoline (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Artist's Model
The Artist's Model (1916)

Royal Blood
Royal Blood (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Mother's Child
Mother's Child (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Bungles Lands a Job
Bungles Lands a Job (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

Chickens (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

Fat and Fickle
Fat and Fickle (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Never Again
Never Again (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

A Warm Reception
A Warm Reception (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

Bungles' Elopement
Bungles' Elopement (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

День в школе
День в школе (1916)

A Day at School (0.00)
Plump (как Babe Hardy)

Spaghetti (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Bungles' Rainy Day
Bungles' Rainy Day (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

Sidetracked (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

A Terrible Tragedy
A Terrible Tragedy (1916)
Markoff (as Babe Hardy)

Busted Hearts
Busted Hearts (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

Dreamy Knights
Dreamy Knights (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Their Honeymoon
Their Honeymoon (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Edison Bugg's Invention
Edison Bugg's Invention (1916)
The Chief (as Babe Hardy)

Перестарался (1916)

One Too Many (4.40)
Plump (как Babe Hardy)

Thirty Days
Thirty Days (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Frenzied Finance
Frenzied Finance (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

This Way Out
This Way Out (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

A Special Delivery
A Special Delivery (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Ambitious Ethel
Ambitious Ethel (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Try Out
The Try Out (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

He Went and Won
He Went and Won (1916)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Heroes
The Heroes (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

All for a Girl
All for a Girl (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Guilty Ones
The Guilty Ones (1916)
Babe (as Babe Hardy)

The Precious Parcel
The Precious Parcel (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Aunt Bill
Aunt Bill (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

A Sticky Affair
A Sticky Affair (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Hungry Hearts
Hungry Hearts (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

The Water Cure
The Water Cure (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Stranded (1916)
Plump (as Babe Hardy)

Jiggs (as Babe Hardy)

Gus and the Anarchists
Gus and the Anarchists (1915)
Tom Dreck (as Babe Hardy)

Who Stole the Doggies?
Who Stole the Doggies? (1915)
Murphy, the Cop

The Crazy Clock Maker
The Crazy Clock Maker (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Midnight Prowlers
The Midnight Prowlers (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

Strangled Harmony
Strangled Harmony (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

Baby (1915)

Cupid's Target
Cupid's Target (1915)
Bob (as Babe Hardy)

Safety Worst
Safety Worst (1915)
Bill Jones (as Babe Hardy)

Mixed and Fixed
Mixed and Fixed (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Dead Letter
The Dead Letter (1915)
Mateo (as Babe Hardy)

What He Forgot
What He Forgot (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

(as O.N. Hardy)

Food for Kings and Riley
Food for Kings and Riley (1915)
Servant (as O.N. Hardy)

An Expensive Visit
An Expensive Visit (1915)

It May Be You
It May Be You (1915)
Paul Simmons (as O.N. Hardy)

Babe's School Days
Babe's School Days (1915)
Ikie Ikestein (as Babe Hardy)

A Janitor's Joyful Job
A Janitor's Joyful Job (1915)
Melinda Rousseau (as Babe Hardy)

Shoddy the Tailor
Shoddy the Tailor (1915)
Policeman (as Babe Hardy)

Ethel's Romeos
Ethel's Romeos (1915)
Jake Stimpson (as Babe Hardy)

Not Much Force
Not Much Force (1915)
City Councilman (as O.N. Hardy)

What a Cinch
What a Cinch (1915)
Chief Myers (as Babe Hardy)

A Lucky Strike
A Lucky Strike (1915)
Bill Myers

Professor Arm. Strong (as O.N. Hardy)

Matilda's Legacy
Matilda's Legacy (1915)
Fatty Waite

Something in Her Eye
Something in Her Eye (1915)
The Grocer (as Babe Hardy)

Mixed Flats
Mixed Flats (1915)
Bob White

They Looked Alike
They Looked Alike (1915)
Pedestrian (as Babe Hardy)

The Cannibal King
The Cannibal King (1915)
Willie (as Babe Hardy)

Capturing Bad Bill
Capturing Bad Bill (1915)
Member of the posse (as Babe Hardy)

Poor Baby
Poor Baby (1915)
Matilda's sweetheart (as O.N. Hardy)

Spaghetti a la Mode
Spaghetti a la Mode (1915)
Cook (as Babe Hardy)

Love, Pepper and Sweets
Love, Pepper and Sweets (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

Speed Kings
Speed Kings (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

Pressing Business
Pressing Business (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Tramps
The Tramps (1915)

Ups and Downs
Ups and Downs (1915)
Shifty Mike (as Babe Hardy)

Cleaning Time
Cleaning Time (1915)
John Herringbone (as Babe Hardy)

Fatty's Fatal Fun
Fatty's Fatal Fun (1915)
Fatty (as Babe Hardy)

Avenging Bill
Avenging Bill (1915)
Bill, the Grocer's Boy (as Babe Hardy)

The Haunted Hat
The Haunted Hat (1915)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Prize Baby
The Prize Baby (1915)
Bill, the Prize Baby (as Babe Hardy)

The Twin Sister
The Twin Sister (1915)
Bill Bolt

Clothes Make the Man
Clothes Make the Man (1915)
Rastus (as O.N. Hardy)

Outwitting Dad
Outwitting Dad (1914)
Reggie Kewp (as O.N. Hardy)

He Wanted His Pants
He Wanted His Pants (1914)
A Cop (as Babe Hardy)

Back to the Farm
Back to the Farm (1914)
(as Babe Hardy)

He Won a Ranch
He Won a Ranch (1914)
A Cowboy (as Babe Hardy)

A Tango Tragedy
A Tango Tragedy (1914)
(as Babe Hardy)

The Daddy of Them All
The Daddy of Them All (1914)
Peitzheimer (as Babe Hardy)

The Female Cop
The Female Cop (1914)
Boob Cop (as Babe Hardy)

His Sudden Recovery
His Sudden Recovery (1914)
Mr. Jones (as Babe Hardy)

They Bought a Boat
They Bought a Boat (1914)
Cabin Boy (as Babe Hardy)

The Rise of the Johnsons
The Rise of the Johnsons (1914)
The Grocery Man

A Brewerytown Romance
A Brewerytown Romance (1914)
Cassidy (as Babe Hardy)

The Honor of the Force
The Honor of the Force (1914)
Fattie (as Babe Hardy)

Dobs at the Shore
Dobs at the Shore (1914)
Meggie Heckla (as Babe Hardy)

Mother's Baby Boy
Mother's Baby Boy (1914)
Percival Pilkins (as Babe Hardy)

Building a Fire
Building a Fire (1914)
Policeman (as Babe Hardy)

She Married for Love
She Married for Love (1914)
An Onlooker (as Babe Hardy)

Cy (as Babe Hardy)

A Fool There Was
A Fool There Was (1914)
Traffic Cop (as Babe Hardy)

Never Too Old
Never Too Old (1914)
Phil (as Babe Hardy)

Weary Willie's Rags
Weary Willie's Rags (1914)
Hotel Clerk (as Babe Hardy)

She Was the Other
She Was the Other (1914)
Cutie (as Babe Hardy)

Jealous James
Jealous James (1914)
Grocery Boy (as Babe Hardy)

For Two Pins
For Two Pins (1914)
A Policeman (as Babe Hardy)

The Kidnapped Bride
The Kidnapped Bride (1914)
Daniel Cassidy (as Babe Hardy)

The Fresh Air Cure
The Fresh Air Cure (1914)
Morris Silverstein (as Babe Hardy)

When the Ham Turned
When the Ham Turned (1914)
Bartender (as Babe Hardy)

Kidnapping the Kid
Kidnapping the Kid (1914)
Willie Gold (as Babe Hardy)

The Smuggler's Daughter
The Smuggler's Daughter (1914)
Gwendolyn's Father (as Babe Hardy)

The Particular Cowboys
The Particular Cowboys (1914)
A Cowboy (as Babe Hardy)

Who's Boss?
Who's Boss? (1914)
(as Babe Hardy)

Long May It Wave
Long May It Wave (1914)
The King (as Babe Hardy)

Fred, the Simp (as Babe Hardy)

Good Cider
Good Cider (1914)
Hiram (as Babe Hardy)

Pins Are Lucky
Pins Are Lucky (1914)
Peter Pelton (as O.N. Hardy)

Worms Will Turn
Worms Will Turn (1914)
A Policeman (as Babe Hardy)

The Green Alarm
The Green Alarm (1914)
Mike (as O.N. Hardy)

He Wanted Work
He Wanted Work (1914)
The Foreman (as Babe Hardy)

Casey's Birthday
Casey's Birthday (1914)
A Policeman (as Babe Hardy)

Making Auntie Welcome
Making Auntie Welcome (1914)
Grocery Boy (as Babe Hardy)

Ollie - Motion Picture Short Berth Marks (хроника)


Self (хроника)

Ollie (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Oliver Hardy


 Self 1 episode, 1953

(как O.N. Hardy)


(как O.N. Hardy)


(как O.N. Hardy)


Burglar (как O.N. Hardy)

Mr. Hardy

Ollie (хроника)





Self (хроника) (как Laurel & Hardy)

Self - Double Act (хроника)

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Себя (хроника)

Себя (хроника)

Себя (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Comedy Heroes
Comedy Heroes (2005)
Himself (хроника)

Himself / Various roles (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Himself (хроника)

Вот это развлечение! Часть 3
Вот это развлечение! Часть 3 (1994)

That's Entertainment! III (7.70)
Himself (clip from "Hollywood Party") (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Себя (хроника)

Tango Bar
Tango Bar (1988)
Himself (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Himself (хроника)

Classic Comedy Teams
Classic Comedy Teams (1986)
Себя (хроника)

 Себя (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует) (1 episode, 1988)

Кокон (1985)

Cocoon (6.60)
Себя, film clip from 'Flying Deuces' (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Himself (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Dance of the Cookoos
Dance of the Cookoos (1982)
Himself (хроника)

Бруклинский мост
Бруклинский мост (1981)

Brooklyn Bridge (7.90)
Себя (clip from "Way Out West") (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Funny Business
Funny Business (1978)
Himself (хроника)

Hooray for Hollywood
Hooray for Hollywood (1975)
Himself (хроника)

Salute to Stan Laurel
Salute to Stan Laurel (1965)
Himself (хроника)

Zebra in the Kitchen
Zebra in the Kitchen (1965)
Himself (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Голливуд без грима
Голливуд без грима (1963)

Hollywood Without Make-Up (7.10)
Себя (хроника)

Дни страха и смеха
Дни страха и смеха (1961)

Days of Thrills and Laughter (7.30)
Себя (хроника)

One Moment Please
One Moment Please (1956)

Himself (хроника)

Himself - in a Jeep in Parade (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)


Himself (в титрах отсутствует)

Парад фильмов
Парад фильмов (1933)

The Film Parade (7.40)
Себя, film clip (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Себя (в титрах отсутствует)

This Is Music Hall
This Is Music Hall (0)


Топ 250
Реквием по мечте
Requiem for a Dream (8.50)
The Pianist (8.50)
Жизнь прекрасна
La vita è bella (8.50)
Vertigo (8.50)
Жизнь других
Das Leben der Anderen (8.50)
Звездные войны: Эпизод 6 - Возвращение Джедая
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (8.40)
Gladiator (8.40)
Храброе сердце
Braveheart (8.40)
Зеленая миля
The Green Mile (8.40)
Бешеные псы
Reservoir Dogs (8.40)
весь топ
Кастинг: великие комики и семейные тайны

Как удалось узнать порталу The Hollywood Reporter, Стив КуганАлан Партридж») и Джон С. РейллиЧикаго») исполнят главные роли в фильме Stan and Ollie («Стэн и Олли») — байопике культовых комиков Стэна Лорела и Оливера Харди. Работу над проектом, который описывается как посвящение двум самым смешным актерам за всю историю кинематографа, ведет британская студия BBC Films. Драма расскажет о периоде, когда уже стареющие звезды давали выступления по всей Великобритании. Именно тогда дуэт осознал, что их золотая эра подошла к концу. Но, несмотря на малое количество зрителей, посещавших концерты, выступления комиков вскоре стали популярными. Это помогло Стэну и Олли не только порадовать давних поклонников, но и обрести новых. Сценарий к картине написал Джефф ПоупФиломена»), а режиссерское кресло займет Джон С. Бейрд, ранее снявший криминальную драму «Грязь» с Джеймсом МакЭвоем. Продюсированием проекта занимается Фэй Уорд. Кристин Ланган, глава BBC Films, отметила, что Рейлли и Куган — это кастинг мечты, и что актеры смогут достоверно и увлекательно рассказать зрителям о необыкновенном творческом дуэте комиков. Байопик Лорела и Харди не единственный проект, на который подписался Куган. Так, сообщается, что актер вместе с Ричардом ГиромКрасотка»), Лорой ЛинниТаинственная река»), Ребеккой ХоллВики Кристина Барселона») и Клоэ СевиньиГуммо») примет участие в съемках ленты The Dinner («Ужин»*). В основу фильма будет положен одноименный роман Германа Коха, адаптацией которого занимался Орен МоверманПосланник»). Он же впоследствии возглавит съемки картины. По сюжету, Пол (Куган) и Клэр Ломаны (Линни) готовятся к ужину со Стэном (Гир), братом Пола, и его женой Барбарой (Холл). Братья давно находятся не в ладах, поскольку Стэн — успешный политик, претендующий на пост губернатора, а Пол — безработный, затаивший обиду на брата. За ужином выясняется, что их дети скрывают страшную тайну — они совершили чудовищное преступление, и теперь семьям предстоит решить, что же делать дальше. Калдекот Чубб, Лоуренс Ингли, Эдди Вайзман и Джулия Лебедев выступят в качестве продюсеров будущего фильма. * — предварительный вариант перевода.... подробнее